If you're a coach, consultant or anyone exchanging high value services for money, this will be a rather important message for you.
In fact, if you’re experiencing any sort of lack or frustration in ANY area of life, this will still be rather important for you.
I know many authors, consultants, coaches, public speakers, healers, therapists and professionals of all kinds... who are barely making enough to get by.
Why is that?
Isn't having an armful of qualifications and certificates, enough for people to find us and demand us to take their money?
Well, quite frankly, those who think that way are literally BROKE.
That's because no matter WHAT it is we do as a profession, someone still has to be SERVED.
And that's an important word - served.
So, if you're struggling or if you know someone who is really struggling with their profession, career or business, ask them this question --
Quite frankly, the only thing that counts is helping and serving others.
So, those professionals who sign up for a thousand and one social networking sites and who are intent in building their 'web of influence'... are spending enormous amounts of time, energy and mental capital on their efforts.
But I bet if you ask them 'who are you serving... where is the value that's been transmitted here?'... you'll get that blank, far away look backed up by a stunned silence that they can't quite wrap their heads around.
Because really - that's the only question you need to ask (again and again) - who are you serving - if you ever find that... you're not making the money you want, don't have the clients you want, don't have the life you want.
And the thing about this question is that it cuts through all the self chatter and the inner mumbo jumbo and the pathetic excuses we throw at ourselves.
Because let's face it; we love to defend ourselves, to rationalise, to give justifications to ourselves when things look like they'll hit the fan, the wardrobe and any other item in the house.
Yes. The question really is an EXCUSE BUSTER. And, it's a powerful RECESSION BUSTING tool, also.
And so let's take a short look at our relationships and see how this all fits together.
Ask a friend you meet occassionally, how their relationships are doing, how are they working out?
Well, for most, their relationships are pretty ho-hum.
Nothing new. Nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing exciting on a day to day basis.
In fact for many, there's a kind of slow, creeping separateness that gets wider and wider and wider.
So, when you find yourself of someone you know in a crapped out relationship, just notice where the focus of attention is.
Is it on the person themselves or, on the other party in the relationship?
Quite honestly, when you really serve others, when you take the concern and the drama off of you, and you focus on helping others, you can't have a relationship that doesn't work!
It's just not possible.
That's because your attention isn't on you, you're not focussing everything on you - instead, you're serving others, you're helping others, you're looking out for their best interests.
So, if you're feeling frustrated, angry, unhappy, unproductive, lethargic, miserable, depressed... simply turn things around and ask...
WHO am I serving here?
And notice this; when you serve others, you become a true hero to those very people you help and serve.
Now tell me that there's a better way to be than that!
Raja Hireker