Well, let me suggest something to you that you may not have realised till now. It's this: Every single moment, we're born anew. That's right. And if every single moment we're born anew, that means, the old us, dies away... every single moment.
How does all that sit with you? Are you comfortable with it?
Okay, so when you haven't seen someone in a while, and then you do, you'd have noticed they would have aged a little, their nails may be a little longer, their hair may not be as you know it to be, their voice or their complexion or their language or something would have changed.
But what happens if you instead, see that same person, every single day... it's true that the visible signs of change, wouldn't be so visible.
So what does this all mean?
It means that we are changing at lightning fast speeds that we can't even see it. It means that we're just like a candle flame -- renewing and dying away and renewing and dying away... hundreds, thousands, even millions of times a day.
It also means this -- Our Day IS Our Whole Life!
And if you get that and if you absorb that and if you totally immerse yourself in the truth of that statement, you'll revere and treasure and totally respect you, your life and the relationship you have with those in your life... because when you really get that when you put your head on the pillow, and you close your eyes and you fall into a deep sleep, where do you go... where are you at that time... aren't you in other words, dead to the world?
Oh how I wish you really really get that because it WILL set your life alight. You'll NEVER look at your life in the same way again. And that's a good thing because let's face it, most of us are in this cosy world of make believe that we're somehow going to live forever and that we're somewhat immortal and there are plenty of days left for "living the best years of our lives".
There's no truth in that and it's nothing more than a hopeless pile of self contaminated hype and we do want to live in the truth, don't we? Life is the present moment and nothing more. We wake up to a new day. Let's think of it as our birthday. Because it is... it's the birth of a new day.
And we can live our day as if it's our last day. And when we get ready for bed, it's like we're not there, when we're in that deep sleep. It's like placing the garland of flowers around our necks... just like when someone dies in the East.
And then, when the birds chirp and the sun creeps in through the crack in the curtain, it's a new day. It's our birthday again. Hooray!! Here, have a slice of birthday cake. And why not have it be like that... everyday... because, our day, IS our whole life!!