Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How 12 Angry Men Can, Astonishingly, Turn Your Life Around

If there's one thing you can do for someone you love, someone you know who's troubled or someone you know who needs desperate help and nothing has really worked for them, then get them a copy of the astonishing movie - 12 Angry Men

And, if it's you who is in a dilemma about where your life is going or what you really want or where your best work is, then get this movie for yourself and watch it again and again and again.

So what's so astonishing about this movie that gets me writing about it and has me telling you to invest part of your life in it... what's so astonishing about it?

To start with, you'll find secret lessons slip into your mind... the kind of lessons you'll not learn in any book or formal course of teaching.

And I'm not going to spoil things by telling you exactly what happens in this movie but what I will say that the movie contains one of the most destructive and the most creative aspects in how each one of us lives our lives -- our minds.

And sure, you may have heard that all before and you may have read a thousand and one books on the subject and it's probable that it's all rushed passed you and if you've heard it one time then you've heard it a thousand times before and I understand that...

But let me suggest something to you that when you hear or see the same subject matter and you view it in an entirely NEW way and you take it in in a completely new way then it'll hit you like a thousand volts of electricity. It'll be like a whooshing energy picking you up and somehow gently forcing you to see things differently because that's where ALL the problems and answers happen in life -- in HOW WE SEE THINGS!

So, with these 12, adult, grown up men, we get to see how they've been conditioned to their personal thinking and their assumptions and their prejudices and their ideals and their viewpoints and their rationale and their beliefs that are all soaked up in their own personal drama and tragedy.

And then, piece by piece, evidence after evidence, thought after thought, conversation after conversation, anger after anger, the mind... shifts.

Theirs... as well as ours!

Imagine, the point of view we hold so firmly and so closely and so desperately cling to, simply vanishes into thin air!

And it's so beautiful to see and it's so magnificent to witness and it all takes your breath away because right there, right on that very screeen, we're seeing our own hardened arteries and our own drama of life and our own stubborn ideas and fears... melt and wither and deflate and it's just tearful when it happens... I mean, really, it's just tearful and heart wrenching because, possibly, for the very first time, we can see how we're living a hardened assumptive lie and we've wasted an enormous amount of time immersed in that lie... and now, without even realising it, there's an opening, a way out of this mind game, a clear path to walk on... and each one of us can experience it.

So now if you're simply looking for a dramtic movie to keep you entertained over the coming weeks, then 12 Angry Men, fits, perfectly.

However, if you're looking to also have your life be forever changed and if you're open to that astonishing possibility, then I invite you to witness a miracle in motion by seeing... 12 Angry Men because it's just too good a life changing lesson to pass by.

Raja Hireker

(And if you do buy it and you do see it and it doesn't create a stir within you in a dramatic way then just send the movie to me - email me for address - and I'll pay you whatever you spent to get it... plus 50% extra on top of that)

(coming soon)

Monday, December 08, 2008

Our Day IS Our Whole Life!

What if it was your birthday... every single day... would you like that? And, what if you realised that every time you went to sleep, you weren't sure if you'd wake up -- now how would you like that!

Well, let me suggest something to you that you may not have realised till now. It's this: Every single moment, we're born anew. That's right. And if every single moment we're born anew, that means, the old us, dies away... every single moment.

How does all that sit with you? Are you comfortable with it?

Okay, so when you haven't seen someone in a while, and then you do, you'd have noticed they would have aged a little, their nails may be a little longer, their hair may not be as you know it to be, their voice or their complexion or their language or something would have changed.

But what happens if you instead, see that same person, every single day... it's true that the visible signs of change, wouldn't be so visible.

So what does this all mean?

It means that we are changing at lightning fast speeds that we can't even see it. It means that we're just like a candle flame -- renewing and dying away and renewing and dying away... hundreds, thousands, even millions of times a day.

It also means this -- Our Day IS Our Whole Life!

And if you get that and if you absorb that and if you totally immerse yourself in the truth of that statement, you'll revere and treasure and totally respect you, your life and the relationship you have with those in your life... because when you really get that when you put your head on the pillow, and you close your eyes and you fall into a deep sleep, where do you go... where are you at that time... aren't you in other words, dead to the world?

Oh how I wish you really really get that because it WILL set your life alight. You'll NEVER look at your life in the same way again. And that's a good thing because let's face it, most of us are in this cosy world of make believe that we're somehow going to live forever and that we're somewhat immortal and there are plenty of days left for "living the best years of our lives".

There's no truth in that and it's nothing more than a hopeless pile of self contaminated hype and we do want to live in the truth, don't we? Life is the present moment and nothing more. We wake up to a new day. Let's think of it as our birthday. Because it is... it's the birth of a new day.

And we can live our day as if it's our last day. And when we get ready for bed, it's like we're not there, when we're in that deep sleep. It's like placing the garland of flowers around our necks... just like when someone dies in the East.

And then, when the birds chirp and the sun creeps in through the crack in the curtain, it's a new day. It's our birthday again. Hooray!! Here, have a slice of birthday cake. And why not have it be like that... everyday... because, our day, IS our whole life!!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

A Vote for Personal Dedication

Whilst global euphoria settles, Barack Obama has gone to work. To work on... MAKING THINGS WORK. To back up his commitment and dedication to his message of change.

There's a strong but scary belief that America's icon President is simply going to radically change the lives of not only millions of Americans, but the lives of millions all around the world.

In America, there's a strong current of belief filtering into the mindstream of many that says, "we don't have to do anything because we've elected the right man for the job and all our worries, miseries, bad fortune... will be washed away... we're free, thank the lord we are free".

It's simply not true.

It's as if winning the race for the Presidency will automatically mean that everyone will be instantly transformed! How dangerous is that!

Oh, how many of us wish for that to happen in our own lives. To be taken out of one's current misery, and then, transported on the wave of emotion to an equivalent White House of our own.

