Monday, February 21, 2022

"Begin at once to live. And count each separate day as a separate life."

What's on your future life agenda?  

What you got cooking?

What's the plan? 

What you hatching and scheming? 

You got your life strategy all mapped out, with all days and minutes accounted for?

You may have noticed that living up to something like that, takes a daily toll, creates a strain, has you maybe not really liking and loving your day, all because of having to live your best life and and to be your your ultimate best each and every day. 

Is that something to be inspired by? 

Is that a way to be that'll have you live happily, productively, profitably? 


That's the kind of messaging that's being manufactured and blurted out, both by the old and by the new self-growth gurus and know-all life proclaimers on the internet block.

And yet... there's a potentially better way to live.

What is it?

To live fully, today, in each moment. 

To write, and love, and care for, and for you to do your work in all its kaleidoscopic life dimensions that show up each day.   

You don't need to know who Seneca was to benefit from and take practical advantage of what he had to say. 

Especially this incredible, powerful helping of practical wisdom and insight:

Begin at once to live. And count each separate day as a separate life.  

There are a few valuable lessons packed into those 14 words.

The MAIN lesson? 

There's no thread, no umbilical cord, no dependent attachment in what happened yesterday, that links it to today. There's no mental history lesson of confusion or frustration to dish out and recount.  

That's because...

Each day is a separate life. They're separate cubicles. Interconnected yet interdependent.  

So, begin to live it. 

Create each day the way you'd like to to be. Create YOU the way you'd like you to be. 

So how do you do that? How do you be that? How exactly do you create your being each day so you can be the kind of person who creates their day into one separate life, on a daily basis?

Begin asking this question when you find yourself in a funk, a fog, in a misty sea of boredom, delusion or depression...when you feel fearful, sacred, troubled, mentally bamboozled and overwhelmed:

Here's the question --  

Who do I need to BE / what kind of person do I need to be who is being the opposite of the person who was being that foggy faced, frustrated soul sinking into depressive thoughts?  

I think you'll find within a short space of time of asking yourself that question (and please, do it on a piece of paper, and not just mentally) you'll see a list unfold and emerge that'll show you exactly the traits, habits, behaviours, language and actions attributed to the kind of person who is being the opposite of the person above.    

So BE those very same traits, habits, behaviours, language and actions. 

Because, all actions, activities and doing, comes from and out of, who we're being, in each and every moment. 

(And if you want to know all about being, and how to alter and shift who you're being in each moment, and to do it a systematic and scientifically proven way, then this is your ultimate resource)      

Is there a link between who we're being, and in living each day as a separate, happy life?   

I'd say the link is huge as it is priceless. In fact, it's everything

Because what we end up doing and creating in each and every moment inside each day, comes from and out of, who it is we're being in each moment.

Being the being with a switched on awareness lamp inside each moment, and then creating ourselves in each moment, IS the daily miracle we can all own and use. 

So, begin at once to live, now, here, inside this very moment. 

And repeat the process, daily, daily, daily. 

So yes. count each separate day as a separate, wonderful life. 

Because... who knows how many of them we've all got left!