Who gave it?
Well, it was given to me by someone who looked like one version of a 'holy' person.
Now what had happened was that I was really curious as to the kind of mental voodoo these practitioners, practice.
Well, according to said holy person, I was suffering with some form of digestive problem and that I should cut out eating eggs or, BAD things would happen to me.
He then went on to tell me a few other things that would mean disaster for me if I didn't heed his words.
He finished off his elaborate presentation with a few mantras and another few words of concern and caution.
And do you know the funny thing about it all? The fellow wanted me to pay him for the damage and doom he thought he fed into my mind.
I told him that if his predictions worked out to the letter then I'd gladly pay him. And, on top of that, I'd tell everyone how great this el magicino was.
It's been several years now and I'm yet to pay him. In fact, he'll probably be waiting for the rest of his life because nothing worked out as he said it would.
Sadly for him, I didn't buy into the fear or the mesmeric voodoo he thought he'd got me with.
Though, I'm sure he's as rich as a rich person can be because he'll have bagged hundreds, if not thousands of others who DO buy into everything they're told - good or bad.
Now, I kept that envelope pinned up on my wall for the last several years, but now... it's coming down.
Oh, because I'm cleaning up and getting rid of the things I don't want.
I kept that envelope for all this time as a playful reminder, though, it contains a serious message within it - we all hold ourselves ransom in one way or another because of the ridiculous story, spin and perception we put on events, information and conversations.
Now here's something fun for you to do -
If there's someone you know who is not performing or not living freely in any area of their life, and you both know it, check to see if they've got their own version of that red threaded envelope, hiding under the roof of their head!
And if so, yank it out and toss it into the fire.
Do that and you'll really have a friend for life!
Bye-bye mantra, bye-bye voodoo pouch.