When you look at most businesses, people, organisations, the single biggest thing that stops them dead in their tracks from living a real fabulous and spirited life... is the lack of NEW IDEAS.
Husbands and wives, partners and lovers, split from eachother because of the lack of creative ideas in their relationship.
In fact, in a recent Oprah winfrey show, it was said that most wives leave a relationship because... "he just didn't talk to me... anymore!"
That's a lack of creative ideas for language.
Husbands and wives, partners and lovers, split from eachother because of the lack of creative ideas in their relationship.
In fact, in a recent Oprah winfrey show, it was said that most wives leave a relationship because... "he just didn't talk to me... anymore!"
That's a lack of creative ideas for language.
Anyway you want to look at things, it's pretty amazing to note that ANYTHING we ever want to know about ANYTHING, is available - FOR FREE!
Just crank up your favourite search engine and SEARCH.
It's really nothing complicated.
And, that there is the complication - in that there's nothing complicated!
Simple creative ideas is the real currency to living a good life.
So, when it comes to creating ideas for a spluttering business, for a life teetering on the edge of oblivion, for a relationship that's lost its owners - there's solutions all around.
And, an infusion of creativity is ALWAYS the answer to a life of little reward, little happiness, little excitement.
Think of anything that's currently got you perplexed, stuck, frustrated and I can guarantee you that you've stopped the flow of ideas coming into your brain.
Say you're a freelancer working from home and you've got the age old problem and headache of waking up early. And, that you've tried everything under the sun and nothing's worked. You're still dragging your behind, behind everyone else.
Now, if it's been like that for a while, that you're slumped in bed whilst the birds are singing and the sun is opening its heart to you - then, there's no creative infusuion that's been able to reach your brain.
But, what if you said that for every block of 15 minutes you get up earlier than what you used to, you'd get to save that time up and get to go and see your favourite movie when you've collected enough 'time'.
Or, what if you get to do what you love most in the world (apart from sleeping!) because of waking up a little earlier. Now whether that you go for a game of golf, watch a rerun of your favourite movie or tv programme, snack on a big ole pizza.. whatever it is for you, let it be your reward.
And, it' will have to be something that will MOVE YOU INTO ACTION.
Yes, creative thinking is the HOT CURRENCY of today. And quite frankly, it'll be that way, forever.
And people are paying a fortune to others because of their creative mind.
Whether you get your creative infusion from a book, a person, a mastermind of people, a television programme, or however you get it - GET IT.
And, get your CREATIVE INFUSION regularly for once the creative hose dries up, life, pretty much, dries up.
Just crank up your favourite search engine and SEARCH.
It's really nothing complicated.
And, that there is the complication - in that there's nothing complicated!
Simple creative ideas is the real currency to living a good life.
So, when it comes to creating ideas for a spluttering business, for a life teetering on the edge of oblivion, for a relationship that's lost its owners - there's solutions all around.
And, an infusion of creativity is ALWAYS the answer to a life of little reward, little happiness, little excitement.
Think of anything that's currently got you perplexed, stuck, frustrated and I can guarantee you that you've stopped the flow of ideas coming into your brain.
Say you're a freelancer working from home and you've got the age old problem and headache of waking up early. And, that you've tried everything under the sun and nothing's worked. You're still dragging your behind, behind everyone else.
Now, if it's been like that for a while, that you're slumped in bed whilst the birds are singing and the sun is opening its heart to you - then, there's no creative infusuion that's been able to reach your brain.
But, what if you said that for every block of 15 minutes you get up earlier than what you used to, you'd get to save that time up and get to go and see your favourite movie when you've collected enough 'time'.
Or, what if you get to do what you love most in the world (apart from sleeping!) because of waking up a little earlier. Now whether that you go for a game of golf, watch a rerun of your favourite movie or tv programme, snack on a big ole pizza.. whatever it is for you, let it be your reward.
And, it' will have to be something that will MOVE YOU INTO ACTION.
Yes, creative thinking is the HOT CURRENCY of today. And quite frankly, it'll be that way, forever.
And people are paying a fortune to others because of their creative mind.
Whether you get your creative infusion from a book, a person, a mastermind of people, a television programme, or however you get it - GET IT.
And, get your CREATIVE INFUSION regularly for once the creative hose dries up, life, pretty much, dries up.