Saturday, December 25, 2010

Reinventing YOU? The ONLY 'Coaching' Video You'll Ever Need...

Coaching is BIG business.

Sadly, most 'coaches' aren't worth bothering about.


Oh, because their lives are as messed up as anyones'. Why get help from someone who can't deal with their own stuff? You know, the eighty/twenty rule. Tis is big mystery then, why people DO get involved with mediocrity, when excellence, is only a click or a phone call away.

You may have read the earlier post about TBOLITNFL - a post about one person's desire for transformation, that has has now, lit up an entire following to do the same.

However, what many don't know is the driver, the human force behind TBOLITNFL.

His name is Steve Hardison. (

HE is no ordinary coach. He is no ordinary human being. He's a transformational catalyst of the highest order.

Steve rarely gives public speeches. He has no books or informational products. His work is done in private, one client at a time, face-to-face. I've heard legendary stories of how his coaching has helped many people reinvent and transform, at their very core. No surface level quick fixing allowed.

So, when I contacted Steve about the recent rare talk he gave in Salt Lake City about how the whole TBOLITNFL came to be, I was thrilled when he gave me a sneak peak into the video that was going to be shared to those interested.

Know this; there isn't to my knowledge, any video footage about Steve and the 'way' he works and coaches.

If you only watch ONE video about the power of transformation, and, his particular way of HOW TO DO IT, you MUST take in and immerse yourself in everything this 40 minute video below, has to offer you. It's worth more than any amount of money you'll pay to anyone for personal transformation coaching.

If you truly GET what's going on here, and you apply the simple and visible lessons Steve shared with the audience in HOW he transformed the very nature and thinking of one American footballer, then you can begin to experience something similar in your life.

And understand this; this ISN'T about American football. It's about the desire for transformation and commitment - and someone to demonstrate how it all snaps together.

Now if you watch this video and you can't see how it all connects for you personally, drop me a line and I'll walk you through it.

Raja Hireker
raja.hireker at gmail dotcom

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

There's a Powerful Commitment to Get Out of The Burning House!

What happens when we decide to do something, to commit to being someone, to commit to a new way of showing up in the world - AND THEN - we falter, splutter, give up on our once cherished mission, what then, what's our opinion of ourselves?

More importantly (though this is a made up story concocted in our magnificent, destructive minds) and that is, how do we think others now see and view us?

For most, we look for the escape hatch, the avoidance route, the way out. We take comfort in anything that doesn't remind us of our avowed goal or mission.

So how can we keep ourselves committed to doing what it is we say we want?

Commitment is nothing more than creating and delivering on a set of actions that'll move us towards getting what we say we want.

And if the outcome
of the committed actions doesn't inspire us, why on earth would we want to commit to achieving something in the first place?

Now there's no greater demonstration of the power of commitment than the burning house and there being something in there we HAVE to get before the whole thing crumbles.

If your relative or pet was inside that burning house, you're not simply going to sit around and ponder and pontificate about the tragedy of the scenario - you're going to get into some sort of action to GET THEM OUT... no matter what.


If you say you want a Mr Universe physique, you can dream it and create a plan of sorts. Maybe working out a few days a week.

Or, you can have dates, timelines, a definite picture of how you want to be and look like. You can have your nutrition charts and your muscle activity charts, measuring your daily performance. You can visualise the c
ompetition and you can see yourself competing with the best, you can see yourself being the best.

And, there's a daily activity plan to support it all.

That's a COMMITTED way.

And we can all be committed to something, anything we choose, to any level and degree we choose.

Did you know that there's a place in our minds where we automatically put the things we say we are powerfully committed to - and that place is there to serve us, the very moment we powerfully declare what it is we are up to?

And that's whatever we say we are committed to - having super personal relationships, writing a book, having a lucr
ative business, having a tidy house, a super marketing system, an accurate thinking process... whatever it is, if we want it and we make it a commitment, a TRUE, powerful internal commitment, we'll get it.

Deuce Lutui is an American football player. He turned up to pre-season training, bulky, overweight and mentally lackluster. He needed help. He got it in the form of Steve Hardison - a powerful coach and communicator of the human spirit.

