Saturday, July 12, 2008

You're NOT a Commodity! (unless you choose to be...)

How is it that one business and success coach can charge 150k per year per client, and another, wheezes, splutters and barely gets by on a mere pittance per hour?

How come one marketing seminar can attract people to pay 10k a pop, and another can just about muster enough courage to ask for 195 per person?

What's it all about?

Quite simply, most busines owners, consultants, coaches, perceive themselves (with no outside help at all) to be mere commodities of what it is they sell and offer to their marketplace.

And the remarkable thing is, most operate on the NORMAL level. On being average. On doing what the majority are doing because they really don't know any different.

And that means, normal service, normal communication, normal earning, normal thinking and approaches to challenges and problems.

And, most of all, it leads to NORMAL results for your clients and customers.

I don't know about you but I don't get that real 'WOW' experience of life, that BIG thrill of life in having things in life tick along like normal.

It does nothing for me when I watch a normal film. I don't get much from talking about how 'normal' a sporting event is. I don't get to experience the full joy and emotion of life when I have dull, lacklustre, uneventful conversations and relationships.

Something has to shift.

And it begins in the mind.

Your mind. My mind. Our Minds.

For, when things DO shift for you, you'll notice that you're no longer languishing in the commodity basement of life - you've upgraded.

And, your UPGRADE affects not just one area of your life - it affects them all.

Think about it -

You're a business consultant, freelance writer, coach or any valued service professional, but you've simply not appreciated what you do and the impact you have on others with what you offer. You've simply not acknowledged it as yet.

However, once you realise that you're playing in a field of 'others' who are insecure, tight with their self-image, their attitude and their positioning, you'll not want to belong to that group anymore.

Raising your prices and fees, helps. A lot.

You see, you'll automatically be preceived as expensive. And, that's a great thing. Because look at it - who wants to be considered and perceived as a Cheap and Cheerful professional? There's just an incongruency to it all.

There's merit and distinction in wanting to be percived as expensive and worth every penny.

And, when you raise your fees, you'll find you'll attract a different quality of client. Someone who complies with your modus operandi. Someone who values what you do for them, and... who values themselves more because of the investment they've made. Not only that but you'll get more referred clients who have already been presold somewhat and, they'll most likely be just like the client who referred them to you in the first place.

Can you see the beautiful associated benefits when you upgrade your own thinking about your own worth and value?

I mean, you'll experience quantum leaps in your own life, and, as a direct consequence, the lives of your customers and clients will rise to unimaginable heights.

Begin the De-Commodotising process today.

You'll be thrilled you did.

Raja C. Hireker

P.S If you'd like to see a NON commodity version of how you can SELL MORE of your products and services without bullying, forcing or begging your prospects and customers to buy from you, then... CLICK HERE