Do you remember where that line comes from? Well, it's from the 1980's movie, FAME. Gosh, was that song full of spirit and energy! I can hear the song playing in my head, again and again and again.
And it's so so beautiful.
And, it just so happened to be one of the songs my daughter danced to in her end of year ballet performance.
I'm hearing the song again, right now. God, it's electric!
And look, there's another line in that song - here it is. "I'm gonna to learn how to fly, high"
I can't stand it. I'm going to burst.
For me, it's TWO of the most spirited, most infectious and most instructive lessons for the mind, heart and spirit that we would NEVER have learnt in school, the workplace or pretty much anywhere else for that matter.
But, we can get it ALL - from the lyrics of a movie.
And still, there's people walking all over this planet (good, decent, educated people) who are still looking for a place to hang their umbilical chord because of the continuing uncertainty of who they are, what their contribution is and how can they make a true and lasting difference in this world.
So, let's go back to those TWIN POWERS.
"I'm gonna make it to heaven, light up the sky like a flame"
Now, as this is blog isn't 'into' heaven, I'll simply say that I call it a place where you're at your best - and, the lighting up the sky like a flame is simply - doing what you do so well that it just scorches up the sky with your brilliance.
Oh, if only the schools can teach our children, my children, your children, the children of the world that they can light up the sky like a flame in whatever way they want to! That they are the master creators.
And then there's the, "I'm going to learn how to fly, high".
So, if we pay careful attention, we'll see that the first part says "I'm going to learn how to fly". I'm going to LEARN how to FLY!
Learn - meaning, follow instructions, method, system, process, work. That's pretty clear cut. And it doesn't say, I'm going to fly. No. I'm going to LEARN how to fly...
And the next part is simply --- high.
Not, low, midway, semi-high.
Simply, HIGH!
Now isn't that a beautiful, simple instruction... LEARN to FLY, HIGH!
Do we really need a whole life to work out this beautiful truth? Oh, it seems we do.
But look, we don't need to WAIT. Why don't we DO all that, NOW!
Let's light up the sky like a flame. Let's learn to fly, high - right from where we currently are!
And, whether we're talking about doing it in your marketing, in your career, in your communications, in your personal relationships, in your health habits, in your own growth, in your own breathing... whatever it is for you, just scorch it across the sky and leave your trail there.
Leave it for people to marvel and wonder at!
Want to be infected? Get the song FAME. Listen to it. Again and again. Light up the sky like a flame and learn how to fly, higher than you've ever done before in your life.
Raja C. Hireker