A relationship was formed. A POWERFUL commitment was created. And then, the ACTIONS were created to make Deuce Luiti BE TBOLITNFL - The Best Offensive Lineman in The National Football League.

You only need to go over to to see how it's all working out.

Miracles happen when you create a Powerful Internal Commitment to DO and BE.

What are you committing to?


Friday, October 08, 2010

Build Your Most Profitable Asset via a Coat Hanger, Radiator & a Missing Bit of Paper!

Did you know that the BIGGEST, most profitable and most natural skill in the world isn't something you have to go out and and find or acquire - that's because everyone ALREADY has it in abundance, but, it's rarely used!

hat's what this post is all about.

Said another way - here's a marvellous antidote to a stuck and clogged up mind!

Now you've probably heard that in order to 'succeed' today, you need to possess ABC skill or have XYZ quality.

Not only that, you may have heard mention that "such and such" is THE BIGGEST SKILL or QUALITY you must have.

Of course, depending WHERE and WHO gave you the info, the SUCH AND SUCH skill -- could be anything!

Check this list out.

See if what you've heard about the 'keys to your kingdom', the 'path to your holy grail' is located somewhere amongst this lot.



















... of course, plenty more can easily be added to the list.

So what did you pick from that list?

Is there one single skill or attribute, that, if owned and possessed, would get YOU to the promised land - whatever that may mean or be, for you?

Naturally, we all have our point of view, and, like you, I too have an opinion on what I consider to be the ultimate skill that if used and exercised everyday, would help create our world to be whatever we choose it to be.

And before I tell you what that one thing is, let me say that you, I, every single one of us has this skill, in abundance.

Hard to believe, but it's true.

And... we've most likely called on it hundreds of times, without ever realising what we're doing.

For example, last night my son and I were on a hunt. A paper hunt. Now we looked far and wide for this one bit of paper, but to no avail.

It was nearing 9.30pm and my son was really droopy, saying he wanted to get to bed as the school morning was inching closer and closer.

Now I thought to myself that the bit of paper may have slid down the side of the radiator so let's take a peek.

The gap between the wall and the radiator was itself paper thin - well, maybe for or five pieces of paper, thin.

So, I said let's get a torch to see if there is indeed any paper down there. After poking the spluttering light (batteries running loooow) down the back of the radiator, I could see a couple of papers there.


Now, how would we get to the paper through that very slim gap? That was the next question.

A ruler wasn't long enough. The stick in the corner wouldn't do it. (And don't ask what the stick was doing there!)

I know... A COAT HANGER!

I went looking for a metal coat hanger.

Opened a couple of wardrobes. Nothing.


I poked a little farther into another wardrobe and saw a metally wire hanger!

Probably one of the last ones as there were plenty of solid looking wooden ones lining the wardrobe rails.

So, with the metal hanger in hand, I dashed over to the radiator and thrust the thing down the back of the radiator.

Too short!


I took a look at the hanger and found that I could unwind the metal at the top where the hook was, so making it one long bendy wire.

Okay, that looked good.

I thought how would I get the paper up from the side of the radiator as the hook wouldn't 'hook' the paper!

I thought... SELLOTAPE!

I would create a double sided sticky tape and attach that to the one end of the wire where the neck was. Because in that way, the tape could form a bridge of sorts on the curvy neck and I could shimmy the paper up that way, where the double sided tape would stick to the paper.


No sellotape!

The reel was empty.

I pondered and thought what other sticky tape thing could I use.


I'd used a few address labels in the day for something so I thought that could be something I could use.

I dashed over to the desk draw and rummaged in there.

After a few seconds I'd found a whole batch of the stuff.

Great, I thought.

I peeled an address label off, created a double sided type bangle effect, flattened it down and attached one side of the flattened bangle to the neck hook of the bendy wire.

Still, there was the main work to be done -

Fishing the paper out!

By this time my son was in his bed with one eye closed.

Oh, and his bed is slap bang against the radiator and at that precise moment, wasn't going to be shifted in any way.

I galloped over to the bed, peered my face into the area of the paper gap and then thrust the contraption down the back.

I could hear the paper being rustled a little with the bendy necked wire but not in any great way.

