Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Are You Ready to... Turn Pro?

What if your life could change because of one decision, one distinction, one stroke... do you think it can happen?

Why not?

Just as our life momentarily changes when we take a new side road or a new route, so it is when we shift our minds.

If you've never read the WAR of ART by Steven Pressfield, do it. Your life can change... if you want it to.

There's one phrase in that book (in fact, it's only TWO WORDS) that has forced its existence into my mind.

What's the two words?


That's it!

That's what has me fired and fueled and looking at every aspect of my life in a completely different way than I would normally be doing so.

What changed?

I changed.

I changed my thinking about what's possible.

And of course, whenever there's a declaration about wanting change to happen, then naturally, there's RESITANCE waiting... just around the corner... looking to drag our sorry behinds, to where it belongs - normality and mediocrity.

Steven Pressfield says it like this --

"Resistance HATES it when we turn pro!"

I like that.

I really like that because it's so true and it's so full of common-sense insight that it's so easy for it to slip under our conscious awakened thoughts.

And here's something else that happens when we Turn Pro (and that's true for ANYTHING we care deeply enough about):

What happens is that we COMMIT. We play at a different level. We play for keeps.

That's what happens when we TURN PRO.

And when it comes to writing and getting things done, there's no messing about with a Pro.

Someone once asked Somerset Maugham if he wrote on a schedule or only when struck by inspiration.

"I write only when inspiration strikes, he replied. Fortunately, it strikes every morning at nine o' clock, sharp"

A Pro.

What's important is the WORK.

Not the excuses. Not the reasons. Not the inner idiocy. None of that.

What matters most is DOING THE WORK.

It's what separates the Pros... from the rest

The book, the WAR of ART - Breakthrough the Blocks and Win Your Creative Battles - Steven Pressfield... Get it. It'll change your life... if you'll allow it in and are open to it.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Ideas Are Like Slippery Fish - Spear Them With a Pencil Before They Get Away!

Last Friday I was sitting with a, sort of, prospective marketing and writing client.

There was no agenda or rigidity as such. Just shooting the idea breeze, as it were.

And the amazing thing that happens when you have no real agenda, no real clue as to where you're heading, the almost miraculous can happen.

If you take a look at that piece of paper above, in the top left is my one hour or so meeting. (The rest of the doodles and scribbles are... other meetings!)

Now here's what's super instructive about this: my prospective client had a number of ideas in how to market his product and services. And they were good.

So when he saw me think, ask questions, process a number of thoughts and then take those ideas that were running about in my mind and scribble them down onto that piece of harmless, scrunched up paper, he was gasping for breath when he saw the little tiny blueprint I created for him.

I really didn't know what was going to materialise from our conversation from the outset.

That's what my good friend and author Steve Chandler says about creating from where you are - miracles can happen right where you are, in the current moment.

How true.

Here's what's key: if all I did was deliver those ideas and let them swim around in the atmosphere for the time we were together, and did nothing more but try to remember them at some future date, we'd both be saying... "what they heck can you remember about our meeting?"

Of course, the answer being... a BIG FAT NOTHING!

Ideas are so fleeting and so delicate that if we don't spear them with a pencil and grab them with all our might, they'll sail away into the vast ocean of life... never to resurface in their original form again.

Marketing ideas, business ideas, writing ideas, coaching ideas, fearless living ideas... they are all waiting to be created and pounced on.

Do it... get your notepaper and pencil and create your world!

(Oh, and as an aside, when you really DELIVER your stuff, people want to buy into it. I mean, they really want to buy into it!)

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Practice of Talent

Friend and Coach, Steve Chandler, mentioned a book in a recent communication to members of his Club Fearless (http://www.clubfearless.net/).

The title of the book intrigued me, as well as the work inside. The book's full title is - The Talent Code - unlocking the secret of skill in maths, art, music, sport, and just about anything else. Written by author, Daniel Coyle.

The book is an amazing journey into the 'talent hotbeds' of the world. If you thought genius' was reserved for 'others', get this book and you'll find a hotbed of lies and assumptions we may have been living with for years.

The key idea that I took away (and which was totally evident from the work in the book) was that talent and skill, is available to everyone because we all have it, in some way, shape or form.