If Barack Obama thought like that, he'd have never dreamt of 'going into' politics... let alone become the President of America in one of the most beautifully created campaigns you'd ever wish to see.

And for me, he IS a global icon. Bigger than any pop star, sports person, artist, writer, business person, you name it A TRUE role model. A person EVERYONE can learn from. And what has he got that we all look for in ourselves?

How about fierce dedication. How about unrelenting persistence. How about the courage and strength to stand up for what one believes. How about perfecting and practising his communication skills. How about the love for his family. How about the ability to lead himself and others. How about acting and doing, rather than wishing and hoping. How about voting for and believing in, oneself...

He's created a stir in the world like no other human being that I can think of. And, as with any significant victory, one cannot do it in isolation. Nothing creates impact like spirited cooperation. Nothing. And we should all bear that in mind, because...

It's hard being a successful hermit.

Monday, November 03, 2008

The Powerful Stupidity of Non Judgement

Have you ever read or heard the 'wise ones' when they say, "oh, the key to extraordinary living happens when we're non judgemental."

I used to believe that. I used to think that I'd reach some sort of exalted celestial status when I incorporate non judgment into my everyday existence. To my every moment.

I bought into all that. And what a futile and hopeless instruction that was.

That's because the job of the mind, is to judge. That's its JOB!

Now, I fully understand and practice being non jugdemental when the need arises. And what I mean by non-judgemental is observing but without giving comment. Without letting the full force of my mind let loose on the issue at hand.

So, I can see the news of global financial chaos. I can hear all about the incompetence of people in high places. I can give no thought to the football team playing such a lousy game.

I can practice non judgement.

However, when you ask someone who is TOTALLY into all this 'non judgement movement' and you ask them, "what exactly do you mean by non judgement and when do you DO this non judgemental stuff... how does that all work?"

Naturally I get the long long silence and the wide eyed stare that tells me I'm either the president of the loony society or that I'm some sort of mad hatter prankster playing one heavy joke on them.

The fact of the matter is we're ALL practicing the practice of... being judgemental.

A person first has to judge that they're going to practice being non judgemental. That kind of puts a hole in the entire thinking, doesn't it?

Once again, the job of the mind, is to judge. And it's doing it EVERY MOMENT.

Is it rainy or sunny... am I tired or not... am I hungry or not... will I exercise or not... will I write or not... will I wear black or blue... will I have coffee or tea... will I watch this channel or this...

There's no mystery. There's no science. There's no deeper hidden meaning to the idea of being judgemental. There's no one coming down to give you a whack across the knuckles because you've been a bad bad judgemental person.

If you really want to use the power of being non judgmental, do it when trauma, sorrow, negativity strikes you. Attach NO story or judgment to it all.

If a long term client says they do not want to conduct business with you ever again, attach no story to that. But instead, get busy at creating better quality relationships with others.

If family members decide to 'let you have it', you can practice saying nothing. Doing nothing. Being, nothing. That is, if you're looking for peace harmony and happiness... for yourself.

And of course, there will be times when you will want to put your best case forward. And that's nothing more than the sheer beauty of... being judgemental... in a relaxed and loving way!

If you're not aware of what you're mentally letting into your brain, you'll have your senses scrubbed clean of all its goodness and quality, and instead, without you ever realising, it'll be replaced with the confusion and drama from those who really have no idea what the hell they are talking about.

And if you let it go on long enough, you'll find that your life will simply drift, drfit drift on the waves of assumption and conjecture.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Practice Your Beauty

There's a saying in Chinese martial arts;

"Miss One day of practice and you know it. Miss two days and your teacher knows it. Miss three days and everyone knows it!"

Have you ever studied somebody like Bruce Lee? I mean really studied him and his life? Not many people may think it worthwhile to do so. That's okay. But see, when you understand and fully GET the opening saying to this blog, you'll see the magic and wonder of what it means to own a beautiful life.

Take a look at Bruce Lee's physique in the picture above. Pretty amazing, isn't it? And it isn't that Lee had super extraordinary talent or anything like that. No. What Lee had -- and this is true for ANYONE you consider successful -- Lee had developed a passion for practice.

Yes. That's right. Lee practiced and practiced until he reached a level of mastery. A level that was too intense for the rest. He practiced. Intensely. And if he skipped practice - well - everyone would soon find out.

Consider a business owner who's constantly into one drama or another when it comes to creating a profitable business. What's their current level of practice towards creating those profits?

Well, it may surprise you to even hear the idea of practice when speaking about business. Well, creating a physique and becoming a supreme martial artist like Bruce Lee is no different than being a super fine business person with a delicious enviable lifestyle - both need practice.

And, when practice towards creating excellence in any area or endeavour fizzles by the wayside, it is instantly replaced by sloppiness, frustration and anguish. And yes, you know it... the world knows it.

There's a beauty in Lee's life. Martial arts. And just as it's so for the writer, the business person, the home creator, the teacher, the administrator, the mother, the spouse, the politician... whoever it may be... once that art and craft is practiced and then practiced some more until it reaches a level of beautiful mastery, then they too will reach the levels of greatness most only gawp at.

Success is in the commitment to the practice. And it's an open book. Where there's frustration and lack of results - simply take a look at the person's practice routine. You'll find all you'll ever need to know about how to fix what's not working.

Practice your beauty. The world's waiting for you to show them what you've got.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Life of Pathetic Excuses

When I read the quote below by Woody Allen, it helped my thinking in terms of how to get across a specific message.

Here's the quote;

"The biggest life lesson I learned is that you have to discipline yourself to do the work. If you want to accomplish something, you can't spend time hemming and hawing, and making excuses. You actually have to do it. I still have to go home every single day, know where I am, what I'm doing - and include 45 minutes of practice on my clarinet because I want to play. I want to write, too, so I get up, go in, close the door and write. You can't string paper clips and get a pad ready and play around."

Now isn't THAT a breath of clarity and freshness!

See, there's no room for living an excuse based life when we really get Woody and what he's up to regarding his own personal success.

