Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Perfect Day - What Does YOURS Look Like?

I don't know if you've ever thought about what a PERFECT DAY would look like for you. Can you remember answering such a question?

And the thing about it is that if we don't create or paint a picture of what our perfect day really looks like, tastes like, feels like... then we won't know what it looks like when it arrives!

The sad fact of the matter is that even daring to mention a perfect day, send many people into a spin - like... who are you, some wizard with a magic lantern who can conjur up perfect days! You're in cloud cuckoo land, there's no such thing!'

I've been doing some research into the very nature of what a perfect day looks like for people.

Below, you can see an account of someone who's a creative fabric designer and you can hear how she describes what a perfect day means and looks like, to her;

What's your definition of a perfect day?

Wake up early with coffee and toast. Spend 2 hours in the garden before the rest of the house wakes up and then take a family walk with the dogs by the river. I would spend the afternoon in the studio just tinkering – testing new stitches, plotting a new wall piece, sifting through my stash of vintage cotton – without a deadline or any must dos. The day would end with a delicious outdoor dinner with my husband and two boys, accompanied by chilled wine and evening bird song… These kinds of days don’t come around that often. Life is just too busy most of the time. But it is always something to strive for…

Okay, there are a few things here that are super important. Follow along with me and I promise that you'll see a MINDSHIFT about to take place.

"These kinds of days don't come around too often"

What's the truth about THAT?

Well, these kind of days don't create themselves out of thin air. They have to be first put into the playground of our mind - painted, created, lovingly, artfully, deliberately, on purpose.

Rarely does a fabulous experience, happen by accident. It must be designed.

And, our creative friend hasn't paid attention to the creation of her own days.

"Life's too busy most of the time... "

And what's the reality of that?

Life doesn't say to us... "okay, it's a gonna be real busy around here so let's not even think about enjoying life for at least a few months, got that? "

Life didn't get together and have a hasty conference with all the other elements out there that go to make up the scenario of "life's too busy" and said... 'we're gonna let him have it'... NONE of that happened. And it's good that we know it didn't happen like that because then we can stop living the lie that "Life's too busy" and we can stop acting as if we didn't have any part to play in it being so busy.

The fact of the matter is WE'VE created a life that's pretty much out of control whenever we say - 'we're too busy'.

I mean, it gets boring, monotonous and gives us the insight that this person really is working for a lunatic... THEMSELVES!!

When we're open and frank and can say I don't know how to create a life of importance to the things that matter most to me and that I soak myself up in the illusion of busyness and got too much to do because I've not taken the time to create anything different or in fact, I don't want another point of view BECAUSE I'VE GOTTEN ACCUSTOMED to living life this way and have bought into the LIFE TRAP that says BEING BUSY AND FOCUSSED ALL THE TIME equals SUCCESS!

Aha! The success scenario. Oh Yes. We've got to measure up to what society says we must BE so, we've got to strive and put our shoulder, mind, brain and sanity to the wheel in order to get the approval, validation, annointing, the SPECIAL PRIVILEGE into the club of the successful burnouts who have no life to talk of apart from when asked - what's your perfect day look like?

And then, the scampering begins.

I have a number of friends and colleagues who all practice SLOWING DOWN their lives in order to enjoy every single moment of it. And, in the doing of this slowing down, there's the real experience of more prosperity, more fun, more excitement, more adventure, more possibilities and... simply fabulous conversations.

Howcome that's so?

Well, we all PRACTICE it. We've made it a sweet and courageous discipline out of it and... IT'S PRETTY FABULOUS to be part of it all.

What's your perfect day look like?

Raja C. Hireker

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Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Courage to Smack Yourself in The Head

It's not that you have to go some place, read a book, get into a pile of affirmative huntra-mantras in order to FIND your courage.

I submit that it's sitting there, right inside your very pocket. The pocket of your mind and heart. And, that it's ALWAYS been there.

You see, the moment you decide to TURN to the inner bully who's intent on keeping you down, you'll run your own life. But you see, the answer to it all for you is in the ACTIVATING of this whole process.

So, your spouse, your 'boss', your suppliers, your children, your friends, your parents are all telling you how to run the whole show - your life.

And, till now, you've been playing to their tune. Not unhappily. Not grudgingly. But, with a sense of ... "I'M NOT SO COMFORTABLE DOING IT... something's not quite right here..."

Funny thing is, all around you the people in your life are doing as they're doing because you've trained them to do it by not giving them a different point of view!

It's NOT them that's under the microscope of life here - it's you and it will only and TOTALLY be you. And that's when you've got to step up to the real bully - THE BULLY WITHIN.

