I used to believe that. I used to think that I'd reach some sort of exalted celestial status when I incorporate non judgment into my everyday existence. To my every moment.
I bought into all that. And what a futile and hopeless instruction that was.
That's because the job of the mind, is to judge. That's its JOB!
Now, I fully understand and practice being non jugdemental when the need arises. And what I mean by non-judgemental is observing but without giving comment. Without letting the full force of my mind let loose on the issue at hand.
So, I can see the news of global financial chaos. I can hear all about the incompetence of people in high places. I can give no thought to the football team playing such a lousy game.
I can practice non judgement.
However, when you ask someone who is TOTALLY into all this 'non judgement movement' and you ask them, "what exactly do you mean by non judgement and when do you DO this non judgemental stuff... how does that all work?"
Naturally I get the long long silence and the wide eyed stare that tells me I'm either the president of the loony society or that I'm some sort of mad hatter prankster playing one heavy joke on them.
The fact of the matter is we're ALL practicing the practice of... being judgemental.
A person first has to judge that they're going to practice being non judgemental. That kind of puts a hole in the entire thinking, doesn't it?
Once again, the job of the mind, is to judge. And it's doing it EVERY MOMENT.
Is it rainy or sunny... am I tired or not... am I hungry or not... will I exercise or not... will I write or not... will I wear black or blue... will I have coffee or tea... will I watch this channel or this...
There's no mystery. There's no science. There's no deeper hidden meaning to the idea of being judgemental. There's no one coming down to give you a whack across the knuckles because you've been a bad bad judgemental person.
If you really want to use the power of being non judgmental, do it when trauma, sorrow, negativity strikes you. Attach NO story or judgment to it all.
If a long term client says they do not want to conduct business with you ever again, attach no story to that. But instead, get busy at creating better quality relationships with others.
If family members decide to 'let you have it', you can practice saying nothing. Doing nothing. Being, nothing. That is, if you're looking for peace harmony and happiness... for yourself.
And of course, there will be times when you will want to put your best case forward. And that's nothing more than the sheer beauty of... being judgemental... in a relaxed and loving way!
If you're not aware of what you're mentally letting into your brain, you'll have your senses scrubbed clean of all its goodness and quality, and instead, without you ever realising, it'll be replaced with the confusion and drama from those who really have no idea what the hell they are talking about.
And if you let it go on long enough, you'll find that your life will simply drift, drfit drift on the waves of assumption and conjecture.