Then, somehow, with my poking and prodding, I could hear a paper being more than rustled down the back there.

And, after a few minutes of steering the contraption, out emerged a paper.

By now my son was up, wide eyed and grabbing the paper, unravelling to see what it was.

And, when we saw what it was, we both looked at each other and... I thrust the bendy wire contraption down again.

Yep, it wasn't the paper we were looking for.

So again, we went through the whole process and yet again, another bit of paper reared its head.

And yet again, it wasn't what we were looking for.

My son was really really tired by now and so we decided that we'd look for it in the morning.

Okay, I wanted to share that with you because in a little way, it helps to demonstrate what I consider to be the number one skill in all the world.

And that is...


And, it can be applied to any and every situation, no matter the size, shape or complexity.

Think about it for a moment -

What if we could come up with, or simply let the whole process unfold, of finding creative solutions to current or existing problems... what would that mean in terms of getting things fixed and in moving life forward?

It could be huge!

What stops most of us in the face of a problem or a challenge, is finding out ways and solutions, and to then, act on them.

Everything in the earlier list has a part to play in the overall contribution to making us 'better', however, getting into creative action on a daily basis is what I consider to be the biggest asset we have.

And we all have it, in abundance, don't we?

How many times have we come up with solutions to get that bit of work submitted, or to get that bunch of money we desperately wanted or to play that game when none existed previously, or to conjur up some food when
nothing's on the table?

Yes, we've all gone into CREATIVE ACTION mode when we have needed to. (Though, as kids, we were in that zone almost every single moment. Think about THAT!)

But what if we became aware and conscious of that fact, at any given moment we feel stuck or unresourceful?

To have creative action be... ON TAP!

Wouldn't THAT be something?

What if we screw up on the relationship front and feel that there's a rift or creeping separateness looming large - suppose we decide at that moment to turn things around, to get into creative action - wouldn't that be immensely valuable?

What if we found that business and profits were drying up and simply said the economy is on a downturn so that's affected the marketplace. I've just got to, 'ride it out!'

What instead, if we loosened our mental screws and simply went to all current or passed clients and asked ... "how else can we serve you, what can we do for you?"...

Do you think that's a better way than simply mulling around, waiting for outside elements to come together in a harmonious way before we decide to get into the game?

I think so.

There's always SOMETHING we can do to change things.

And suppose we pass on this baton of getting into CREATIVE ACTION to all those we know, what then?

Because who knows, there'll be an environment where solutions and action are the order of the day, this day, and tomorrow, and the next day, and the next...

It can become quite contagious.

And why not?

It's a marvellous antidote to a stuck and clogged up mind, don't you think?


Raja Hireker

P.S I've a few twisty hangers to unbend and sell you if you've paper stuck down a radiator and wall gap. Oh, sticky address labels are... fwree!

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Torrential LOVE

ELEVEN grown men, (one of our twelve didn't show up to make it a six-a-side game) itching to get on the artificial grass, eager for the 9pm whistle to be blown so the current batch of players on there could leave the pitch to make way for us. One of the four floodlights refused to light, the rain, pounding down so you could hardly make out where the football was going.

Yes, this was bordering on a torrential downpour. A downpour that had been on and off (mostly on) for the previous two days. And yet miraculously, the artifical grass seemed to be sponging up the never ending rain water like a possessed demon.

After an hour and a half of what turned out to be the most intense games we've played, all were shaking hands and patting each other on the back, looking forward to doing it all over again in 7 days.

What's going on here? Why would anyone in their right mind decide to get out on a pitch and play for an hour and a half from 9.00-10.30pm in a consistent downpour and love it, just love it?

Of course, I gave the answer in the last sentence -- because of love, of loving it!

We could just have easily abandoned the whole game and settled in to watch the television, read a book, surf the Internet or simply do anything BUT going out and playing our hearts out.

Quite simply, when we do something out of love, out of pure joy and passion, nothing else can get in the way of it.

We're all like that about something or another.

However, when it comes to getting the body into motion, into activity and momentum, there's nothing quite like intense physical activity to shake loose the mental cobwebs.