But here's the truth of it from the many I hear who want a different life, but do nothing different to make things happen.

And the truth is - we love to rejoice in the miserable story of our own ineffectiveness because it takes us AWAY from the fix; the cure; the solution.

And that means... ACTION! Momentum. Flow. Movement.

There IS a tremendous fear of success for many. Those looking for a better life, really do speak a good life... they really do paint a picture of success and happiness... they really do convince themselves and others around them that they're making strides... but you know... there's no evidence to support all that. It's all smoke and mirrors puffery... illusionary make believe activity.

However, what there is an abundance of is a ton of airplay in the number one hit - "THE MISERY OF MY LIFE".

When I found myself making excuses for what I was up to, it drained me. I felt zapped, continuously. My energy levels would hit an all time low. My mumbling language gave the game away. My nervousness troubled my self-concept and weakened it to a shivering wreck.

And I'm glad I experienced all that because I can see from both sides of the fence. A life of excuses... and... a life of activity and momentum based on what I want.

Imagine Woody playing around with his paper clips and doodling on his notepad instead of creating his masterful work!!?

He would have cheated the world of his contribution. But no, he's giving us all he's got.

So, are you merely doodling and chucking paperclips... or are you doing the WORK to create your own masterpiece for us to marvel at?

Friday, October 10, 2008

When's The Next Tantrum Storm Coming?

Yanking one's hair out because the kids are screaming... flying off the handle because of absorbing harsh words... experiencing heart pounding panic because of a lack of cash coming in... frustration and despair setting in because of an un-finished project or a job left undone... biting ones bankruptcy nails because of the chaos in the business...

It seems to be 'the way' many of us handle all the 'unwanted things' in life. And as a world collective, we're not 'trained' in any other way to deal with it all than what we currently, do.

Would you like a NEW way to look at the same situation? You would! Great. Because if you really catch this distinction and you make it an everyday way of looking of looking at things in your life, things'll change for you... rapidly.

So, frustration... hurt... fear... sadness... misery... sorrow... pain... worry... dejection... rejection... depression... are nothing more than a protest against reality. Against truth. Against what's real and what's occurring.

Now, quite simply, the more we kick and fuss and moan about reality and truth, the more out of synch and the more out of control we are.

I lose out on a big lucrative contract for the work I do. The 'normal' way of reacting would be to take it all seriously and get all analytical and all that. It may help to do that. For a while.

However, if I make it a continual practice of being committed to the process of misery, sadness and dejection... I'm playing into the game of what society, the media, those around say is... the right thing to feel.

You know, "there there, it'll be fine... just take your time... it's okay to feel bad about it all... doesn't matter that you're depressed, moody and can't cope, there are specialists who can deal with all of that... you've a right to feel like that, it's normal and natural..."

Now to me, that's kind of ... the WRONG way to do it! Now, that's my personal opinion and I can give you that opinion because I've been in that horrible, unwanted situation... so I'm speaking from the baseline of truth and reality.

And when I kicked against what occurred (truth and reality), I experienced an even deeper tantrum about what the heck was going on. It wasn't the situation that was screwed up, I was messed up. I messed up in the way I looked and dealt with the situation.

I tried to throttle the reality of the situation without understanding that I'm kicking against nature... the wind... gravity... old age. It's a hopeless conversation I entertain in the confines of my own head... again and again and again... just like a rerun of a thoroughly BAD movie. And my, doesn't it feel oh so comfortable!

I think I must have played the tantrum game against reality for a couple of decades... in one way or another.

However, when I realised that I'd been cheating myself, my family and the world out of the contribution I could make, turnaround happened.

And, a similar turnaround can happen for anyone... at anytime... anyplace... no matter what the kicking tantrum is all about.

So, the antidote to a protest, a tantrum against reality... is to get into creative action in order to serve others with the unique contribution we can deliver.

Now tell me... isn't that a more beautiful way to live... isn't that a more pleasant way to deal with the brewing storm that may be just over the horizon?

Monday, September 29, 2008

Bail Yourself Out!!

If you haven't heard, there seems to have been a little housekeeping blunder. And, it seems as if the WHOLE WORLD has experienced the knock on effect.


And not only that, but, who is coming to the rescue for this financial debacle? That's right, the government.

Both here in the UK and, in the US.

Seems pretty amazing, doesn't it... financial institutions that pride themselves on being the bedrock of delivering sound financial advice, are in turmoil and are begging the government to bail them out. But look, there's a teeny problem - the government themselves are in huge financial borrowing debt!

Do you get the chilling feeling that there's something not quite right here?

I mean, here we've been told all along to trust the financial institutions with our money, loans, mortgages, etc and... to have faith in the government who now in turn will use tax payers' money to bail out the incompetents!

There's something in all this that should've hit home hard. And that is to BAIL YOURSELF OUT regarding whatever is going on in your life that has you in a dilemma.

I mean, it's easy to sit back and blame everything and everyone with what's going on around us. I mean, it's really easy to do that.

But see, if we walk that particular path, we're nothing but victims. We've lost all our power. We may as well let ourselves roll over and let everything just happen to us.

Not a great way to live, right?

Well, there's a choice to make. And, we can all make it. And that choice is to take full responsibility to become more skillful at creating a life that's immune to criticism, recession and the daft toxic nonsense of those in so called 'authoritative power'.

I think it's high time to create our own power. To create a vision based on what's important to us and not what the outside world tells us.

And you know, there's a sense of personal development, pride and power when we depend on ourselves to bail ourselves out. To trust ourselves. To create solutions.

Quite possibly, it could be our greatest accomplishment to date!

And the next time you see people in high places tooting their own greatness and their own importance, just remember the fact that the so called economic super powers of the world are themselves running their countries into debt through their utter mismanagement.

I think it's time to detach from playing the game that way, don't you?


Monday, September 15, 2008

It's Not Lazy... It's COWARDLY!

