Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Is That The Best You Can Do?

It's interesting what simple questions can do - if you let them into your life.

Take the question opening up this blog -
is that the best you can do?

For most of us, we're playing way under our best, we're being, way less than our best - in most areas of life - though we rarely think about it in any kind of serious way at all.

Imagine you're a swimmer, wanting to improve your lap timings - and your coach asks -
is that the best you can do?

You may think you've given all you've got to give - but what if, unknown to you, your coach strapped on a rubber shark fin to his back and whilst you were in the water, someone yelled out to you -- SHARK!!

You look behind and you see this shark ripping through the water, nearly edging its nose to your toes - what are you going to do now?

Well, you'd either freeze and get eaten or you're going to swim the race of your life.

Is that the best you can do?


And what if we apply a similar thinking to what we do in each day - what if we ask that - is that the best you can do question - whether what we're doing in the moment is a business, job, health, relationship, financial, communication or any other activity based task we're engaged in?

Making that presentation - is that the best you can do?
Having a heart to heart - is that the fullest you can engage?
Doing your exercise programme - is that the best effort you can put in?
Taking care of finances - is that the best way to manage it all?
Creating customers who fall in love with you - are you doing enough to make that real?
Being happy - is that the most amount of time you allow yourself to be happy?

And here's the biggest of them all...

Is that the most you can LOVE?

How about for you?

Is that the best you can do with what you've got going on in your life?

If not, get yourself a shark coach!