And, that, when practiced and rehearsed and when we are coached or mentored to reach the best version of what we're capable of, we can literally, shift our own world.

I've also scuffed and dog eared and written notes on almost every page of a book called, 'You Haven't Taught if They Haven't Learned.'

This book is golden because it comes from two people - one (Swen Nater) who has been directly mentored and tutored by the legendary master basketball coach, Coach John Wooden, and, the other (Ronald Gallimore) who studied and analysed the coaching principles, philosophies and practices of the great Wooden. And he identified certain patterns and traits we can all use to better our lives in whatever area we choose.

(John Wooden coached UCLA - University of California, Los Angeles - to an unprecented 10 victories in the most demanding of college sports arenas you can imagine. And, it wasn't by accident or luck that he became the 'winningest' coach in history.)

A couple of Coach Wooden's many guiding principles, has to do with practice and skill. And, that by hard diligent application, any skill could be learned.

He was a master at ensuring his practice sessions were nothing but skill, team spirit and conditioning based, and, that there was no time wasted in unnecessary activity. In fact, the planning of his practice session
lasted longer than the practice session itself!

Coach Wooden was known to have put his players through a process until players could execute the fundamentals in an automatic and unconscious way.

In other words, the disciplined practice of talent.
Those are 4 words worth considering jotting down - especially if you're looking to help others (or yourself) to excel at something where they're not quite 'there' yet.

Continuing with the sporting context here, let me use another couple because I think it ties things together.

The two soccer players you see on the left are considered two of the best in the world.

Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.

Both players went head to head in the recent European Cup Winner's Final where Messi, playing for Barcelona, outshone his fellow skill merchant who played for Manchester United, where Barcelona, lifted the trophy.

What I found instructional and informative, were the pre-match comments of Manchester United's manager and coach, Sir Alex Ferguson - it was about the skill and application of that skill by both 'gifted grafters'.

Ferguson strongly believes that it's their work ethic that sets them apart. That they marry their talents with hard work. He says... "there are some players like Messi and Ronaldo who are innately gifted. But this is not enough and there is a practice element which becomes very important".
He also went on to say...

"If you watch Ronaldo, he practices after every squad training session".

What's obvious here is that the 'special quality' most top players posses, is the fact that they're willing to want to go and look for that extra edge. And they do that by creating and developing something on their own.

There's something about the phrase "an overnight success" that has 'injustice' written all over it. But then again, I suppose that those who do anything worthwhile, practice their overnight success to perfection -
every night!

Andy Murray is hoping to become Britain's Men's Wimbledon Singles Tennis champ - after a 71-year drought. The last British man to lift the trophy in victory, was, Fred Perry.

Many years ago, Perry (below) was asked about whether the nation would produce another Wimbledon winner.

His answer was somewhat revealing and a kick in the head to all those 'overnight success' seekers.

"It's not a matter of producing anybody," he said. "It's a case of somebody, somewhere, who wants to succeed badly enough and is determined and bloody-minded enough to make sure he does."

Skill and talent lies in head zone of anyone and everyone.

Practice is the instructive genius that'll make anyone a believer... of themselves. And if you care to prove it, all you've got to do is... put it to the test.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Anything We've Ever Really Wanted... We've Got!!

There was a time I used to crib about wanting a better physique, a better paying job, being a better tennis player, become fearless and goal oriented... be funnier... and everything else I said I wanted.

And, when I didn't get what I thought I wanted, I simply put it down to nothing much in particular. What I mean by that is I didn't really take a deep look into the dynamics of what was going on.

The fact of the matter is, there isn't much analysing to do.

Because, whatever I really want, I've got.

And let me broaden this out...

Whatever any of us has wanted, we've got.

And that's a key word, want, because, we either do something to get what we say we want, or... we don't do nothing much in particular.

Now if it's the latter, then what that means is that we never really truly deeply wanted it in the first place!

And that's good to know because why unnecessarily beat ourselves up over something we think we want, but do nothing to get it.

So if I really really wanted a better physique, I'd be creating a plan, a system, a programme of work in order to reach my desired physique. I'd be doing daily things like sit ups, squats, pull ups... I'd be totally aware of how I move through the day. (And, in fact, that's exactly what I've been doing for the last couple of months now and I'm experiencing a wonderful difference in my strength, stamina, 'look', mental clarity, ability to concentrate and get more done)

On the other hand, if all I did was wish a better physique into existence and simply hoped my health would improve with a little half-hearted dabbling here and there, then it's not something I really really want to have happen in my life.

