Seems crazy... hiring people into postions of high responsibility... who are as bland and as dry as toast, unable to truly motivate, inspire or command respect... especially when their results prove it all.
So who's to blame - the hirer?
So who's to blame - the hirer?
But then again, not many are courageous enough to say, "heck, we made a big blunder... we've got the wrong person in the job... it's all our fault!"
If you read the snippet below, you'll see a piece I wrote to Sky Sports. It was in reply to a post on one of their blogs to do with the sacking of the National Team's (Great Britain) tennis coach.
Of course, it didn't get published. Simply a message to say something like it may get published though will have to ne considered by the... blah blah blah.
Of course, it didn't get published. Simply a message to say something like it may get published though will have to ne considered by the... blah blah blah.
So why not; why didn't it get published?
Oh, I think it's probably a lot to do with the hirer's not taking responsibility... for putting the wrong person in the job and, for Sky probably supporting the nitwits who run the tennis (non!) show here in GB.
"On John Lloyd's (thank goodness) adios, here's the thing; it doesn't matter WHO the coach is - so long as they have and energy, a spirit and a way about them that signals... INSPIRATION.
When you look at JL, there's no energy or passion about him. There's a flatness, a mediocre neutrality about him. There's no spirit about him that's contagious enough for players to catch. When you hear JL's tv commentary, there's enough evidence there to tell a person that "here's blandness in action!"
In any walk of life, when you get a walking, living, breathing inspirer, people around them, do great things. And something else - it's not the HOW TO that's missing. It's not the technical aspects that need addressing so much then the DESIRE, the INNER DRIVE AND WANT.
One can set up as many grass root programmes as they want - if there's no burning desire coming from a player, it really doesn't matter. CLUE: Hire a spirited inspirer. That'll get the balls really thwacking, trophies lifted and the tennis scene... REALLY humming.
"On John Lloyd's (thank goodness) adios, here's the thing; it doesn't matter WHO the coach is - so long as they have and energy, a spirit and a way about them that signals... INSPIRATION.
When you look at JL, there's no energy or passion about him. There's a flatness, a mediocre neutrality about him. There's no spirit about him that's contagious enough for players to catch. When you hear JL's tv commentary, there's enough evidence there to tell a person that "here's blandness in action!"
In any walk of life, when you get a walking, living, breathing inspirer, people around them, do great things. And something else - it's not the HOW TO that's missing. It's not the technical aspects that need addressing so much then the DESIRE, the INNER DRIVE AND WANT.
One can set up as many grass root programmes as they want - if there's no burning desire coming from a player, it really doesn't matter. CLUE: Hire a spirited inspirer. That'll get the balls really thwacking, trophies lifted and the tennis scene... REALLY humming.
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