He looked perplexed. Confused, even.
Again I pressed him - "show me what has you scared and fearful and put it on this plate?"
By now he was in a real state. In fact, I felt as if he was going to burst into tears. Or be sick. Or, something. So, I decided to go along another track.
"If we were at the surgeon's table, and we decided to look inside you, where do you think we'd find the thing that has you scared? Would it be in the lungs, near the kidneys... what about in your little toe... or, how about in the heart or liver?"
"And... if it is the fear of communicating effectively and saying what you want to say that has you in knots, where in your body do you think we'd find it all?"
A little smile appeared. His cheeks lifted a little. His shoulders were less tense. His breathing, lighter.
So again, I went a little further - always on the look out to pounce when the going's good!
"Okay, so we have your brain here, rolling about in this bowl. (I grabbed an apple and a cereal bowl to demonstrate the point - oh the joy of creativity!) Tell me now, if we were to open the little fella up, what do you think we'd find... would there be the list of fears you told me about?"
A picture of amazed puzzlement (I'm not sure if there's such a word, but, I like it!) spread across the chaps' face.
For, in that short, basic example, he GOT the fact that there's really nothing to be fearful or scared of at all. And, that it all lies outside of us, in the made up stories we tell.
Have YOU made up any stories recently... stories that have you frozen, inactive and just bumbling around in a haze?
Because, now, you can take them to the surgeon's table or the brain bowl, and... scalpel the living daylights out of them!!
Happy fear BASHing!
Raja C. Hireker