"Oh man, I'm just too lazy to do that. I won't get into that just now. I'll give it a go a little later..."

Ever said that line?

I have. And do I ever see the long term ramifications of THAT kind of language and the effect that it has on my life!

See, I used to believe that if I just say I'm lazy and have all of that slumpy heavy heaving of the breath and body that goes along with it, then that'll be the end of it - and that's whether it's getting an application completed, hopping down to the shops to pick up some shopping, visiting or phoning friends and family, getting into some social gathering or whatever - then, I'll use that TOO LAZY line, pretty regularly.

But you know, being too lazy is just a cop out. It's a cowardly way to STOP me from getting into ACTION.

That's right.

Because, when I say I'm too lazy, it's somewhat easier on the ego. It's somewhat socially acceptable. More socially acceptable than saying I'm too cowardly to get into some kind of action because what's really at the core here is that I'm too FEARFUL of moving forwards. I'm too happy with laying low instead of RISING UP. I'm too focussed on holding back instead of getting into action.

If only I knew better, earlier.

So, when I get out of bed, and I see the unemployed exercise apparatus in the corner there, hoping someone will pick it up and use it, I can lay low and say I'm too tired and too lazy to get into action and use the stuff, or, I can look forward to a period of intense adventure and love the energy of it all!

I could get into the socially acceptable club and say I didn't sleep too well so that's why I'm feeling tired and don't feel like doing the stuff that's good for my body, or, I can say... 'screw this cowardly stuff, I'm getting my mind and body energised!"

There's a TOTALLY different way of living for both sets of paticipators. And taking that a little further -- the results in almost every area of life can be guessed at with relative certainty to the results based on that simple example.

Is there much you've put off because of saying you're too lazy... that you're okay with laying low... that you're fine with hanging back...?!

Well, there's a DIFFERENT way to BE, if you embrace what's just gone on here in this post.

Have an Un-cowardly week!


Monday, September 08, 2008

Yes You! A Masterpiece in Motion

What if you could live each day as if it was a beautiful, creative masterpiece... would you then think of living any other way?

It's an interesting question and I've a friend who's been instrumental in helping me live that way - to make my day a masterpiece - just like the Taj Mahal.

And, unlike the Taj Mahal - which took years to create - living a masterpiece of a day can happen, the MOMENT we decide to think and then ACT in that very way.

So, what do I really MEAN, to create a masterpiece of a day - how EXACTLY do I go about doing that?

Well, when you really get that each day is a series of moments and within each moment we have the power to create whatever we want, once we realise that, we then have a platform to base things on.

So, my language to the family in the morning can be one of true, joyous excitement. I mean, we were all on holiday every night so doesn't it add a spark to life when you realise that, "wow, we're meeting again!"

What do you think all that does for the family environment?

When I'm into my work, I can create each written communication, each conversation, each project with detailed care and attention; as if it was a loving, priceless masterpiece.

I can reach a different level because of my intention to serve others at a higher level than they've previously experienced.

Creating a masterpiece in ANYTHING, can bring the most extraordinary rewards.

A gentleman by the name of Steve Hardison charges 150k per client per year, because of his ability to be FULLY ATTENTIVE, to LISTEN DEEPLY, to be FEARLESS and DIRECT in his communication.

He is a masterpiece in motion.

We are ALL, a masterpiece in motion.

We've just have to PRACTICE it more. So it too, reaches the level of mastery.

And, anyone you care to name whom you consider successful, has mastered the art of PRACTISING their particular masterpiece.

They're into the stuff that turns them on... that lights their fire... that has their spirit dancing around like it never wants to sleep.
There's just too much music in them and they just want to get it out and share it with the world!

Now THAT'S living a masterpiece of a day.

So tell me - and more importantly - tell YOU when you're going to begin creating your daily masterpiece!

Raja C. Hireker

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Starting YOU, All Over Again...

Let's play a game.

Let's pretend for a second you don't know who you are or what your history is. Let's pretend that you don't have a memory about the story of your life. Let's pretend that you don't know anything about the pain or anguish you may have experienced.

Let's play the game that says we're going to start life all over again, starting from nothing.

Are you in?

Now here's the beauty of all this; we get to BE who we want to be, from now on... forever!

And, if getting to BE someone else, somewhat troubles you, let me suggest that we've all BECOME someone else already.

We're all acting out a role, which, for many, they destest and can't stand. Most really do want to be, someone else.

But, what if we could step in front of all what may come our way over the next week, month, year... and... guide and steer the very life we own... what then?

See, when we start US over, we get to be as playful and curious as the little child that we all are. There's no mask, no insecurities, no judgements, no opinions... just pure, playful, loving adventure.

Would that be something... taking that child within us, with all the many beautiful characteristics outlined above, and then, import it all into our present life, into our very BEING... present day... and, from this day forward we're LIVING OUR LIFE with that story of a child, living naturally, gracefully, as a part of who we ARE!

I suggest there'll be a remarkable shift in your life if you step into this game.

And, if you're the kind of person who's open to the very possibilities of you and your life by the transformations that can occur simply out of thin air, you'll take this post rather more seriously than those wishing and hoping for a better life... and... who do nothing about it.

So, here's the dare... here's the challenge; over the next 7 days, live life as a little child - having no stories, no fears, no opinions about yourself and what you can or, cannot do.

Get a little notebook and notice what you notice about yourself. Write it all down. Notice what others around you seem to be experiencing because of this NATURAL you who's only playing the game from that sacred child space, that touched heart space where you live and perform at your creative best.

Test it. Challenge it. And see what comes out of it.

To the week ahead and to the YOU who's STARTING OVER.

Raja C. Hireker

Thursday, August 21, 2008

What ARE You Really Scared Of?

I asked him, "show me what's got you scared and put it on this plate here?"

He looked perplexed. Confused, even.

Again I pressed him - "show me what has you scared and fearful and put it on this plate?"

