Monday, June 30, 2008

Let's... CREATE!!

Have you ever noticed yourself getting 'stuck' in something or other?

Whether it's money, marketing, health, dealing with other people - whatever it is, you're - no question about it - STUCK.

Of course, if you have a 'positive' frame of mind, simply saying "I'm stuck and I'm positive about it", won't slide and glide you out of the problem, will it?

"I've a bunch of debt and I'm sick of it." Well, that's an honest appraisal of things. Though, it doesn't help FIX the problem.

"I'm not getting any new customers, profits are down, business stinks. I need to make things better and I don't know how!" That's taking things another step further along the ladder of solution.

The truth of it is that with ANY PROBLEM you may face, there's the opening for a person to CREATE a solution. Many solutions.

What does that mean?

Precisely THIS.

With any problem you're faced with, understand that the solution to it will come from applying some NEW thinking. From CREATING a solution.

How do we CREATE solutions then?

By simply asking questions - the RIGHT questions.

And... what ARE the right questions?

Let's look at an example:

So, you're a Business Consultant and you've no clients you can speak of. You've one pro-bono client and you'd like to fill your practice in 30 days. And being full for you means 10 clients.

Okay, it's probably true to say that right now, you're kind of stuck. There's fear of some sort running through your mind, heart and voice. There's probably worry, anger, frustration and dry mouth anguish. Life maybe one big REACTION for you.

NOT a good platform for finding solutions. For being CREATIVE. For NEW life.

So, what would happen if we got a simple piece of paper out and wrote...

"What Value Can I Create For The Existing People on My Contact/Database List?"
"How Can I Serve These People in Ways That Will Blow Them Away?"
"Who Has Come into My Inbox Where by I Can Create a Business Conversation With Them And Be Totally Present and Focus Totally on Listening to Them and What They Are Up To?"

Creation Comes From ASKING Questions and then following and ACTING on what flows.

If our Business Consultant creates the behaviour and the active discipline to make the above happen, he oe she will never want for business again.

And, prosperity happens when CREATING ANEW happens and when the mind, SHIFTS.

Just do something like the above the next time you feel yourself stuck and frozen and you'll be amazed at what happens.

For, it's in your CREATIVITY, your ability to create that'll get you all that you want in this life of yours.

That's YOUR enlightenment. That's YOUR awakening.

Raja C. Hireker

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Don't Be Hard on Yourself if You're Not Getting The Results You Want...

"Aaaargh... I'm not reaching the goals I thought I wanted to... there's got to be something wrong with me!"

In one way or another, I hear the above statement... a lot.

The number of people who have probably sentenced themselves to a life of everlasting chaos and turmoil because of feeling that something's WRONG with me, is pretty frightening.

However, if you, or anyone you know find themselves in this particular situation, there's a simple ANTIDOTE - and that is to realise that you're simply NOT COMMITED enough!

And I know that some reading this may find that it's some sort of personal defect, that they're travelling backwards by thinking and admitting that NOT COMMITED.

Let me tell you that it's NOT A DEFECT. You're not travelling backwards.

What this is all about is the fact is that you're... TELLING THE TRUTH!

Wouldn't it be great to know that if you're not passionate and commited about something, that you then have no false hopes about what you say you want?

Wouldn't it be insightful to know that if you wanted to grow and market your business to higher levels, but you're NOT actually growing it, that it's because you're not commited to doing so. You don't REALLY want to do it.

If you're totally frustrated and yanking your hair out because you're not achieving the health and physique you want, just simply own the fact that you really don't want to have the physique and health do you want... YET!

Once you get clear on that. Once you're really comfortable with the idea that you're not really commited yet with what you want, then you now have the opportunity to OPEN THE DOORS OF YOUR MIND and CREATE the commitment you want to get the outcomes you want... in ANY area of life you desire.

