Maybe, a complete... REINVENTION!
I can?
Fabulous! Because, in your nod of agreement, you've just given yourself permission to know that it CAN be done.
That in itself is like a thunderous clap, sending a vibration of earthquake intensity throughout your entire mental and physical structure.
And, to be frank, it's the beginning of what you need to really set your life on fire... to scorch a trail of life that'll leave you amazed at your own powerful self.
And did you know that within you, lies the towering person you've hidden from the rest of the word... a person so big and so powerful, that it puts the world's biggest stone carved statue of the Buddha... in the shade.. that puts the world's most sophisticated computer's, to the back of the unemployment queue!
Can you really access that powerful you... the very you you've always wanted to be, every single moment of your life?
Of course you can.
Standing at 71 metres high, the Leshan Buddha in China is the largest stone carved statue of the Buddha, in the world.
And, once we’re done, you’ll see that you’ve been living life… being less than you can really be.
Okay, I want you to imagine that this Leshan Buddha statue in China (above) , is in your back garden.
So you wake up tomorrow morning, draw back the curtains and you look out into the garden where you see this humungous, mammoth statue of the Buddha, just reaching up into the sky and beyond.
You look at it, reaching up with your neck and following it all the way to its 71 metres in height and you’re just in awe of it. Your mouth is wide open and looks as if it’ll never shut.
You’ve now gone outside into the garden and your right at the feet of this huge Buddha statue. And then, just as you’re looking up at this enormous statue, you find yourself slowly walking towards this statue and very quickly, you’re finding that you yourself ARE this huge statue. You’ve merged into this statue.
The BIG YOU has come to life. You’re now TOWERING over everything
Now, you’re thinking about something that’s been concerning you for a while now. You thought it was a hurdle or an obstacle. But, now, the giant you is hurtling towards this ‘problem’. You’re now able to see things differently, from a larger, broader perspective.
Problems Become Insignificant
All problems now seem insignificant and small to you. What troubled you previously, are now nothing more than tiny specks – insignificant to trouble you at all.
And so, from now on, all problems are treated that way because they really are, nothing more than simple little ‘items’ that needed sorting out.
Can you see how a certain shift in the perception of yourself… can transform your life? And, that your physical body is housing another version of you – the superhero that’s simply itching to get out … YOU!
Raja C. Hireker
Marketing and Personal Life Change Coach