There was a time I used to crib about wanting a better physique, a better paying job, being a better tennis player, become fearless and goal oriented... be funnier... and everything else I said I wanted.
And, when I didn't get what I thought I wanted, I simply put it down to nothing much in particular. What I mean by that is I didn't really take a deep look into the dynamics of what was going on.
The fact of the matter is, there isn't much analysing to do.
Because, whatever I really want, I've got.
And let me broaden this out...
Whatever any of us has wanted, we've got.
And that's a key word, want, because, we either do something to get what we say we want, or... we don't do nothing much in particular.
Now if it's the latter, then what that means is that we never really truly deeply wanted it in the first place!
And that's good to know because why unnecessarily beat ourselves up over something we think we want, but do nothing to get it.
So if I really really wanted a better physique, I'd be creating a plan, a system, a programme of work in order to reach my desired physique. I'd be doing daily things like sit ups, squats, pull ups... I'd be totally aware of how I move through the day. (And, in fact, that's exactly what I've been doing for the last couple of months now and I'm experiencing a wonderful difference in my strength, stamina, 'look', mental clarity, ability to concentrate and get more done)
On the other hand, if all I did was wish a better physique into existence and simply hoped my health would improve with a little half-hearted dabbling here and there, then it's not something I really really want to have happen in my life.
And we can apply that mindshift thinking and processing to ANYTHING we say we want in our lives.
What about those in business?
Can we really want to have our business explode and be the best version of it that it can possibly be?
Sure... if we truly WANT that.
So, if I really wanted that to be the case, to make my business the best possible version that it can be, then I'd have to be working, acting in accordance to a plan of prosperity.
I'd have to be totally consumed with serving my customers and clients with products and services that can benefit their lives.
I'd plan to keep in regular contact and communication with my customers... I'd be listening to what my customers have to tell me... I'd be creating new, joyful experiences for customers, employees and, myself.
I'd commit to doing one task at a time. I'd commit to outsource the things I can't or don't want to do.
Can you see there's a powerful, practical, purposeful difference at play here than merely winging it or hoping that the business will take care of it self, which in turn, will magically, give me what I want?
It's Disneyland thinking. Pixie dust sprinkling.
And the truth of the matter is... (and whether we like hearing it or not, isn't going to make a difference to this truth), all of us have got what we want in our life currently, because... that's what we want!
It's not much more complicated than that.
There's really no need to reach for the long, drawn out services of a psychologist or psychiatrist - this is plain simple stuff -- we either want things, or, we don't. We either do things, or we don't.
The man says to me that his relationship is on a roller coaster of being either one of deep creeping silence and separateness, and then, it changes to one of banging voices, screaming madness and horrible blame.
And when I suggested that that... "that's what you want your relationship to be like or you wouldn't be doing your part", it stopped him, cold.
So, what is it you REALLY WANT? (without having to wait for Santa to shower you with his own idea of what you want!)
Name it, then... go claim it!