I know people who have been stuck in their thinking or their projects and have either gone for long walks, a run, an intense bike ride or some other form of physical activity, so to rev up their sluggishness.

And when the activity is something you actually love to do, you'll experience all kinds of shifts - energy, mental & physical shifts.

Go get physical. You won't believe the zest and energy it'll give you.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

BAH... I'm Really Not Creative!

Most of us think we're not at all creative... in any way.

That we've not one creative bone in our bods.

Gawd, bah and humbug.

Because of course, all made up gobbledegook.



And do you know what, I'll prove it.

That's right.

I'll prove it to you beyond any doubt whatsoever that you, me, the next door neighbour, and yes, even that person you feel is the dimmest on the planet, is creative, inventive and a magical marvel!

Big promise huh.

Okay, so the people in your life, what are they to you?


Yes, not who are they to you, but what are they to you?


Let me give you a few clues.

See your family member over there, what kinds of labels have you given them?

Happy, sad, intuitive, grumpy, friendly, mean, blunt, caring, joyous...

Yes, they're probably all of them, at certain points in the day, week, month or year.

And what about others you come into contact with, how do you interpret what they're about? And what about those you see in the news, on the television... got anything to say about them?

Here's the truth --

We all create and invent human characters all the time. WE CREATE them. Not as they are, but as WE see them. We INVENT them as per our imaginary brush and palette.

And don't we make them up to be anyone or anything we choose? Don't we just do that, label and describe them anyway we please, and then keep on adding to it?

And we're doing it... ALL THE TIME... every DAY.

Marvellous creators and inventors or what!!

And look, it gets rather exciting because if we truly understand that we create and invent others out of our own perception (and we also do that to ourselves - invent ourselves to be the current 'us'.) then... we can create and invent ourselves and others, to be the best versions of them and us we can ever make!

Of course, that'll have major consequences if we do that.

How so?

Well, if we've created and invented others (and ourselves) to be rather negative, boring and not that interesting, then the direct opposite of that is, well... challenging if not revolutionary!

And we can create and invent that ... at the drop of a hat. As we proven we can, day after day after day.
So ask this question, to each and every area of your life - "what can I create and invent here that would lead me to get the result I want?"

Now doesn't THAT get your creative juices flowing? About what's REALLY possible for you?

And doesn't this answer my claim at the top of this post - that we're all creative, all of us? It's just that we haven't fully realised that - until now :)


Friday, June 25, 2010

"Cross Your Fingers... Wear The Lucky Shirts... Put Your Hands Together And We May Just Do It!"... er...RUBBISH!

The England football team beat Slovenia to roll on into the next stages of the World Cup.

The England team didn't cross their fingers or put their hands together. They did wear red shirts however, though wearing a 'lucky' shirt isn't enough to sway things in the biggest of football stages.

So what happened? How come England got through in this match whilst a few days earlier, they participated in what was probably the worst game ever played... what on earth happened?

Well, they turned up and played the game the best they can play it. That's what happened. The passion, the flair, the purpose, the commitment, the energy, the teamwork... all of that happened because the players wanted to play and win.

Crossing fingers, praying and hoping for the best, doesn't produce the kind of results anyone wants.

Participation, activity and getting involved, works. Try it in any area of life that seems to be, 'getting away from you'.

And if you see someone heading for the cross your fingers disaster in their lives, help them untangle their fingers and show them how to get busy using those fingers to help serve someone else -- by writing a letter, dialing a phone number, lifting a blockage...

Results happen... through movement and activity -- and not through finger crossing and wishing.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Making It... Without Screwing Up Life

Most of us are pretty CLUELESS when it comes to defining our own personal success. We've no idea what the heck it means.

Given the chance to answer the question- most will mumble stuff along the lines of ample money, better relationships, good career... stuff like that, though said with out any conviction, meaning or excitement.

It's a rare bird that'll give you answers like happiness, fun, excitement, adventure, deep loving relationships.

Look at the public image icons touted as 'successful' - singers, sports people, officials, CEO's, leaders - most are successful in one or at most, maybe two areas of life.

But look deeper at what they're lives are REALLY like.

Most have relationship wreckages - maybe a public mask, and a true inner private mask revealing nothing but disaster.