By now he was in a real state. In fact, I felt as if he was going to burst into tears. Or be sick. Or, something. So, I decided to go along another track.

"If we were at the surgeon's table, and we decided to look inside you, where do you think we'd find the thing that has you scared? Would it be in the lungs, near the kidneys... what about in your little toe... or, how about in the heart or liver?"

"And... if it is the fear of communicating effectively and saying what you want to say that has you in knots, where in your body do you think we'd find it all?"

A little smile appeared. His cheeks lifted a little. His shoulders were less tense. His breathing, lighter.

So again, I went a little further - always on the look out to pounce when the going's good!

"Okay, so we have your brain here, rolling about in this bowl. (I grabbed an apple and a cereal bowl to demonstrate the point - oh the joy of creativity!) Tell me now, if we were to open the little fella up, what do you think we'd find... would there be the list of fears you told me about?"

A picture of amazed puzzlement (I'm not sure if there's such a word, but, I like it!) spread across the chaps' face.

For, in that short, basic example, he GOT the fact that there's really nothing to be fearful or scared of at all. And, that it all lies outside of us, in the made up stories we tell.

Have YOU made up any stories recently... stories that have you frozen, inactive and just bumbling around in a haze?


Because, now, you can take them to the surgeon's table or the brain bowl, and... scalpel the living daylights out of them!!

Happy fear BASHing!

Raja C. Hireker

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Awesome POWER of... ONE!

If you look all around you in your life, you've no doubt noticed the scatty type thinking adopted by most.

Of course, you'll get into a wrestling match about what's scatty and, what's not from those who'll protest about it all.

However, if you wanted to rid the world around you of the scatty, bird brain thinking most have slithered into, there's a simply beautiful solution.

I'm talking about finding ONE source, ONE person, ONE book, ONE website to help us FIX whatever it is that's giving us our scatty thinking in an area of life we want to improve.

And I know that simply hearing that instruction will have many jumping into a panic about "all the material and information they've already invested in... ", and, that's okay. But you see, the critical question you may need to fire at yourself is...

"What have I gained from it and how has it really helped me?"

You see, it's this Olympic style skating from one book, resource, website, guru, etc, to another, THAT is what STOPS most from getting really skilled and knowledgeable in a particular area.

We're simply not stopping at things long enough to give it a fair trial! To perfectly and beautifully, master the information.

In fact, I've been madly guilty of all this jumping around from pillar to post that at times, it makes me quite sick just writing about it. The amount of wasted energy, money, time, commitment in practicing this kind of ill-disciplined habit would stagger anyone if they audited it all and put everything to numbers.

So, when someone asks me about how to become a good writer to promote their products or services, I tell them to... WRITE. And, I say to them to get a hold of one book on a list of 5* or so advertising books, and to PICK ONE and go through it like there was nothing else on the planet that was written on the subject matter. For, when they're grounded in the basics, the FUNdamentals, they can then move on to other works to add to the rock solid foundation.

When someone asks me about motivation, self help, personal development, I tell them point blank to invest in the material put out by Steve Chandler ( I tell them to immerse themselves in his material and then, if they're not happy, to then trot along to all those hyped up evangelists who have nothing more to offer than their personal style and a total eagerness to promote themselves. You know; all wind and borrowed substance or in fact, NO substance.

The POWER OF 1 is not talked about much as most people have wired their insides to willingly, deliberately, on purpose... to skip the necessary concentration and attentiveness that's needed for experiencing the true POWER of 1.

So, if you peep into your own life, to an area where you're feeling sloppy or sluggish about something, then take a closer look for when you do you'll see that you've most likely got a half baked, incomplete, or conflicting story that's confusing the heck out of you.

So, what you probably do next is to cover it all away from the glare of the spotlight and let it hide away in some dark corner somewhere. And I can speak so freely and flowingly about it all because that's what I used to do! And yes, it felt so so good in NOT dealing with it because... I DIDN'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT!

And of course, in the NOT dealing of it, it became a BIGGER PROBLEM than if it was tended to in the first place.

See how the Power of One can work miracles in YOUR life, also. Put it to the test and let the results be your guiding light.

And, when you eventually reach that point, you'll realise that all you'll ever need is the power of YOU. You'll be your own teacher. You'll be the ONE you'll bet on, time and time again. You won't need anyONE else to give you what you seek.

Raja C. Hireker

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* Please drop me a line if you'd like the names of the handful of books mentioned in the blog post above.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Bogus, Fake, Invented Lie -- Curiosity Killed NO Cat!

Ever hear of such a thing; that the timid got what they wanted?

Me neither.

Why is that?

Because they wouldn't be called timid if they asked and got what they wanted!

Seems quite simple, really.

But hold on; what about all of this curiosity killed the cat conversation - doesn't THAT have something to do with being timid, scared, afraid?

Of course it does - if we buy into all that fakery!

Show me one cat who died of being curious.

And, even if it was a cat that died because of asking too many questions (!), what have we humans got to do with all that?

Seems ludicrious doesn't it - buying into all those fables, stories, myths and tales about how being curious, would somehow, mentally, wipe us out.

But, believe it we do and timid we be... UNTIL...

... until we really become CURIOUS about whatever we feel is holding us back or whatever seems missing or, what is not quite right in our lives.

Imagine a world, without electricity. Without... the Internet! Without aeroplanes. Without a mobile phone. Without crappy marketing...

Anything and everything we have in our lives is because of someone being curious enough to ask questions, to create what didn't exist, before.

All our parents asked curious questions - that's how we've arrived on this jolly planet of ours.

Becoming curious, really curious will set YOU apart from all those merely dibbling and dabbling at life. And that's true for whatever area of life we care to investigate.

Whether in your personal life. Your business or career. Your health. Your language. Your attitude... whatever it is, the moment you turn on your curiosity buttons to full effect, your life will have a different vibration. A different feel. A different colour. A different beat and rhythm to it.

