Monday, November 11, 2013

Dying Whilst Waiting

"A lobster
when left high and dry among the rocks,
has not instinct and energy enough
to work his way back to the sea,
but he waits for the sea to
come to him.
If it does not come,
he remains where he is and DIES,
although the slightest effort
would enable him to reach the waves,
which are perhaps within
a yard of him.
The world is full of HUMAN LOBSTERS:
those stranded on the rocks of indecision
and procrastination,
who, instead of putting forth their energies
are waiting for some
grand billow of
good fortune to set them afloat."

Dr Orrison Swett MARDEN

Thursday, October 03, 2013

How DO You Dissolve a LIMITING BELIEF?

This will be INSTRUCTIVE.

And, if you follow along, you can have a belief that's limited you in whatever way, melted.

Possibly, forever.

Though first, what is a belief?

How about we settle for a belief being something we take as 'fact', that we know as being the TRUTH... all based on HOW we see the world, and our personal interpretation of it.

If you're happy with that definition, then let's look at those LIMITING beliefs, those TRUTHS that we've made real for us.

So where does it all start?

Well, it starts (and ends) with the inventor, the creator, the author of those truths, of those beliefs.

And WHO might that be?

Well, to answer that, let's take a look at rain. It falls. But HOW you see rain maybe very different to how I SEE rain.

You may look and see rain falling and say... "what lousy weather, we're stuck inside, we can't do a thing."

I may see the SAME rain falling and say... "man, how cool and refreshing that rain is."

A person owning an allotment may be totally relieved at the rain falling because his plants are getting the needed watering.

Rain has NO MEANING... apart from the meaning WE choose to give it, based on how we SEE rain.

And, we can if we wish, choose to give a number of DIFFERENT meanings (or interpretations) to the very SAME event.

Now let's carry that thinking through to something that has created a LIMITATION.

How about something as universal as one that says "I'm a lousy public speaker. In fact, I'm scared stiff of giving a presentation in front of others" 

Now that belief has certainly limited many many people from rising up and venturing forth.

And so the job is to first identify who is the inventor of such a belief?

And of course, the finger points inwards, NOT outwards.

But from where did it stem? Where are its roots? How did it come to be so?

It's possible it may have formed in an early childhood interpretation of events, which then, multiplied over the years into a hardened, solidified... TRUTH.

And, just like RAIN, if we gave NO MEANING to the situation, to that childhood
scenario (whether we were told to shoosh up and stop talking, or we were labelled shy because of not contributing to the conversation or we made up a story about how GOOD the other kids are) that same crippling thought about speaking in public, would have no home to go to, no place to lay its hat.

So let's put our hindsight glasses on and ask our little self something about that TIME we decided that we were not going to speak up (in public or not). So the conversation may sound a little like this;

"...hey little self, that's an interesting way to look at that event. Well how about we decide upon an alternative way to see the same situation... do you think that would be okay, do you think you could look at the idea of speaking in public, rather differently?

What that means is; if we were aware that we had multiple ways of looking at the same scenario at our command, instead of choosing the viewpoint that has us ducking anything and everything to do with public speaking, we would have a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT VIEWPOINT about speaking in public!

Yes, through our very own interpretation of a situation, we gave it a particular meaning, which, multiplied over time, had us lying low... possibly for decades even!

It's true to say that we indeed INVENTED that limiting belief about speaking in public. A belief that has held us back again and again and again.

Does it have to continue that way?

It doesn't have to now, does it? Because, we can decide to attach a DIFFERENT meaning to the very notion that speaking in public is bad. And, just like RAIN, we can choose to give it no meaning whatsoever, thus dissolving the limiting belief altogether.

So, what OTHER limiting belief do you want to dissolve?

And, if you want to see a video based explanation of the simple process, I suggest you set aside 18 minutes or so right now and immerse yourself into what you're about to experience.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Inspired or Inspiring (Which are YOU?)

We can all be inspired. Continually so.

However, there comes a time to turn the tables and BECOME that inspiration source where others can bring forth their greatness... because of US.

Because, HOW LONG do we want to stay in the shadows. How long do we want to be inspired by others, when, with an instant choice of MIND, we can bring about that turnaround shift.

And yes, whether or not we think we can't inspire others by who we ARE, we're already doing it in some capacity. 

Think about WHO has looked to you for guidance, for support, for friendship?

These people wouldn't be looking to you if they weren't inspired by you at some level.