You ever caught yourself talking to yourself? And when I say talking, what I really mean is that you've given yourself a good ole' VOCABULARY WALLOP? I have. But, it doesn't quite create the magic as when I DO, ACT, BEHAVE in courageous WAYS in line with the stuff that has me mentally tuned out.

However, barking fierce instructions to our own inner doubt committee is a start in letting the whole mind and body structure know that there's a new captain aboard this fantastic human ship; one that's about to sail into new, exciting waters.

So, get barking, get in action and get a more courageous creative and beautiful YOU to step up to LIFE.

Raja C. Hireker

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Delirious Motivated Idiots!

You ever seen the mad excited rush from those people coming out of a motivational seminar, darting around the place like headless chickens, looking for a place, a person, an idea, SOMETHING(!)... to attach their newfound motivation to?

I have.

Heck, I've BEEN that person! And yes, it's horrible.


Because I'd wait and wait and wait for the MOTIVATION to DO something to me. To MOVE me. To CREATE for me. To SURGE through me... anything!

But, just like a dream of the big lottery ticket, it all vanishes into the darkest of nights.

And the horrible thing is I still see people I know, honest, good, loving people... I still see them looking for the WONDER DUST that'll trigger their life into some form of creative momentum.

Of course, that's not going to happen. I know that. YOU know that. But, you know, these people - and we all know them and we all have them somewhere lodged in the corner of our lives somewhere - these people will still be on the HUNT. The hunt for the elusive MOTIVATIONAL MAGIC POWDER they believe, and they truly do believe this, honest they do, they believe that it exists OUT THERE...


Yes I know. Pathetic. But look, we all lived that way, once. You know, that bouncing along with life with the feeling that all's well and life is hunky doodle dandy... but... there's NOTHING HAPPENING to make life a happy, joyous, excited place to be in.

It's what I call the DELIRIOUS MOTIVATED IDIOT syndrome.

I don't mean that 'happy for no reason' type look. Not that. (Because see, there's power in that, REALLY!)


I'm struggling to come up with a better description but I think if you feel what I'm saying at a gut level, you'll instantly pick up what I'm talking about.

So, the next time you feel all juiced and pumped after reading something inspirational, motivational - something that stirs your heart and gets you really ramped up, find a project or goal to take all that energy you've got, and go put it to powerful and practical use.

As I say, let's run from the DELIRIOUS MOTIVATED IDIOT crowd, and instead, become part of the crowd that gets the WORK done behind all the motivation and enthusiasm.

Raja C. Hireker

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Breaking The Lack of Creative Infusion

When you look at most businesses, people, organisations, the single biggest thing that stops them dead in their tracks from living a real fabulous and spirited life... is the lack of NEW IDEAS.

Husbands and wives, partners and lovers, split from eachother because of the lack of creative ideas in their relationship.

In fact, in a recent Oprah winfrey show, it was said that most wives leave a relationship because... "he just didn't talk to me... anymore!"

That's a lack of creative ideas for language.
Anyway you want to look at things, it's pretty amazing to note that ANYTHING we ever want to know about ANYTHING, is available - FOR FREE!

Just crank up your favourite search engine and SEARCH.

It's really nothing complicated.

And, that there is the complication - in that there's nothing complicated!

Simple creative ideas is the real currency to living a good life.

So, when it comes to creating ideas for a spluttering business, for a life teetering on the edge of oblivion, for a relationship that's lost its owners - there's solutions all around.

And, an infusion of creativity is ALWAYS the answer to a life of little reward, little happiness, little excitement.

Think of anything that's currently got you perplexed, stuck, frustrated and I can guarantee you that you've stopped the flow of ideas coming into your brain.

Say you're a freelancer working from home and you've got the age old problem and headache of waking up early. And, that you've tried everything under the sun and nothing's worked. You're still dragging your behind, behind everyone else.

Now, if it's been like that for a while, that you're slumped in bed whilst the birds are singing and the sun is opening its heart to you - then, there's no creative infusuion that's been able to reach your brain.
But, what if you said that for every block of 15 minutes you get up earlier than what you used to, you'd get to save that time up and get to go and see your favourite movie when you've collected enough 'time'.

Or, what if you get to do what you love most in the world (apart from sleeping!) because of waking up a little earlier. Now whether that you go for a game of golf, watch a rerun of your favourite movie or tv programme, snack on a big ole pizza.. whatever it is for you, let it be your reward.

And, it' will have to be something that will MOVE YOU INTO ACTION.

Yes, creative thinking is the HOT CURRENCY of today. And quite frankly, it'll be that way, forever.

And people are paying a fortune to others because of their creative mind.