And there's one thing that's absolutely clear:
whatever we have in our lives and whatever we've become, is TOTALLY down to the degree and level of curiosity we have about what's going, or, what's NOT going on in our lives!

Want a different life... change the level and depth of your CURIOSITY!

Here's to living curiously exciting lives.

Raja C. Hireker

P.S Here's a little curious snippet dug out from The Pourtsmouth Daily Times, March, 1915;

Mother - "Don't ask so many questions, child. Curiosity killed the cat."
Willie -
"What did the cat want to know, Mom?"

Friday, August 08, 2008

Light Up The Sky Like a Flame!

"I'm gonna make it to heaven, light up the sky like a flame"

Do you remember where that line comes from? Well, it's from the 1980's movie, FAME. Gosh, was that song full of spirit and energy! I can hear the song playing in my head, again and again and again.

And it's so so beautiful.

And, it just so happened to be one of the songs my daughter danced to in her end of year ballet performance.

I'm hearing the song again, right now. God, it's electric!

And look, there's another line in that song - here it is. "I'm gonna to learn how to fly, high"

I can't stand it. I'm going to burst.

For me, it's TWO of the most spirited, most infectious and most instructive lessons for the mind, heart and spirit that we would NEVER have learnt in school, the workplace or pretty much anywhere else for that matter.

But, we can get it ALL - from the lyrics of a movie.

And still, there's people walking all over this planet (good, decent, educated people) who are still looking for a place to hang their umbilical chord because of the continuing uncertainty of who they are, what their contribution is and how can they make a true and lasting difference in this world.

So, let's go back to those TWIN POWERS.

"I'm gonna make it to heaven, light up the sky like a flame"

Now, as this is blog isn't 'into' heaven, I'll simply say that I call it a place where you're at your best - and, the lighting up the sky like a flame is simply - doing what you do so well that it just scorches up the sky with your brilliance.

Oh, if only the schools can teach our children, my children, your children, the children of the world that they can light up the sky like a flame in whatever way they want to! That they are the master creators.

And then there's the, "I'm going to learn how to fly, high".

So, if we pay careful attention, we'll see that the first part says "I'm going to learn how to fly". I'm going to LEARN how to FLY!

Learn - meaning, follow instructions, method, system, process, work. That's pretty clear cut. And it doesn't say, I'm going to fly. No. I'm going to LEARN how to fly...

And the next part is simply --- high.

Not, low, midway, semi-high.

Simply, HIGH!

Now isn't that a beautiful, simple instruction... LEARN to FLY, HIGH!

Do we really need a whole life to work out this beautiful truth? Oh, it seems we do.

But look, we don't need to WAIT. Why don't we DO all that, NOW!

Let's light up the sky like a flame. Let's learn to fly, high - right from where we currently are!

And, whether we're talking about doing it in your marketing, in your career, in your communications, in your personal relationships, in your health habits, in your own growth, in your own breathing... whatever it is for you, just scorch it across the sky and leave your trail there.

Leave it for people to marvel and wonder at!

Want to be infected? Get the song FAME. Listen to it. Again and again
. Light up the sky like a flame and learn how to fly, higher than you've ever done before in your life.

Raja C. Hireker

Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Perfect Day - What Does YOURS Look Like?

I don't know if you've ever thought about what a PERFECT DAY would look like for you. Can you remember answering such a question?

And the thing about it is that if we don't create or paint a picture of what our perfect day really looks like, tastes like, feels like... then we won't know what it looks like when it arrives!

The sad fact of the matter is that even daring to mention a perfect day, send many people into a spin - like... who are you, some wizard with a magic lantern who can conjur up perfect days! You're in cloud cuckoo land, there's no such thing!'

I've been doing some research into the very nature of what a perfect day looks like for people.

Below, you can see an account of someone who's a creative fabric designer and you can hear how she describes what a perfect day means and looks like, to her;

What's your definition of a perfect day?

Wake up early with coffee and toast. Spend 2 hours in the garden before the rest of the house wakes up and then take a family walk with the dogs by the river. I would spend the afternoon in the studio just tinkering – testing new stitches, plotting a new wall piece, sifting through my stash of vintage cotton – without a deadline or any must dos. The day would end with a delicious outdoor dinner with my husband and two boys, accompanied by chilled wine and evening bird song… These kinds of days don’t come around that often. Life is just too busy most of the time. But it is always something to strive for…

Okay, there are a few things here that are super important. Follow along with me and I promise that you'll see a MINDSHIFT about to take place.

"These kinds of days don't come around too often"

What's the truth about THAT?

Well, these kind of days don't create themselves out of thin air. They have to be first put into the playground of our mind - painted, created, lovingly, artfully, deliberately, on purpose.

Rarely does a fabulous experience, happen by accident. It must be designed.

And, our creative friend hasn't paid attention to the creation of her own days.

"Life's too busy most of the time... "

And what's the reality of that?

Life doesn't say to us... "okay, it's a gonna be real busy around here so let's not even think about enjoying life for at least a few months, got that? "

Life didn't get together and have a hasty conference with all the other elements out there that go to make up the scenario of "life's too busy" and said... 'we're gonna let him have it'... NONE of that happened. And it's good that we know it didn't happen like that because then we can stop living the lie that "Life's too busy" and we can stop acting as if we didn't have any part to play in it being so busy.

The fact of the matter is WE'VE created a life that's pretty much out of control whenever we say - 'we're too busy'.

I mean, it gets boring, monotonous and gives us the insight that this person really is working for a lunatic... THEMSELVES!!

When we're open and frank and can say I don't know how to create a life of importance to the things that matter most to me and that I soak myself up in the illusion of busyness and got too much to do because I've not taken the time to create anything different or in fact, I don't want another point of view BECAUSE I'VE GOTTEN ACCUSTOMED to living life this way and have bought into the LIFE TRAP that says BEING BUSY AND FOCUSSED ALL THE TIME equals SUCCESS!