Take those 'successful business or owners or company BIG CHEESES' --

They'll be the saviour of their enterprises, but the wreckage president of their marriages, relationships and communications with all those that were once dear to them.

... though at what expense? And at WHOSE expense?

See what you can get from this -

A man was headhunted by two powerful firms. One gave him half the salary the other was giving. They were both intense jobs, requiring huge amounts of time and jet hopping. As this man was divorced, it seemed to him that the more money option was the obvious one to make in light of his personal circumstances.

However, the recruiter from the company offering half the salary was really persistent and wanted to meet the wanted man. After a week there was a meeting scheduled. The day before the meeting, the recruiter phoned the wanted man and said--

"I'm sorry, I totally forgot, I'll be leaving to go on a business trip for a lengthy period of time and this is the last night with my family and I promised them I'd be having dinner with them... let's reschedule."

The wanted man put the phone down after that little conversation and took a deep breathe as he sank even farther into his soft leather chair.

The wanted man was divorced because he couldn't arrange his life around his most precious assets - his family.

And here was a powerful recruiting executive from this huge firm being open and direct about his most precious assets - and, he treated them exactly in that way.

The wanted man was so taken by what he experienced that after a few weeks he met with half paying company and... went to work for them.

Why, what happened?

The wanted man liked the culture and, he saw a demonstration of exactly how to maintain relationships - no matter how high up the ladder you are. So, with that in mind, he negotiated that he be flown once every fortnight to where his family lived and for those two days every fortnight, he would not be answering his mobile - no matter what.

He signed the deal, with his most precious assets, his family and relationships - being at the very core of his negotiations.

We can ALL revere our most precious assets - and demonstrate that through actions and behaviour rather than sentiments and wishing things were different.

Because... look at the ultimate price we eventually end up paying!

We can 'make it', without screwing up life.
And it all starts with our own thinking as to what's really important to us... REALLY important!


Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Is That The Best You Can Do?

It's interesting what simple questions can do - if you let them into your life.

Take the question opening up this blog -
is that the best you can do?

For most of us, we're playing way under our best, we're being, way less than our best - in most areas of life - though we rarely think about it in any kind of serious way at all.

Imagine you're a swimmer, wanting to improve your lap timings - and your coach asks -
is that the best you can do?

You may think you've given all you've got to give - but what if, unknown to you, your coach strapped on a rubber shark fin to his back and whilst you were in the water, someone yelled out to you -- SHARK!!

You look behind and you see this shark ripping through the water, nearly edging its nose to your toes - what are you going to do now?

Well, you'd either freeze and get eaten or you're going to swim the race of your life.

Is that the best you can do?


And what if we apply a similar thinking to what we do in each day - what if we ask that - is that the best you can do question - whether what we're doing in the moment is a business, job, health, relationship, financial, communication or any other activity based task we're engaged in?

Making that presentation - is that the best you can do?
Having a heart to heart - is that the fullest you can engage?
Doing your exercise programme - is that the best effort you can put in?
Taking care of finances - is that the best way to manage it all?
Creating customers who fall in love with you - are you doing enough to make that real?
Being happy - is that the most amount of time you allow yourself to be happy?

And here's the biggest of them all...

Is that the most you can LOVE?

How about for you?

Is that the best you can do with what you've got going on in your life?

If not, get yourself a shark coach!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Beware... The Voodoo Pouch Will Get Ya!!

See that little bit of paper with a threaded cross on it? Well, that bit of paper is a folded up envelope and it was given to me, oh, around seven years ago.

Who gave it?

Well, it was given to me by someone who looked like one version of a 'holy' person.

Now what had happened was that I was really curious as to the kind of mental voodoo these practitioners, practice.

Well, according to said holy person, I was suffering with some form of digestive problem and that I should cut out eating eggs or, BAD things would happen to me.


He then went on to tell me a few other things that would mean disaster for me if I didn't heed his words.

He finished off his elaborate presentation with a few mantras and another few words of concern and caution.

And do you know the funny thing about it all? The fellow wanted me to pay him for the damage and doom he thought he fed into my mind.


