There's a strong but scary belief that America's icon President is simply going to radically change the lives of not only millions of Americans, but the lives of millions all around the world.
In America, there's a strong current of belief filtering into the mindstream of many that says, "we don't have to do anything because we've elected the right man for the job and all our worries, miseries, bad fortune... will be washed away... we're free, thank the lord we are free".
It's simply not true.
It's as if winning the race for the Presidency will automatically mean that everyone will be instantly transformed! How dangerous is that!
Oh, how many of us wish for that to happen in our own lives. To be taken out of one's current misery, and then, transported on the wave of emotion to an equivalent White House of our own.
If Barack Obama thought like that, he'd have never dreamt of 'going into' politics... let alone become the President of America in one of the most beautifully created campaigns you'd ever wish to see.
And for me, he IS a global icon. Bigger than any pop star, sports person, artist, writer, business person, you name it A TRUE role model. A person EVERYONE can learn from. And what has he got that we all look for in ourselves?
How about fierce dedication. How about unrelenting persistence. How about the courage and strength to stand up for what one believes. How about perfecting and practising his communication skills. How about the love for his family. How about the ability to lead himself and others. How about acting and doing, rather than wishing and hoping. How about voting for and believing in, oneself...
He's created a stir in the world like no other human being that I can think of. And, as with any significant victory, one cannot do it in isolation. Nothing creates impact like spirited cooperation. Nothing. And we should all bear that in mind, because...
It's hard being a successful hermit.