There's a freedom and freshness, a zest to life when we acknowledge, admit and dig deep to know we're not living with COMMITED INTEREST...and then, guess what... we can really achieve whatever we want... ONCE WE CHOOSE TO DO SO!

Get COMMITED FIRST - then, make things happen!

Raja C. Hireker
Personal Success & Business Coaching
Refusing to buy into people's limitation of themselves

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

There's a Deliciousness in Completion

Have you ever felt so tired because there seems to be TOO MUCH TO DO?

Have you ever returned home, pooped beyond belief, because you've had a fatiguing day at the office or, in your own place of business?

Let me suggest to you that this doesn't happen to most people as a 'ONE OFF' occurrence - it's become
a way of life!

I used to believe in the 'GOT TO GET SO MANY THINGS DONE BEFORE THE DAY'S OVER' mantra.

I became a long time follower of the 'multi-tasking' madness idea that's promoted everywhere you can think of.

I could sense a burnout within, happening every single day, in all my moments.

I could sense that I was juggling too many things at once, without REALLY getting committed to the individual tasks or projects.

It was only when I chose to SLOW things down in my mind, did I see REAL RESULTS happen.

When in a conversation, that became the ONLY thing I did at the time. No tv watching at the same time, no email checking when on the phone - just pure attention to what's going on at the time.

When writing the various projects I'm doing, I just DO that. Nothing else. No other task. No checking anything else.

And, in this SLOWING down, I find that there's MORE WORK getting done, at a FASTER pace! And, the quality of the end result is so much better.

Strange, isn't it... getting more done by slowing down and BEING there, TOTALLY, and ONLY for that task, that project, that conversation, that programme, that person.

There's a delicious appetite to life when THINGS get DONE. Lovingly, caringly, with total attention, dedication and focus.

What about for you?

If you sense you're frazzled... feeling like you're carrying the whole world on your shoulders... find yourself staring down at too many unfinished projects... having short, meaningless conversations with the people who mean the most to you in your life, then it's really time to SLOW YOUR LIFE DOWN.

And when you do slow things down and really embrace what you've read here, you'll see you'll end up getting MORE done, have deep satisfaction in what you're doing... and... you'll enjoy a quality of life you thought was way 'out there' and would never happen for you.

Remember, there's a deliciousness in completion.

Raja C. Hireker
FREE Marketing & Personal Success e-Missile
Send blank email to:

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

If You Want To be Miserable, Get Yourself a Future

Do you know anyone who lives FOR the future?

I know plenty.

There's a sacrifice for the better life. Living life in todays' bend and grind, for the betterment of a rosy future.


Ever see a person who's so caught in their religious beliefs... stiff to the core about what'll happen to them in the next world, because of sacrificing the present, moment-by-moment freshness?

Ever seen a business person, frozen with the thoughts of the future. Sacrificing today's happiness for a make believe event with no date in mind?

It's horrible to see.

And on the other hand, there's a cure to fix it all.

Like to know what it is?

It's this:

Eliminate the future by living life as if it is the future today and live your life by being the person you need to be in order to live that present day future.

If you really capture the heart of that message, you'll see a power that'll have you somersaulting with so much excitement that you'll find it hard to contain yourself.

That's because for the first time, you'll see that you've been working that thing you've called life, the wrong way around. And, that you've got the solution to make all your present moments, your attention in the NOW, simply the most exciting discovery of your life.

Now, not tomorrow, not the next minute, not the next major event that'll spring up in your life... NOW is the time to live your future, by BEING in the present.

Make it real for you and all those you love. For if you do, your life will change, dramatically.

Warm regards,

Raja C. Hireker
Where marketing, life and personal development come together... FOR YOU!

P.S. Okay, before I go, I want to tell you that I'm going to be working with 9 business owners, online or offline, re doubling their income, enhancing their lives and who want nothing more than a life full of adventure and great excitement. If you feel you know of anyone who would like to find out more, please let me know ( and I'll be sending them relevant info in a few days time. They'll really thank you. Really.