I told him that if his predictions worked out to the letter then I'd gladly pay him. And, on top of that, I'd tell everyone how great this el magicino was.

It's been several years now and I'm yet to pay him. In fact, he'll probably be waiting for the rest of his life because nothing worked out as he said it would.

Sadly for him, I didn't buy into the fear or the mesmeric voodoo he thought he'd got me with.

Though, I'm sure he's as rich as a rich person can be because he'll have bagged hundreds, if not thousands of others who DO buy into everything they're told - good or bad.

Now, I kept that envelope pinned up on my wall for the last several years, but now... it's coming down.


Oh, because I'm cleaning up and getting rid of the things I don't want.

I kept that envelope for all this time as a playful reminder, though, it contains a serious message within it - we all hold ourselves ransom in one way or another because of the ridiculous story, spin and perception we put on events, information and conversations.

Now here's something fun for you to do -

If there's someone you know who is not performing or not living freely in any area of their life, and you both know it, check to see if they've got their own version of that red threaded envelope, hiding under the roof of their head!

And if so, yank it out and toss it into the fire.

Do that and you'll really have a friend for life!

Bye-bye mantra, bye-bye voodoo pouch.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Hire People Who Inspire!

Seems crazy... hiring people into postions of high responsibility... who are as bland and as dry as toast, unable to truly motivate, inspire or command respect... especially when their results prove it all.

So who's to blame - the hirer?


But then again, not many are courageous enough to say, "heck, we made a big blunder... we've got the wrong person in the job... it's all our fault!"

If you read the snippet below, you'll see a piece I wrote to Sky Sports. It was in reply to a post on one of their blogs to do with the sacking of the National Team's (Great Britain) tennis coach.

Of course, it didn't get published. Simply a message to say something like it may get published though will have to ne considered by the... blah blah blah.

So why not; why didn't it get published?

Oh, I think it's probably a lot to do with the hirer's not taking responsibility... for putting the wrong person in the job and, for Sky probably supporting the nitwits who run the tennis (non!) show here in GB.

"On John Lloyd's (thank goodness) adios, here's the thing; it doesn't matter WHO the coach is - so long as they have and energy, a spirit and a way about them that signals... INSPIRATION.

When you look at JL, there's no energy or passion about him. There's a flatness, a mediocre neutrality about him. There's no spirit about him that's contagious enough for players to catch. When you hear JL's tv commentary, there's enough evidence there to tell a person that "here's blandness in action!"

In any walk of life, when you get a walking, living, breathing inspirer, people around them, do great things. And something else - it's not the HOW TO that's missing. It's not the technical aspects that need addressing so much then the DESIRE, the INNER DRIVE AND WANT.

One can set up as many grass root programmes as they want - if there's no burning desire coming from a player, it really doesn't matter. CLUE: Hire a spirited inspirer. That'll get the balls really thwacking, trophies lifted and the tennis scene... REALLY humming.

Yes, ONE person really can make ALL the difference in the world".

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Live The Right Way - Be a NON Complainer

Whiners, thumbsuckers, complainers and blame specialists, all have one thing in common...


... in the special art of... PRACTICED MISERY.

The fact is, we ALL may have been influenced by our own madness at some time or another. We may still be at the mercy of it to a certain degree.

But c'mon... there's got to be a sell-by-date on all that foolishness... right?

Continually whinging, whining, blaming and complaining about... our health, our job, our business, the state of the economy, our own economy, rogue politicians, the crummy weather, relationships, confidence levels, life prospects, age, time...

... complaining about any of that DOESN'T help. Doesn't move us forward. Doesn't help us fix what needs to be fixed.

Have you heard of Randy Pausch?

A much loved Professor at Carnegie Mellon University.

He's NOT a complainer.

Even when diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. (terminal)

He chose to live life... to the fullest... with fun, excitement and adventure.

And he chose to live that way, well before being diagnosed.

But now, knowing what he now knew, his life, took on a whole new meaning.

Here's a ten minute or so video.

Watch it.

We ALL need to learn a number of lessons... in how to live well. We need teachers to teach and inspire. You'll find Dr Randy Pausch hard to beat as a life educator, inspirer and a really good human being.