Aha! The success scenario. Oh Yes. We've got to measure up to what society says we must BE so, we've got to strive and put our shoulder, mind, brain and sanity to the wheel in order to get the approval, validation, annointing, the SPECIAL PRIVILEGE into the club of the successful burnouts who have no life to talk of apart from when asked - what's your perfect day look like?

And then, the scampering begins.

I have a number of friends and colleagues who all practice SLOWING DOWN their lives in order to enjoy every single moment of it. And, in the doing of this slowing down, there's the real experience of more prosperity, more fun, more excitement, more adventure, more possibilities and... simply fabulous conversations.

Howcome that's so?

Well, we all PRACTICE it. We've made it a sweet and courageous discipline out of it and... IT'S PRETTY FABULOUS to be part of it all.

What's your perfect day look like?

Raja C. Hireker

If you want to be alerted to the next blogpost, go over to and sign up to the Life Strategies & Marketing e-missiles. Or, simply send an email to

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Courage to Smack Yourself in The Head

It's not that you have to go some place, read a book, get into a pile of affirmative huntra-mantras in order to FIND your courage.

I submit that it's sitting there, right inside your very pocket. The pocket of your mind and heart. And, that it's ALWAYS been there.

You see, the moment you decide to TURN to the inner bully who's intent on keeping you down, you'll run your own life. But you see, the answer to it all for you is in the ACTIVATING of this whole process.

So, your spouse, your 'boss', your suppliers, your children, your friends, your parents are all telling you how to run the whole show - your life.

And, till now, you've been playing to their tune. Not unhappily. Not grudgingly. But, with a sense of ... "I'M NOT SO COMFORTABLE DOING IT... something's not quite right here..."

Funny thing is, all around you the people in your life are doing as they're doing because you've trained them to do it by not giving them a different point of view!

It's NOT them that's under the microscope of life here - it's you and it will only and TOTALLY be you. And that's when you've got to step up to the real bully - THE BULLY WITHIN.

You ever caught yourself talking to yourself? And when I say talking, what I really mean is that you've given yourself a good ole' VOCABULARY WALLOP? I have. But, it doesn't quite create the magic as when I DO, ACT, BEHAVE in courageous WAYS in line with the stuff that has me mentally tuned out.

However, barking fierce instructions to our own inner doubt committee is a start in letting the whole mind and body structure know that there's a new captain aboard this fantastic human ship; one that's about to sail into new, exciting waters.

So, get barking, get in action and get a more courageous creative and beautiful YOU to step up to LIFE.

Raja C. Hireker

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Delirious Motivated Idiots!

You ever seen the mad excited rush from those people coming out of a motivational seminar, darting around the place like headless chickens, looking for a place, a person, an idea, SOMETHING(!)... to attach their newfound motivation to?

I have.

Heck, I've BEEN that person! And yes, it's horrible.


Because I'd wait and wait and wait for the MOTIVATION to DO something to me. To MOVE me. To CREATE for me. To SURGE through me... anything!

But, just like a dream of the big lottery ticket, it all vanishes into the darkest of nights.

And the horrible thing is I still see people I know, honest, good, loving people... I still see them looking for the WONDER DUST that'll trigger their life into some form of creative momentum.

Of course, that's not going to happen. I know that. YOU know that. But, you know, these people - and we all know them and we all have them somewhere lodged in the corner of our lives somewhere - these people will still be on the HUNT. The hunt for the elusive MOTIVATIONAL MAGIC POWDER they believe, and they truly do believe this, honest they do, they believe that it exists OUT THERE...


Yes I know. Pathetic. But look, we all lived that way, once. You know, that bouncing along with life with the feeling that all's well and life is hunky doodle dandy... but... there's NOTHING HAPPENING to make life a happy, joyous, excited place to be in.

It's what I call the DELIRIOUS MOTIVATED IDIOT syndrome.

I don't mean that 'happy for no reason' type look. Not that. (Because see, there's power in that, REALLY!)


I'm struggling to come up with a better description but I think if you feel what I'm saying at a gut level, you'll instantly pick up what I'm talking about.

So, the next time you feel all juiced and pumped after reading something inspirational, motivational - something that stirs your heart and gets you really ramped up, find a project or goal to take all that energy you've got, and go put it to powerful and practical use.

As I say, let's run from the DELIRIOUS MOTIVATED IDIOT crowd, and instead, become part of the crowd that gets the WORK done behind all the motivation and enthusiasm.

Raja C. Hireker

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Breaking The Lack of Creative Infusion

When you look at most businesses, people, organisations, the single biggest thing that stops them dead in their tracks from living a real fabulous and spirited life... is the lack of NEW IDEAS.

Husbands and wives, partners and lovers, split from eachother because of the lack of creative ideas in their relationship.

In fact, in a recent Oprah winfrey show, it was said that most wives leave a relationship because... "he just didn't talk to me... anymore!"

That's a lack of creative ideas for language.
Anyway you want to look at things, it's pretty amazing to note that ANYTHING we ever want to know about ANYTHING, is available - FOR FREE!

Just crank up your favourite search engine and SEARCH.

It's really nothing complicated.

And, that there is the complication - in that there's nothing complicated!

Simple creative ideas is the real currency to living a good life.

So, when it comes to creating ideas for a spluttering business, for a life teetering on the edge of oblivion, for a relationship that's lost its owners - there's solutions all around.

And, an infusion of creativity is ALWAYS the answer to a life of little reward, little happiness, little excitement.

Think of anything that's currently got you perplexed, stuck, frustrated and I can guarantee you that you've stopped the flow of ideas coming into your brain.

Say you're a freelancer working from home and you've got the age old problem and headache of waking up early. And, that you've tried everything under the sun and nothing's worked. You're still dragging your behind, behind everyone else.

Now, if it's been like that for a while, that you're slumped in bed whilst the birds are singing and the sun is opening its heart to you - then, there's no creative infusuion that's been able to reach your brain.
But, what if you said that for every block of 15 minutes you get up earlier than what you used to, you'd get to save that time up and get to go and see your favourite movie when you've collected enough 'time'.