Whether you get your creative infusion from a book, a person, a mastermind of people, a television programme, or however you get it - GET IT.

And, get your CREATIVE INFUSION regularly for once the creative hose dries up, life, pretty much, dries up.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Becoming Your Own TOWERING Superhero...

Can I help start a revolution within your own head?

Maybe, a complete... REINVENTION!

I can?

Fabulous! Because, in your nod of agreement, you've just given yourself permission to know that it CAN be done.

That in itself is like a thunderous clap, sending a vibration of earthquake intensity throughout your entire mental and physical structure.

And, to be frank, it's the beginning of what you need to really set your life on fire... to scorch a trail of life that'll leave you amazed at your own powerful self.

And did you know that within you, lies the towering person you've hidden from the rest of the word... a person so big and so powerful, that it puts the world's biggest stone carved statue of the Buddha... in the shade.. that puts the world's most sophisticated computer's, to the back of the unemployment queue!

Can you really access that powerful you... the very you you've always wanted to be, every single moment of your life?

Of course you can.

Standing at 71 metres high, the Leshan Buddha in China is the largest stone carved statue of the Buddha, in the world.

And, once we’re done, you’ll see that you’ve been living life… being less than you can really be.

Okay, I want you to imagine that this Leshan Buddha statue in China (above) , is in your back garden.

So you wake up tomorrow morning, draw back the curtains and you look out into the garden where you see this humungous, mammoth statue of the Buddha, just reaching up into the sky and beyond.

You look at it, reaching up with your neck and following it all the way to its 71 metres in height and you’re just in awe of it. Your mouth is wide open and looks as if it’ll never shut.

You’ve now gone outside into the garden and your right at the feet of this huge Buddha statue. And then, just as you’re looking up at this enormous statue, you find yourself slowly walking towards this statue and very quickly, you’re finding that you yourself ARE this huge statue. You’ve merged into this statue.

The BIG YOU has come to life. You’re now TOWERING over everything

Now, you’re thinking about something that’s been concerning you for a while now. You thought it was a hurdle or an obstacle. But, now, the giant you is hurtling towards this ‘problem’. You’re now able to see things differently, from a larger, broader perspective.

Problems Become Insignificant

All problems now seem insignificant and small to you. What troubled you previously, are now nothing more than tiny specks – insignificant to trouble you at all.

And so, from now on, all problems are treated that way because they really are, nothing more than simple little ‘items’ that needed sorting out.

Can you see how a certain shift in the perception of yourself… can transform your life? And, that your physical body is housing another version of you – the superhero that’s simply itching to get out … YOU!

Raja C. Hireker

Marketing and Personal Life Change Coach

Saturday, July 12, 2008

You're NOT a Commodity! (unless you choose to be...)

How is it that one business and success coach can charge 150k per year per client, and another, wheezes, splutters and barely gets by on a mere pittance per hour?

How come one marketing seminar can attract people to pay 10k a pop, and another can just about muster enough courage to ask for 195 per person?

What's it all about?

Quite simply, most busines owners, consultants, coaches, perceive themselves (with no outside help at all) to be mere commodities of what it is they sell and offer to their marketplace.

And the remarkable thing is, most operate on the NORMAL level. On being average. On doing what the majority are doing because they really don't know any different.

And that means, normal service, normal communication, normal earning, normal thinking and approaches to challenges and problems.

And, most of all, it leads to NORMAL results for your clients and customers.

I don't know about you but I don't get that real 'WOW' experience of life, that BIG thrill of life in having things in life tick along like normal.

It does nothing for me when I watch a normal film. I don't get much from talking about how 'normal' a sporting event is. I don't get to experience the full joy and emotion of life when I have dull, lacklustre, uneventful conversations and relationships.

Something has to shift.

And it begins in the mind.

Your mind. My mind. Our Minds.

For, when things DO shift for you, you'll notice that you're no longer languishing in the commodity basement of life - you've upgraded.

And, your UPGRADE affects not just one area of your life - it affects them all.

Think about it -

You're a business consultant, freelance writer, coach or any valued service professional, but you've simply not appreciated what you do and the impact you have on others with what you offer. You've simply not acknowledged it as yet.

However, once you realise that you're playing in a field of 'others' who are insecure, tight with their self-image, their attitude and their positioning, you'll not want to belong to that group anymore.

Raising your prices and fees, helps. A lot.

You see, you'll automatically be preceived as expensive. And, that's a great thing. Because look at it - who wants to be considered and perceived as a Cheap and Cheerful professional? There's just an incongruency to it all.

There's merit and distinction in wanting to be percived as expensive and worth every penny.