If you know someone who continually complains about a part of their life, and does nothing about it, stick this video in front of their eyes.

If YOU have been complaining and whining about something you've wanted, but is not happening... or... something unwanted has happened that has you locked into a being a blithering blamer, see this video and note the effect it has on you.

And if it doesn't have an effect on you... check your pulse to see if you're still living!

How about making this a 2010 commitment (or even, a life commitment) - to crush blaming, whining, thumbsucking and complaining in all its forms, and instead... DO SOMETHING TO FIX WHAT NEEDS TO BE FIXED!

It's an interesting choice - whining and complaining or fixing things and moving on.

And the rewards of both?

Well, it's either... happiness or misery.

And we can choose the kind of day-to-day experience we want.

Raja Hireker

P.S. Here's the video made AFTER Dr Randy Pausch's death.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fearless Artistry

Watching an artist, a real artist perform their work, is nothing but magical.

Whether it's in sport, literature, entertainment, painting... artistry is artistry.

And we've all been in such presence of an artist because we can feel it, see it, experience it. It's what it DOES to us.

True artistry literally, takes your breath away. It leaves you speechless. Spellbound. Tearful.

I'd like to invite you to watch something.

But before that, please read what follows. It's important to what you'll witness.

The video you're about to see, shows the winner of Ukraine's Got Talent, 24 year old Kseynia Simonova. She's seen drawing a series of pictures on an illuminated sand table, showing how ordinary people were affected by the World War II invasion on her country.

Personally, I've never seen such creative artistry in any other shape or form.

Of course, you can make up your own mind.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hanging Ourselves With Our Own Noose!

There's an unfair place, where the judge, the jurors, everyone - has got it in for us.

But you know, in this Kangaroo Court, EVERYTHING is fair and just.


Here's something simple, though what I think, powerful at the same time.

We need nothing OUTSIDE of us to commit ourselves to a life we hate! One of misery. One of continual blame and apathy.

Quite honestly, we pretty much sentence ourselves to the life we have based on nothing more than the thoughts we feed ourselves.

And often, no... ALWAYS!... it's 100% to do with the make-believe stories we create and feed ourselves.

And what happens when you feed something, continually? That's right - it GROWS and EXPANDS... and, depending on the thought, it turns into something ghastly and horrible.

So, what happens when you catch yourself saying (and it's only ALWAYS the thought that creates all of it)...

... "how do I get past the fear, how do I get the courage, how do I get the desire, I'm uncomfortable about this, how do I get passed that, I'm overwhelmed with things, how can I manage things, I've got so many things going on that I don't know what to focus on, I have faith and hope that things will get better but it doesn't seem to be working..."

So of course, there's NOTHING going on here apart from the sweet stories we stick to for dear life! And we've continually - just like a guest we've grown fond of and accustomed to - feed the story until it becomes a rampant, self obsessed, personal philosophy.

I'm scared - A STORY we've made up.

I need more courage - a STORY that says I've no courage.

I need to be more willing - a STORY that says I won't do anything until I become more willing, first.

I need to get past the fear - a MAKE-BELIEVE story we hold onto to get us OUT of action.

Make-believe thoughts - they'll cripple us -- if we let them.

Ask a kid if they'd like to go out to and play in the snow and they'll leap up and let out a yell that you wouldn't believe. Ask the kid if they want to go out and play in the snow wearing shorts and a t-shirt, they'll look at you and think you're Santa who has just made their biggest wish, come true!

You'll notice that there's no story there that kids cling to. There's no fear.

There's no need to feel courageous or muster up the willingness to do it - they DO IT, without any kind of silly, made up, story.

There's nothing getting in the way of what they want - there's just super excitement and a life of adventure.

Can we live like that as adults?

Sure. All we need do is practice a story that fuels and feeds us in a way that supports what we want.

No stupid foolish story needed - especially the ones we hang ourselves with... those stories we cling that act like our own noose - where we become the judge and jury in a Kangaroo Court... created out of our own madness.

Simply pure excited adventure and energy. And that comes by deliberately choosing what we want and how we want to live. Why not script and create another story for you - one that'll have you falling in love with YOU and what you want?