Thursday, March 16, 2006

Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich"- A MASSIVE FLAW, Maybe?

Have you ever been told that Napoleon Hill's classic Think and Grow Rich is MUST reading? I sure have. But, do you know what, I think that there's a massive flaw in the title of that book!

Of course, who am I to say that there's somthing awry with one of the greatest personal development/money making books of all time?

Well, in answer to that, I 'm going to focus on the words of the Buddha, when he said words to the effect of -don't follow things blindly. Be your own judge. The truth for you is only when you experience it for yourself, not on others say so. Let experience be your guide -

Anyway, what I want to point out is if all a person had to do is THINK in order to automatically GROW rich, then there'd be some pretty wealthy people doing nothing but thinking themselves rich... without having to life a finger! True?

No. What I believe is the massive flaw in the title of that book, as well as the message that the title conveys, is that there's no mention of ACTION. Of doing. Of movement. Of getting the momentum flowing.

See, it makes real sense if the book was called "Think, Act and Grow Rich". Now that strikes me as commonsense. Something that has meaning, that has logic.

But do you know what?

Think and Grow Rich has massive appeal, in that there's the implication that you don't have to WORK for things. And in this modern day, there's huge appeal for having things... DONE FOR YOU... instantly!

How does that sit with you? Is it troubling you a little, or does it ring of a little sense and sensibility?

And look, I'll go a little further - there's many a person who's read, re-read and read again that book, and... has come out more confused and messed up than ever!

And I think it's all to do with... THAT title!

See, somewhere, running amok in the tiny head of ours, is that little inner gremlin of ours (look out for a notice about a simple website called coming soon) who has latched onto the title of the book, and... now (and quite reasonably so) expects the book to deliver, full on, the EXACT PROMISE it suggests!

And guess what... when it doesn't deliver... lookout! There'll be a herd of people stampeding, pulling their hair out, gnashing their teeth, scratching their brains wondering how the heck life's the same as its ever been!

Oh, before I get a nutty mail from a berated reader, let me just add that the THINKING of things is the necessity before the ACTION phase kicks in. To me, 'thinking and action' go hand in hand. They're useless without eachother.

And something else...

"As you think, so you are"... "It's all in the mind"... "If you can conceive and believe, you can achieve"...

These are very well known sayings. There's an instruction there, to the mind. But, tell you what, if all those sayings did was to lay in the basement of your mind, you'd be no better than if you didn't know them at all!

Imagine, a 45 year old who's been listening to this stuff since he was 20, who's never lifted a finger to DO anything about turning those ideas and concepts... into practical, meaningful, worthwhile accomplishment and endeavour?

It's all a waste. A person is better left unknowing, than knowing and not doing a thing about it. It reminds me about something to the effect of - a person who knows how to read, but doesn't, is no better off than the person who CAN'T read!

Listen, when we boil all of this stuff down to its bare bones, we find life and success is all about truly accurate thinking balanced with masterful DOING.

Remember those twins, as you move through life.

Til next time....

Sparkle in your endeavours!

Raja C. Hireker