I submit that it's sitting there, right inside your very pocket. The pocket of your mind and heart. And, that it's ALWAYS been there.
You see, the moment you decide to TURN to the inner bully who's intent on keeping you down, you'll run your own life. But you see, the answer to it all for you is in the ACTIVATING of this whole process.
So, your spouse, your 'boss', your suppliers, your children, your friends, your parents are all telling you how to run the whole show - your life.
And, till now, you've been playing to their tune. Not unhappily. Not grudgingly. But, with a sense of ... "I'M NOT SO COMFORTABLE DOING IT... something's not quite right here..."
Funny thing is, all around you the people in your life are doing as they're doing because you've trained them to do it by not giving them a different point of view!
It's NOT them that's under the microscope of life here - it's you and it will only and TOTALLY be you. And that's when you've got to step up to the real bully - THE BULLY WITHIN.
You ever caught yourself talking to yourself? And when I say talking, what I really mean is that you've given yourself a good ole' VOCABULARY WALLOP? I have. But, it doesn't quite create the magic as when I DO, ACT, BEHAVE in courageous WAYS in line with the stuff that has me mentally tuned out.
However, barking fierce instructions to our own inner doubt committee is a start in letting the whole mind and body structure know that there's a new captain aboard this fantastic human ship; one that's about to sail into new, exciting waters.
So, get barking, get in action and get a more courageous creative and beautiful YOU to step up to LIFE.
Raja C. Hireker