And we can apply that mindshift thinking and processing to ANYTHING we say we want in our lives.

What about those in business?

Can we really want to have our business explode and be the best version of it that it can possibly be?

Sure... if we truly WANT that.

So, if I really wanted that to be the case, to make my business the best possible version that it can be, then I'd have to be working, acting in accordance to a plan of prosperity.

I'd have to be totally consumed with serving my customers and clients with products and services that can benefit their lives.

I'd plan to keep in regular contact and communication with my customers... I'd be listening to what my customers have to tell me... I'd be creating new, joyful experiences for customers, employees and, myself.

I'd commit to doing one task at a time. I'd commit to outsource the things I can't or don't want to do.

Can you see there's a powerful, practical, purposeful difference at play here than merely winging it or hoping that the business will take care of it self, which in turn, will magically, give me what I want?

It's Disneyland thinking. Pixie dust sprinkling.

And the truth of the matter is... (and whether we like hearing it or not, isn't going to make a difference to this truth), all of us have got what we want in our life currently, because... that's what we want!

It's not much more complicated than that.

There's really no need to reach for the long, drawn out services of a psychologist or psychiatrist - this is plain simple stuff -- we either want things, or, we don't. We either do things, or we don't.

The man says to me that his relationship is on a roller coaster of being either one of deep creeping silence and separateness, and then, it changes to one of banging voices, screaming madness and horrible blame.

And when I suggested that that... "that's what you want your relationship to be like or you wouldn't be doing your part", it stopped him, cold.

So, what is it you REALLY WANT? (without having to wait for Santa to shower you with his own idea of what you want!)

Name it, then... go claim it!


Monday, May 18, 2009

Face to Face With Real Life Fearlessness

So, what do you do when you see a child who's bleeding from the mouth after a fall from the monkey bars at the local playground?

And, what if that child was, your very own!

Well, that's what happened to my five year old daughter a few days ago.

And, quite frankly, I thought I knew what fearlessness meant, until I saw what took place on the surgeon's operating table.

I mean, we've all read about some act of fearlessness, courage and boldness, but, we've probably never really identified or felt it... up close... and, personal.

So when the consul
ting surgeon said that it's better that the lower lip was operated on (my daughter fell from a height of around five feet, letting go of the monkey bars, but landed on her chin, so pushing her lower teeth through her bottom lip), both my wife and I agreed.

We also agreed that general anesthetic would be better, but, settled for local anesthetic.

So what the surgeon first did was apply an anesthetic gel to the ripped and torn area of my daughter's lower lip.

What happened next, jolted us.

The surgeon said that he was going to apply stitches to the area, now, right at that very moment.

What jolted us was the fact that there was no local anesthetic being given.

When we asked the surgeon, he just said that we should do it now because it just needed to be done, right there and then.

So now I was spread across the surgeon's consulting couch to get in front of my daughter who was propped up against the back support.

I was showing her pictures and videos on my mobile phone, just to distract her attention from the stuff that was about to happen.

My wife positioned herself behind my daughter's head, supporting and comforting her from that position.

The blood was now, flowing.

My daughter, was screaming.

I was fumbling with the various images on the phone, trying to talk through the pictures and videos to my daughter.

The surgeon was stitching, and stitching, and stitching.

It seemed like, an eternity.

I was getting hotter and hotter.

I was sweating, madly.

Like I had some form of tropical fever.

I needed air.

No. I WANTED air!


I removed my sweater with one hand, still fumbling with the phone in the other.

The surgeon looked up at me and asked if I was okay.

"I'm burning up"
I told him.

And in a matter of seconds, he'd finished his work.

I was now in the corner, head between my knees.

My daughter was having the blood wiped from around her mouth area.
She had five stitches.

I looked up at her from where I was sitting, still a little hot, eyes moist. And totally in awe of what happened.

I'd just witnessed pure courage and fearlessness... in all its glory and reality.

My daughter.

She's my super hero.

Who's yours?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Who Are You Serving?

If you're a coach, consultant or anyone exchanging high value services for money, this will be a rather important message for you.