And please note this very IMPORTANT note; one doesn't have to have a particular kind of upbringing, a particular social status, a specific kind of education, a particular family trait, a particular sum of money, drive a particular kind of car, live in a specific kind of house, have a particular network of contacts, live in the right country, speak with the right accent, know how to present like a pro...

You don't need the right kind of anything, to inspire others.

However, you do have to have one thing.

The ability to connect.

Because, without the ability to connect with others, your inspirational treasures will be unheard.

Your magnificence will go to waste.

And please, don't let that happen.

Don't go unheard.

Don't let the music still reside deep inside of you.

Bring it all out.

There are people all over the planet desperately looking to be inspired.

There are people 6 metres away from you, dying to be inspired. 

Be that for them

Because, we've only a number of heartbeats left inside of us.

And when it's over, it's over.

Here's a young gun who is definitely letting his music come out. 

Someone who IS more inspiring than most.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

No Easy Way Out, No Short Cut Around

So who would have thought it - Andy Murray becoming the 2013 MEN'S WIMBLEDON CHAMPION.

Andy Murray would've thought it, that's who.

And there was no easy way out for him, no short cuts around to get to the Wimbledon dream.

In case you weren't aware, Andy has three of the worlds all time best tennis players in his TOP 4 group. There's been no other four like them. And, for them to be playing all at the same time... INCREDIBLE!

Not only that; there's pressure put on Murray that's been dished out by many with the the absurd line of overcoming 77 years of hurt because of Britain not having a Wimbledon Champ since Fred Perry in 1936. (It's not 77 years of hurt at all; more accurately, it's 77 years of not being good enough - so where's the hurt in that!)

So what does a person do who has previously LOST his 4 grand slam finals? Would he recover from those defeats? Would he bounce back or curl up into the fetal position and pull the blanket over his head?

Because that's the situation Murray found himself in August 2012, at Flushing Meadows New York where the US OPEN was being staged.

Murray's fitness levels were always in question. He couldn't last the distance when fighting it out with the big guns. So, after sacking his former coach Brad Gilbert, Murray committed to whatever his new team of fitness trainers demanded of him.

He told them...

"Look, I've spent the last few years not pushing myself as hard as I should. If I don't do a session properly, I want you to tell me straight out. Tell me: "your attitude is wrong." Don't let me get away with anything"

Murray realised his fitness was an area he needed to work on. He was prepared to do anything. There was no 'torture' that Murray wouldn't consider.

He'd sit in yoga positions in 42 degree temperatures to get his body and mind conditioned.

He'd run sets of 100 metre, 200 metre and 400 metre sprints to build up his speed and stamina.

He'd get into the gym and be put through a separate muscle building and cardio induced workout. 

Oh, and let's not forget to add that Murray hired Ivan Lendl as his coach in 2011- winner of 8 major grand slam tournaments and someone whom Murray respects more than any other coach Murray has had because of what Lendl has achieved in the game and what he could bring to Murray because of that experience.

THIS is transformation.

It's not merely analysing where the knots and hiccups were and to simply leave it at that. NO. Creating a plan and working the plan so the problem is never a problem again, THIS is where the miracle and magic is.

There was no short cutting what needed to be done.

There was no easy way out to success.

There was no isolated Law of Attraction visualisation without ever doing the necessary and essential work.

Instead, there was pure commitment and dedication to create into existence a reinvented Andy Murray.

And did it pay off?

Well, he WON the US OPEN in 2012.

And... Andy Murray IS the 2013 Wimbledon Men's Champion. 

And in both finals, he outgunned and outlasted the IRON man of Tennis, Novak Djokovic! His transformation was complete.

So ask this question to yourself or to someone who needs to hear it:

"In what area of life have you not pushed hard enough for the gains you want, and... who or what will you have in place to not let you 'get away' with things?"


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Stones, Belt Buckles and Gold

"When you're betting for stones in an archery contest, you shoot with skill. When you're shooting for fancy belt buckles, you worry about your aim. And when you're betting for real gold, you're a nervous wreck. Your skill is the same in all three cases - but because one prize means more to you than another, you let outside concerns weigh heavily on your mind. He who looks too hard at the outside gets clumsy on the inside."

Chuang Tzu

Whatever the goal, the stakes, the result you want for - play the mental game INSIDE where you're simply... shooting for pebbles and stones.  

Because in that way... you come to the table and shoot with ALL your skills, with ALL your attention on ALL of the game!

Friday, June 14, 2013

So Let It Be Written, So let It Be Done

My Friend Steve Hardison instructs and coaches me through the simplest and most innocent of sentences.