Or, what if you get to do what you love most in the world (apart from sleeping!) because of waking up a little earlier. Now whether that you go for a game of golf, watch a rerun of your favourite movie or tv programme, snack on a big ole pizza.. whatever it is for you, let it be your reward.

And, it' will have to be something that will MOVE YOU INTO ACTION.

Yes, creative thinking is the HOT CURRENCY of today. And quite frankly, it'll be that way, forever.

And people are paying a fortune to others because of their creative mind.

Whether you get your creative infusion from a book, a person, a mastermind of people, a television programme, or however you get it - GET IT.

And, get your CREATIVE INFUSION regularly for once the creative hose dries up, life, pretty much, dries up.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Becoming Your Own TOWERING Superhero...

Can I help start a revolution within your own head?

Maybe, a complete... REINVENTION!

I can?

Fabulous! Because, in your nod of agreement, you've just given yourself permission to know that it CAN be done.

That in itself is like a thunderous clap, sending a vibration of earthquake intensity throughout your entire mental and physical structure.

And, to be frank, it's the beginning of what you need to really set your life on fire... to scorch a trail of life that'll leave you amazed at your own powerful self.

And did you know that within you, lies the towering person you've hidden from the rest of the word... a person so big and so powerful, that it puts the world's biggest stone carved statue of the Buddha... in the shade.. that puts the world's most sophisticated computer's, to the back of the unemployment queue!

Can you really access that powerful you... the very you you've always wanted to be, every single moment of your life?

Of course you can.

Standing at 71 metres high, the Leshan Buddha in China is the largest stone carved statue of the Buddha, in the world.

And, once we’re done, you’ll see that you’ve been living life… being less than you can really be.

Okay, I want you to imagine that this Leshan Buddha statue in China (above) , is in your back garden.

So you wake up tomorrow morning, draw back the curtains and you look out into the garden where you see this humungous, mammoth statue of the Buddha, just reaching up into the sky and beyond.

You look at it, reaching up with your neck and following it all the way to its 71 metres in height and you’re just in awe of it. Your mouth is wide open and looks as if it’ll never shut.

You’ve now gone outside into the garden and your right at the feet of this huge Buddha statue. And then, just as you’re looking up at this enormous statue, you find yourself slowly walking towards this statue and very quickly, you’re finding that you yourself ARE this huge statue. You’ve merged into this statue.

The BIG YOU has come to life. You’re now TOWERING over everything

Now, you’re thinking about something that’s been concerning you for a while now. You thought it was a hurdle or an obstacle. But, now, the giant you is hurtling towards this ‘problem’. You’re now able to see things differently, from a larger, broader perspective.

Problems Become Insignificant

All problems now seem insignificant and small to you. What troubled you previously, are now nothing more than tiny specks – insignificant to trouble you at all.

And so, from now on, all problems are treated that way because they really are, nothing more than simple little ‘items’ that needed sorting out.

Can you see how a certain shift in the perception of yourself… can transform your life? And, that your physical body is housing another version of you – the superhero that’s simply itching to get out … YOU!

Raja C. Hireker

Marketing and Personal Life Change Coach

Saturday, July 12, 2008

You're NOT a Commodity! (unless you choose to be...)

How is it that one business and success coach can charge 150k per year per client, and another, wheezes, splutters and barely gets by on a mere pittance per hour?

How come one marketing seminar can attract people to pay 10k a pop, and another can just about muster enough courage to ask for 195 per person?

What's it all about?

Quite simply, most busines owners, consultants, coaches, perceive themselves (with no outside help at all) to be mere commodities of what it is they sell and offer to their marketplace.

And the remarkable thing is, most operate on the NORMAL level. On being average. On doing what the majority are doing because they really don't know any different.

And that means, normal service, normal communication, normal earning, normal thinking and approaches to challenges and problems.

And, most of all, it leads to NORMAL results for your clients and customers.

I don't know about you but I don't get that real 'WOW' experience of life, that BIG thrill of life in having things in life tick along like normal.

It does nothing for me when I watch a normal film. I don't get much from talking about how 'normal' a sporting event is. I don't get to experience the full joy and emotion of life when I have dull, lacklustre, uneventful conversations and relationships.

Something has to shift.

And it begins in the mind.

Your mind. My mind. Our Minds.

For, when things DO shift for you, you'll notice that you're no longer languishing in the commodity basement of life - you've upgraded.

And, your UPGRADE affects not just one area of your life - it affects them all.

Think about it -

You're a business consultant, freelance writer, coach or any valued service professional, but you've simply not appreciated what you do and the impact you have on others with what you offer. You've simply not acknowledged it as yet.

However, once you realise that you're playing in a field of 'others' who are insecure, tight with their self-image, their attitude and their positioning, you'll not want to belong to that group anymore.

Raising your prices and fees, helps. A lot.

You see, you'll automatically be preceived as expensive. And, that's a great thing. Because look at it - who wants to be considered and perceived as a Cheap and Cheerful professional? There's just an incongruency to it all.

There's merit and distinction in wanting to be percived as expensive and worth every penny.

And, when you raise your fees, you'll find you'll attract a different quality of client. Someone who complies with your modus operandi. Someone who values what you do for them, and... who values themselves more because of the investment they've made. Not only that but you'll get more referred clients who have already been presold somewhat and, they'll most likely be just like the client who referred them to you in the first place.

Can you see the beautiful associated benefits when you upgrade your own thinking about your own worth and value?

I mean, you'll experience quantum leaps in your own life, and, as a direct consequence, the lives of your customers and clients will rise to unimaginable heights.

Begin the De-Commodotising process today.

You'll be thrilled you did.

Raja C. Hireker

P.S If you'd like to see a NON commodity version of how you can SELL MORE of your products and services without bullying, forcing or begging your prospects and customers to buy from you, then... CLICK HERE