In fact, if you’re experiencing any sort of lack or frustration in ANY area of life, this will still be rather important for you.

I know many authors, consultants, coaches, public speakers, healers, therapists and professionals of all kinds... who are barely making enough to get by.

Why is that?

Isn't having an armful of qualifications and certificates, enough for people to find us and demand us to take their money?

Well, quite frankly, those who think that way are literally BROKE.

That's because no matter WHAT it is we do as a profession, someone still has to be SERVED.

And that's an important word - served.

So, if you're struggling or if you know someone who is really struggling with their profession, career or business, ask them this question --

Quite frankly, the only thing that counts is helping and serving others.

So, those professionals who sign up for a thousand and one social networking sites and who are intent in building their 'web of influence'... are spending enormous amounts of time, energy and mental capital on their efforts.

But I bet if you ask them 'who are you serving... where is the value that's been transmitted here?'... you'll get that blank, far away look backed up by a stunned silence that they can't quite wrap their heads around.

Because really - that's the only question you need to ask (again and again) - who are you serving - if you ever find that... you're not making the money you want, don't have the clients you want, don't have the life you want.

And the thing about this question is that it cuts through all the self chatter and the inner mumbo jumbo and the pathetic excuses we throw at ourselves.

Because let's face it; we love to defend ourselves, to rationalise, to give justifications to ourselves when things look like they'll hit the fan, the wardrobe and any other item in the house.

Yes. The question really is an EXCUSE BUSTER. And, it's a powerful RECESSION BUSTING tool, also.

And so let's take a short look at our relationships and see how this all fits together.

Ask a friend you meet occassionally, how their relationships are doing, how are they working out?

Well, for most, their relationships are pretty ho-hum.

Nothing new. Nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing exciting on a day to day basis.

In fact for many, there's a kind of slow, creeping separateness that gets wider and wider and wider.

So, when you find yourself of someone you know in a crapped out relationship, just notice where the focus of attention is.

Is it on the person themselves or, on the other party in the relationship?

Quite honestly, when you really serve others, when you take the concern and the drama off of you, and you focus on helping others, you can't have a relationship that doesn't work!

It's just not possible.

That's because your attention isn't on you, you're not focussing everything on you - instead, you're serving others, you're helping others, you're looking out for their best interests.

So, if you're feeling frustrated, angry, unhappy, unproductive, lethargic, miserable, depressed... simply turn things around and ask...

WHO am I serving here?

And notice this; when you serve others,
you become a true hero to those very people you help and serve.

Now tell me that there's a better way to be than that!

Raja Hireker

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Creative Power - On Tap!!

A friend of mine received a tax bill.

It was for an amount that buckled him.


So, what did he do after gathering himself?

He went out for the longest walk of his life.

And what did he DO whilst walking?

He thought.

He thought how could he be of service to others.

He thought how could he offer something jaw dropping and irresistible.

He came back from his long walk and wrote all he could until his fingers ached and bled.

In fact, he wrote pages and pages of notes that contained -- pages and pages of creative ideas.

So what happened to these creative ideas?

Well, he put the best one, into action, into the marketplace.

And, the marketplace... swallowed it up.

Which meant...TAX BILL PAID! (and one happy friend)

So what's really going on here? Where's the REAL power here? (and we ALL possess it)

Well, it's in the QUESTIONS we ASK OURSELVES.

And there's really no 'in-between' here.

Either the questions help, or hinder.
They bring solutions or simply add to the problem.

They create the possibility of happiness, or misery.
So the true skill here, the true power here, is in asking the right questions.


It's just that we may not have practiced using this muscle of all muscles. And that too, in a way that creates what we want.

Many business owners ask the WRONG QUESTIONS.

They're asking - how can we cut back here, what can we get rid of, how can I lower my prices, how can I crush the competition, how can I avoid marketing, how can I be tightfisted with my vendors and suppliers...

When instead...

They could be asking questions like

==> How can I be of better service...

==> What can I add that would improve my customer's lives...

==> How can I better respond to my customers' and prospects' needs...

==> How can I communicate more effectively and moreauthentically to my target audience...

==> How can I improve my advertising and marketing so itbrings in a better response from higher quality prospects...