"So let it be written, so let it be done".

Now what does that mean? What is the instruction?

My paraphrasing of it is; 

If you write it, then by doing so, you've activated it into reality, it's already created into existence. And then along with that, there are a number of committed actions to stitch the whole thing together. That you are the kind of person who will bring it to LIFE.

Another way to interpret the instruction: 

Don't waste precious words and thoughts and energy and life on writing about or dreaming about something that you're not committed to bring into existence. The experience will exhaust you. Especially if it's a daily, repetitive habit.

You and I both know certain words have immense power.

Almost miraculous in their effect.

And it's true whether using them on and for, ourselves. And, when using them on and for, others.

So imagine a life where what we say and write, happens, arises, comes into existence? That's a pretty powerful thing to contemplate, isn't it?  

And so what kind of human being would we have to be in order to have our written words, be incredible, instructional, acts of creation?      

A person committed to oneself. 

A person committed to creation.

A person committed to surgical thought deconstruction & reconstruction. 

A person committed to systematic action.

Can anyone be that kind of committed person?   

Look around and inside your life of people. You'll find living examples.

For you: are you that committed person you want to be? 

Test it and prove it to yourself.

So let it be written, so let it be done

Monday, June 10, 2013

Don't Just Report It... CREATE It!!

Rafael NADAL - 8 Time French Open Tennis Champion June 2013

If you don't know the story, Rafael Nadal was out of the men's professional tennis game for several months since July 2012 with a chronic knee injury.
That's a LONG time to be out. Especially when you have players who are improving whilst you aren't even in the game.
And so it makes Nadal's victory in the French Open in Paris, all the more remarkable. (He also created  history by being the only player to win a major SLAM tournament... EIGHT TIMES!) 
His play throughout the fortnight was SENSATIONAL. He played like the fearless swashbuckling gladiator he's famed for. His tennis really did...take your breath away.
It's like he's never been away.
Incredibly, his speed, power, agility, mental toughness was better than it's ever been.
How so?
His incredible persistence. A close team of people around him who helped, coached, nurtured and brought him back to life. A group of people who were deeply committed to the process of rejuvenation, rehabilitation and in fact, re-CREATION.  
And now look; don't let this piece of writing or Nadal's efforts be something that's just reported on event. Don't let it be a piece that's hoarded in the database of your own mind. Let it be a powerful catalyst for you and I to create a similar piece of extraordinary magic in what we do.
Let's not us just marvel at Nadal. Let's be deeply inspired by him. Let's take his formula for winning and apply the same kind of discipline, the same kind of practice, the same kind of commitment and dedication to create something incredible in our own lives.
It doesn't matter WHAT we apply the 'Nadal Formula' to -- whether it's our job, our business, our communications, our sporting endeavours, our relationships, ... whatever it is we want to be better at, why not we learn from the best in the way they become the best?
So let's not be like the stuck-in-the-seat pundits and tv commentators, reporting on an incredible event with energy and enthusiasm, which eventually dies a death when the tv programme scheduling ends.
(And incredibly, there are very very few tennis commentators and pundits who really inspire by their words, their comments, their energy and enthusiasm that it makes you wonder at the hiring and selection process.)
Let's not be inspired by those couch potato type reporter people, because listen, we can all get energised and high when we report on something, we can all do that, it doesn't take that much skill or learning for us to do that.
Let's be inspired by the people who motivate, inspire, gets us into action.       
Let's be inspired by someone who is humble, magnanimous and has a character of gold.
Why not have that inspiration be someone like Nadal?

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Screw it Man... LET'S RIDE!

There's nothing healthy about sitting in the corner with a mind and an ego that's bruised, hurting and... FROZEN WITH INACTION!

Here's an idea - what if we said... screw conformity, screw passivity, screw tiptoeing around with what we're up to in life.

...And then we decided to saddle up and say... "Let's Ride!!"

Wouldn't that be reckless as well as a whole heap of... FUN?

But see, isn't that a more exciting action based thing to do than simply mulling over a bunch of things that creates NON ACTIVITY, all channelled though a form of sophisticated dithering?

I'm reminded today about a group of people I had the valuable privilege of sharing an intense six months relationship with. A coaching mastermind programme run by Steve Chandler, with 9 of the smartest, kindest and most authentically REAL people that have come into my experience.

When we met up in Arizona some 5 years ago, one of the 9, Scott, a powerful man with a solid marketing brain, bought in a Harley Davidson ad (or was it a t-shirt?) that said...

