If you look all around you in your life, you've no doubt noticed the scatty type thinking adopted by most.
Of course, you'll get into a wrestling match about what's scatty and, what's not from those who'll protest about it all.
However, if you wanted to rid the world around you of the scatty, bird brain thinking most have slithered into, there's a simply beautiful solution.
I'm talking about finding ONE source, ONE person, ONE book, ONE website to help us FIX whatever it is that's giving us our scatty thinking in an area of life we want to improve.
And I know that simply hearing that instruction will have many jumping into a panic about "all the material and information they've already invested in... ", and, that's okay. But you see, the critical question you may need to fire at yourself is...
"What have I gained from it and how has it really helped me?"
You see, it's this Olympic style skating from one book, resource, website, guru, etc, to another, THAT is what STOPS most from getting really skilled and knowledgeable in a particular area.
We're simply not stopping at things long enough to give it a fair trial! To perfectly and beautifully, master the information.
In fact, I've been madly guilty of all this jumping around from pillar to post that at times, it makes me quite sick just writing about it. The amount of wasted energy, money, time, commitment in practicing this kind of ill-disciplined habit would stagger anyone if they audited it all and put everything to numbers.
So, when someone asks me about how to become a good writer to promote their products or services, I tell them to... WRITE. And, I say to them to get a hold of one book on a list of 5* or so advertising books, and to PICK ONE and go through it like there was nothing else on the planet that was written on the subject matter. For, when they're grounded in the basics, the FUNdamentals, they can then move on to other works to add to the rock solid foundation.
When someone asks me about motivation, self help, personal development, I tell them point blank to invest in the material put out by Steve Chandler (http://www.stevechandler.com/) I tell them to immerse themselves in his material and then, if they're not happy, to then trot along to all those hyped up evangelists who have nothing more to offer than their personal style and a total eagerness to promote themselves. You know; all wind and borrowed substance or in fact, NO substance.
The POWER OF 1 is not talked about much as most people have wired their insides to willingly, deliberately, on purpose... to skip the necessary concentration and attentiveness that's needed for experiencing the true POWER of 1.
So, if you peep into your own life, to an area where you're feeling sloppy or sluggish about something, then take a closer look for when you do you'll see that you've most likely got a half baked, incomplete, or conflicting story that's confusing the heck out of you.
So, what you probably do next is to cover it all away from the glare of the spotlight and let it hide away in some dark corner somewhere. And I can speak so freely and flowingly about it all because that's what I used to do! And yes, it felt so so good in NOT dealing with it because... I DIDN'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT!
And of course, in the NOT dealing of it, it became a BIGGER PROBLEM than if it was tended to in the first place.
See how the Power of One can work miracles in YOUR life, also. Put it to the test and let the results be your guiding light.
And, when you eventually reach that point, you'll realise that all you'll ever need is the power of YOU. You'll be your own teacher. You'll be the ONE you'll bet on, time and time again. You won't need anyONE else to give you what you seek.
Raja C. Hireker
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* Please drop me a line if you'd like the names of the handful of books mentioned in the blog post above.