==> What ways can I make my offer irresistible to the prospects and clients I serve...

==> How can I get my target audience to fall in lovewith me, no matter what the economic climate...

==> How can I grow my business, no matter if everyone around me is closing up shop...

==> How can I get my emails read, responded to and acted on...

The thing about these questions is that they're seeking solutions. They're requesting the asker, to find answers which in turn, create momentum and movement. Answers that benefit the end user (- the client, customer or prospect)

What questions are YOU are asking of your business,career or practice?

And...do you find that the questions you do ask, do they help or do they hinder? Do they add joy, or misery? Are they optimistic based, or loaded with pessimism?

Well, when you make a practice of asking the RIGHT questions, you'll soon notice that there's no room on the table for any other kind!

Keep asking those bright creative questions andwatch your business, career or venture... SOAR!

Raja Hireker

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Cracking The Impossible

If you've ever marvelled at what you thought was just simply impossible, then your eyes won't believe what they're seeing in the video below.

I was stunned, actually left breathless with what I saw.

I bought the DVD.

I purchased the book last week - and read it in one day.


Now, I realise that the word Impossible has been used to describe many feats and accomplishments... of various kinds.

However, when you see what you're about to see, just picture your own impossible dream and...how it too, can come to life... if you let it!

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Awesome Power of Focus!!

Here's the best example of focus, I've possibly seen.

So, I've dropped my children to school and I'm now in my car, waiting for the traffic lights to turn from red, to green. I'm adjusting the volume on the CD player and somehow, from the corner of my eye, I could sense this frantic movement and activity on the pavement, some twenty to thirty yards ahead of me.

And, I couldn't quite figure what I was concentrating on because there was a mass of people on the pavement, all going about their day during the hustle and bustle of the morning.

And then, somehow, I lost all that movement. It all seemed to have blended into that multi-coloured, swaying sea of humanity.

But, just like a rabbit throwing the fox off the trail, the chase starts again. And this time, I could see exactly what was going on.

A woman was on the run. All the while, she had a little baby, tucked under her right arm like a rugby ball or an American football.

And, with her left arm, she was steering and pushing... an empty pram!

Boy could this woman run!

This was now becoming must viewing.

I tracked her through the crowd, seeing her zip and engineer her way through the denseness like an Olympic runner. Quite frankly, I'd never seen anything like it.

I was thinking to myself that what on earth was going on here. Had she robbed a bank and the pram was her getaway vehicle. And if it was, why was it empty and what was the baby doing at the bank?

Or, had she snatched the child and then found out she'd been rumbled. So, before thinking about giving it all up, she decided to leg it, scarper for her life!

Oh, the drama we can all create!

Well, after those fleeting thoughts evaporated, I let my eyes travel a little further to the direction where the woman was heading.

And then it struck me; this lady, with small baby under her arm, running like a demon, fanatically gripping one of the pram handles... what she was doing was running to catch the bus!

Yes; this lady who was just unbelievable in her commitment and focus, was running to get on a then, stationary bus.

WOW!!... I thought; now that's what I call focus!

There was nothing else on her mind than to get that bus.

There's no gossip going on. There's no debating about things. She's not travelling in two directions at the same time.

One goal. One mission. One game plan.

And, did she get the bus?

Well, I can only speculate and say that if her intensity and her commitment of purpose and if her focus was anything to go by, then yes, I'd say she would've got that bus.

As timing would have it, my 'lights' turned green.

I was on the move.

I tried arching my neck behind whilst driving so I didn't quite see the end result.

However, the important thing was the total focus and the absolute dedication to... go for it.

How many women (or men) would've tucked their little child under their arm like that, run like that, steer a pram like that?

Not many.

It's amazing what we can accomplish when we focus!

Saturday, February 07, 2009

If You Think About It Too Much, You'll Burn Your Foot!

So, the first time I got on to the scorching ret hot coals on my crazy firewalk adventure, I breezed through it like a pro.

And the second time? A burnt foot!!

So what happened here? Pro, to a burnt frazzle... all in the space of 15 minutes!

Was it... fear, lack of belief, shaky confidence, lack of enthusiasm?

If I say to you that the cause of my burnt foot, was my own emotion, would you believe me... maybe just a little?

Well, that's exactly what happened - my own emotion and my own thoughts about things.