And, when you raise your fees, you'll find you'll attract a different quality of client. Someone who complies with your modus operandi. Someone who values what you do for them, and... who values themselves more because of the investment they've made. Not only that but you'll get more referred clients who have already been presold somewhat and, they'll most likely be just like the client who referred them to you in the first place.

Can you see the beautiful associated benefits when you upgrade your own thinking about your own worth and value?

I mean, you'll experience quantum leaps in your own life, and, as a direct consequence, the lives of your customers and clients will rise to unimaginable heights.

Begin the De-Commodotising process today.

You'll be thrilled you did.

Raja C. Hireker

P.S If you'd like to see a NON commodity version of how you can SELL MORE of your products and services without bullying, forcing or begging your prospects and customers to buy from you, then... CLICK HERE

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Great Products & Services - Crapiola Marketing & Advertising

Why On Earth Would a Business or Company Go To The Trouble & Effort to Create Fabulous Products and Services And Then Support it With Shoddy Creative Thinking and Lacklustre Marketing & Advertising?

There’s no two ways about it: there’ a marriage of incompetents working together in perfect harmony.

What am I talking about?

I’m talking about small to medium business owners or the head honcho at a mega goliath company, and... the nitwit marketing and advertising people they’ve hired.

(An god help them if they’re in-house bods given a license to run amok and create marketing and advertising that’s based on some creative voodoo and a swagger of laziness that’s billboarded for the whole world to see!)

But how come a business owner, someone who’s somewhat entrepreneurial, sharp and savvy, commit their products and services to such shambolic cavorting by the crazies at most marketing and ad agencies?

See if this (is it tongue in cheek!) dialogue, doesn’t hit home -

“Oh I see, it’s because of the market conditions that we’re not doing so well in our sales! Oh, now I get it. I’m sorry, I thought it had something to do with the rubbish marketing material you’ve created for us… oh, now I get it, thanks for pointing that out to me. Now I know that next time there’s a tank in sales or that we’re spending a mint on ‘creative advertising’ and nothing happens, it’s because of the market place and nothing else… oh, there’s a big revelation for me… thank you for pointing that out and making me aware of all that… I’d never have known and I’d still have been cloaked in darkness for months and months and months!”

And… let’s see now, I don’t think that there isn’t ANY product or service which this lunacy type marriage hasn’t affected.

Think about the many closures, business busts, job cuts, product recalls that is happening all around – doesn’t matter what industry or business category – most could have been saved or eliminated altogether if the marketing was more than just a limp wheeze in the park.

Look at the software, financial, professional services, automobile advertising, and even, (you’ve guessed it) marketing services!! – I mean, it’s an all round shamble.

Adult men and women, working for ad and marketing agencies, being paid good money for coming up with campaigns and promotions that are drop dead BORING. And, by the looks of things, conjure up their lazy, unbelievably dumb and woefully inadequate ‘masterpieces’ by challenging themselves to see how dumb they really can be.

And, they are quite frankly, succeeding, wonderfully at the expense and misery of their hapless and oh so accepting, clients.


Well, there’s nothing quite like a climb up a ladder that’ll help these poor misguided souls.

Of course, the ladder is a metaphor for the frazzled souls (and that includes both the ad ‘pros’ and the business owners succumbing to all the promotional and so called, ‘creative’, madness) being advertising victims at the lowest level on the scale of human consciousness. And the goal – is to climb to the top of the ladder where real creativity, solutions, and spirited imaginative insight, all reside.

It’s where being a true OWNER of the creative process, happens.

Next time you’re thinking about creating a promotion for your products or services, ask yourself, (or get whoever is charged with the responsibility to create your marketing assets) I mean really put the campaign under the process of inquiry and say…

“Am I really serving the customer or client with this communication, with this conversation, with this email, with this promotion… in the most creative, the most beneficial, the most exciting and most truthful way that I can?”

If your answer to that question is YES, (on a regular and continual basis) then my friend, you’ll be raking in a bundle.

And, if your answer to that question is NO, then, it’s a blast of brutal honesty time for you - for, you can do a few things.

You can fix things by aiming to get to the highest rung on the ladder of ownership and create, from there.

Or… you can do nothing and forget the question ever entered the receptive part of your brain.

Or… you can carry on regardless, letting the marriage deepen, deepen, deepen into a relationship where mediocrity reigns and where making a veritable bushel at the expense of the client is the HUSH HUSH mantra on the inside grapevine.

If you’re in a position of power and influence in your business or company, don’t let incompetence and mediocrity rule. Your products and services deserve better, so much better.

Raja C. Hireker