Well, how powerful is that?

And see, when you read the instruction, you won't find any hidden meanings and you won't have to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist or take any kind of brain or psychometric test  to help you decipher the instruction - it's pretty clear, simple and straight forward don't you think?    

So let's say you've been contemplating moving forward with a project - whether a business or a personal one - and you've been dilly dallying with it for a good few months - screw it, get it into action!  because obviously, the passive, non-action way, the one you've bought into, subscribed to, invested yourself into... just isn't working!

If you've a communication you've toyed with and dibbled and dabbled with and you still haven't sent it out into the marketplace - screw it and send it out!  Good enough is good enough. The more time you spend trimming and beautifying and enhancing it, you're NOT impacting anyone. Your audience canNOT read a communication which... doesn't get sent!

So Screw It, Let's Ride... it has such a majestic ring and beauty and simplicity about it that wouldn't it be cool if there was a university called the Screw It Let's Ride University, where only those who have dropped their inner BS yammering and who have chosen to now live an action oriented life, could enrol? Wouldn't that just be the best university in the world to go, to send our kids to, a REAL place to go to instead of twittering and fakebooking and 'liking' a good, happy and productive life?

I'm not sure how many enrollers we'd get but I'm sure those who DO enrol, would raise a glass to their old ways and say... Screw It, Let's Ride!          

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Wandering Into Oblivion (And The Light Switch CURE)

Meet Joe.   

He’s in his late forties, early fifties. Has three children. Drives a not too flashy car. Lives in an okay house. Considered a good guy. Works in a 9 to 5 job, though having very little enthusiasm for it. 

Has made multiple promises to his wife (and to himself) about changing the way things are. But is gripped with self-doubt. Isn’t internally driven or motivated to do anything of significance. Though, wants to.  He sits alone at night. Troubled. Dissatisfied. Frustrated. Trying to figure his life out. Night after night. Most nights, having little to no sleep at all. 

However, for Joe (and men and women just like Joe) things are (and will be) pretty much the same as they were, give or take a little rainbow of success along the way. Endless opportunities for growth, profits and incredible personal development, will have come and gone. A deep commitment to none.  An avalanche of conflicting information scattered far and wide into his brain.  The result? Confusion and misery. No clue how to make sense of it all. 

Sadly for Joe, he’ll be just another hopeful human. Just getting through his life. Until, he realises that he’s into his seventies and eighties. And nothing to show for his time on the planet except a shopping list of missed opportunities, unfinished projects, broken promises and a pile of… ‘what could have beens’.

What one thing could Joe have done that would’ve made a major difference in how his life turns out? GETTING HELP. Joe decided to walk the path to success, alone. He figured that he would have the required desire, know-how and fortitude to work things out for himself.  

DIY success, rarely works for the majority. Only a few are totally independent. Totally self-reliant.  Totally internally dependable on themselves. They will make a dynamic success of things, no matter what. Joe hadn’t sufficiently trained himself to be completely self-reliant. Though, he has trained himself to be locked up in his own cocoon. Happy to not take the advice of successful others. To not get into a community of others who can help. He lives with a fragile ego. Unwilling to deal with another point of view. Unwilling to admit that he doesn’t know much. Unwilling to say that he was wrong. Unwilling to have someone jolt him into activity.      

Joe is steadily wandering into oblivion. Though, he just can’t see it. Because, for Joe, there’s another day just around the corner. And then another. And then another. Somewhere, there’s a part of Joe that believes he’s immortal. That he’ll be on the planet forever. That he’ll have all the time in the world to do what he wants. To get what he wants. To be whom he wants. Though, all the while Joe believes this, he is living a life of quiet desperation. He worries. He frets. He questions his own sanity every single day. Sadly, unable to come up with the right answers.
The Switch

It could be that Joe can find the answer by going to the switch on his wall. Switched to the ON position, light enters. Switched off, darkness. Can the road to success begin with and be as simple as flipping the switch and letting the light in? Why not? Aren’t we all in a state of darkness about something, until we see the light?
And how difficult is it to go from darkness to light? It’s just a flipping of a switch.  

And what’ll happen to people like Joe when he flips the switch and sees the light? Miracles! Happenings that’ll take shape which seemed unfathomable previously. The sparkle of his true personality will surge forth like electricity lighting up a whole city.

The Joes’ of the world can set fire to their lives – but only when they switch their internal switch to the ON position. A switch that’ll move them from oblivion and darkness, to clarity and light.