Let me ask you this:

Have you ever had this happen to you; you have this great idea or thought about something and the more you think about it, you find that you've filled your head with reasons to not go ahead with things.

And so now, you've convinced yourself out of the whole idea. Have you ever had that happen to you?

And on the other hand, have you done something without thinking too much about it? And so, you went ahead and did it without too much care and without the whole debate and conversation about it.

And because of that, you achieved what you wanted?

Well, that's exactly what happened to me and the firewalk.

The first time of asking, I didn't think about what I was doing so I just went ahead and did it. There was no inner chatter and no conversation that was going to convince me out of things. I was focussed.

And, I wasn't riding high on any emotional wave.

However, the second time around, something happened inside my own mind. Some conversation or other had taken place. And however subtle it was, it took place. And in that conversation, some emotion or other took place.

And the result?

A burnt foot.

How many times have we all convinced ourselves out of doing something that we know, deep down, could enhance, boost, create something new and great in our lives?

How many times?


It's really true that our emotions can work for us, or against us.

Because when you really think about it, my task in that firewalk, was to walk from one end, to the other. Nothing else. But, it was my own made up drama that caused the resulting physical pain.

Imagine the tightrope walker walking from one end of the rope or plank, to the other. And it's just that the plank or rope is 1000 feet up and between two buildings... what are your thoughts

Again, the only task we're involved in, is to walk from one end to the other.

And maybe you'll see this too, because most things in life that show up as results, are pretty logical and formulaic.

Now what if our emotions take a hold and the inner mumbling starts... what do you think will happen to the walk?!!

Quite naturally...

But is that tightrope task any different to anything we may want to do?

Well, I'd carefully consider the idea that wherever we're not achieving or succeeding in an area of life that we say is important to us, I'd say there's a firewalk, or tightrope or self hanging conversation going on.

And do you know what - it's only a conversation so what if we could change and create another conversation? One that totally supports what we're up to.

What do you think will happen then!?

Now doesn't that make life rather more interesting than a burnt foot experience?

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Stamping Out The Practice of Mediocrity

If you ever wanted to see what class and professionalism and excitement and extraordinary ability is all about, all you have to do is watch and marvel and excite over the tennis matches played between Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal.

And when you see these titans in action, you'll not be stumped by mediocrity or lethargy or incompetence. You'll not ever wonder about the lack of magnificence and beauty and finesse and muscle.

But on the other hand, if you wanted to experience what mediocrity and flatness and incompetence and devastating boredom is all about, simply - if you can bear it - listen to the BBC commentators when they're describing the excellence of a Federer and Nadal match up.

And so the 2009 Australian Open final between these extraordinary Tennis Gladiators produced the inevitable glory and drama and excellence.

And, inevitably, the BBC tv commentators produced their flat, funereal, pathetic mixture of incompetence and dryness and mediocrity.

The ability to inspire and move and motivate is what happens when you see true excellence in motion. And that can happen anywhere and everywhere. The movies. The newspapers. Sport. Literature. Our own communication. It can happen everywhere.

However, mediocrity and incompetence and suffocating unprofessionalism is more widespread and obvious, than not. And it's a full time job stamping all that out from our lives.

So now we know that we've got to be aware and on the ball and full of deliberate consciousness if we want to be on the side of excellence and professionalism and excitement.

And when we do that, we'll send mediocrity and incompetence and the pathetic and flat way of being, out of our lives.

So if you want to experience the difference between the extraordinary, and the bland and mediocre, and that too, in the same heartbeat, experience a tennis match between Federer and Nadal and listen to the BBC commentary about it.

(And of course, I'm not including one John McEnroe as one of the mediocre commentators - quite the opposite, he's pretty much the only real class act when it comes to tennis tv commentary)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's About Love, Not Time...

There's a HUGE myth running in and out of our brains and it goes something like this...

"I'd love to do that but I just don't have the time."
Now not only is this a common line for most... it's a BIG FAT LIE.

And the reason that it's a big whopper is because if we really loved something, really loved something... we'd MAKE the time to DO IT... wouldn't we?

I mean, it just makes plain simple sense.

And that's where most of us go wrong - thinking that simple, isn't something valuable enough so we go look for the complex and it's no wonder because check out the huge chaos in our brains!

