Let's pretend for a second you don't know who you are or what your history is. Let's pretend that you don't have a memory about the story of your life. Let's pretend that you don't know anything about the pain or anguish you may have experienced.
Let's play the game that says we're going to start life all over again, starting from nothing.
Are you in?
Now here's the beauty of all this; we get to BE who we want to be, from now on... forever!
And, if getting to BE someone else, somewhat troubles you, let me suggest that we've all BECOME someone else already.
We're all acting out a role, which, for many, they destest and can't stand. Most really do want to be, someone else.
But, what if we could step in front of all what may come our way over the next week, month, year... and... guide and steer the very life we own... what then?
See, when we start US over, we get to be as playful and curious as the little child that we all are. There's no mask, no insecurities, no judgements, no opinions... just pure, playful, loving adventure.
Would that be something... taking that child within us, with all the many beautiful characteristics outlined above, and then, import it all into our present life, into our very BEING... present day... and, from this day forward we're LIVING OUR LIFE with that story of a child, living naturally, gracefully, as a part of who we ARE!
I suggest there'll be a remarkable shift in your life if you step into this game.
And, if you're the kind of person who's open to the very possibilities of you and your life by the transformations that can occur simply out of thin air, you'll take this post rather more seriously than those wishing and hoping for a better life... and... who do nothing about it.
So, here's the dare... here's the challenge; over the next 7 days, live life as a little child - having no stories, no fears, no opinions about yourself and what you can or, cannot do.
Get a little notebook and notice what you notice about yourself. Write it all down. Notice what others around you seem to be experiencing because of this NATURAL you who's only playing the game from that sacred child space, that touched heart space where you live and perform at your creative best.
Test it. Challenge it. And see what comes out of it.
To the week ahead and to the YOU who's STARTING OVER.
Raja C. Hireker