So, say I want to play the piano and I want to be good at it but oh look, there's no time in the day for it so looks like I'll have to put that on the shelf of my life and carry on with the normal and the mundane and the boring stuff of my everyday life and... oh my gosh, let me check the calendar... GASP.... I've only a few more years left before checkout time!!

Can you see the diabolical chaos going on in our heads because we believe the pathetic lie that there's not enough time so I'm going to scrap something that I say is really important to me in my life... can you see the chaos going on here?

And so when we get to the bottom of it all, the thing all along was that... I really DIDN'T WANT to play the piano because if I did, if I really loved and wanted to play it and it was something that I thought about and I listened to the music I wanted to play and I could imagine myself playing the piano and I go and find out about piano classes and I look to see about purchasing maybe a used piano...

Well, then there's evidence that I'm really into this and I'm really loving this and this is what I want to get really good at and whatever time I've got in the day or the week, then I'll go at it with all I've got because I really want this. And if I REALLY want it more than I believe, I'll be up early and I'll be DOING IT.

So you see, it's NEVER a matter of not having enough time. It's always a matter of Do I Love it Enough TO MAKE THE TIME and get really good at what I want to do.

And that's pretty much it.

Of course, there's all the inner flapping of the head and mind we get into when there's a reason to defend and justify things and all that but none of that matters because all the conversation stops when we're DOING what we say we want.

And the conversational flapping stops because we're really doing it because we love it.

I'd love to make this more difficult and more complex and more deeper but you know, life's not meant to be wasted.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Years Celebrations... ALL YEAR ROUND!

So it's now 2009 and what's really happened here to the mind of the global nation? I mean, it's just a crazy wild scene - New Years Day. Celebration, fireworks, hugging, smiles... I mean, it's just a wild and crazy scene. And it's just beautiful, isn't it?

Think about it for a moment -- in the twinkling of an eye, with a click of the fingers, the whole thought of the so called world financial catastrophe of 2008, is forgotten, wiped out, put behind us... just like that.


So then, do we need wait for a New Years Day type celebration to fix our concerns and problems and frustrations and dilemmas because it's guaranteed that something will come up for us during the year, I mean, it has to, just look at the odds of it not happening!

So what happens now, now that this big ugly problem has reared its nasty head; where's the NEW YEARS celebration when we need it? Oh can't we just pour out the solution from a bottle kept in the fridge and have it be done with... can't it just be washed away and sent straight into the depths of the ocean...
can't it be as simple and as quick as that?

Most believe knock backs or setbacks are supposed to last a long long time and so we mentally prepare ourselves for the stories of woe and of trouble and of hurt and of blame and of victimisation... and we get comfortable telling these stories to ourself and to anyone else who will listen.

But see, we can totally end that game if we want to and we can celebrate the end of that game and we can congratulate ourselves for not playing that game... anymore...

And now instead, we've chosen a new game and the beautiful thing about this new game is that it doesn't include any of the old rules we used to follow and practice and become oh so professional at... there's none of that in this game because this game is about choosing what we want to have happen in this new 2009 and we're going to create a magnificent plan to make things happen.

And do you know what's really really important about this? Well, what's so important about this is the fact that we're creating and playing by our own rules and that's magical because it could have been that we got stuck on some OLD rule in 2008 and so now, we're not into those old rules because none of that served us well so that's why... we're going to drop all that.

Please tell me you can feel the power rising up in you when you hear that you can create whatever you want in 2009 because you're now setting the rules and you're calling the shots and you're in total command... please tell me that you can feel all that because if and when you can, you'll see that there's the PERMISSION SHIFT you've been hiding out from.

So this new game... this new game is only about you and what you want. Does that sound selfish and too greedy and so uncaring about what others want and their needs and all that... does it seem you don't care?

Well, I think not because what you want will no doubt include your family somewhere along the line. And that's the way it should be because if you were chasing whatever success means to you, and you left out family and relationships and love and caring, then it's all a great waste of time and money and energy and... life. It's all a great waste.

Create what you want to have happen in 2009... because it's the best answer to a life in the doldrums and a life of blame and a life of nothing much happening at all.
Have a year long celebration of success!

Raja Hireker

Creating Personal & Lifechange Transformation
Through Writing