Saturday, May 02, 2009

Creative Power - On Tap!!

A friend of mine received a tax bill.

It was for an amount that buckled him.


So, what did he do after gathering himself?

He went out for the longest walk of his life.

And what did he DO whilst walking?

He thought.

He thought how could he be of service to others.

He thought how could he offer something jaw dropping and irresistible.

He came back from his long walk and wrote all he could until his fingers ached and bled.

In fact, he wrote pages and pages of notes that contained -- pages and pages of creative ideas.

So what happened to these creative ideas?

Well, he put the best one, into action, into the marketplace.

And, the marketplace... swallowed it up.

Which meant...TAX BILL PAID! (and one happy friend)

So what's really going on here? Where's the REAL power here? (and we ALL possess it)

Well, it's in the QUESTIONS we ASK OURSELVES.

And there's really no 'in-between' here.

Either the questions help, or hinder.
They bring solutions or simply add to the problem.

They create the possibility of happiness, or misery.
So the true skill here, the true power here, is in asking the right questions.


It's just that we may not have practiced using this muscle of all muscles. And that too, in a way that creates what we want.

Many business owners ask the WRONG QUESTIONS.

They're asking - how can we cut back here, what can we get rid of, how can I lower my prices, how can I crush the competition, how can I avoid marketing, how can I be tightfisted with my vendors and suppliers...

When instead...

They could be asking questions like

==> How can I be of better service...

==> What can I add that would improve my customer's lives...

==> How can I better respond to my customers' and prospects' needs...

==> How can I communicate more effectively and moreauthentically to my target audience...

==> How can I improve my advertising and marketing so itbrings in a better response from higher quality prospects...

==> What ways can I make my offer irresistible to the prospects and clients I serve...

==> How can I get my target audience to fall in lovewith me, no matter what the economic climate...

==> How can I grow my business, no matter if everyone around me is closing up shop...

==> How can I get my emails read, responded to and acted on...

The thing about these questions is that they're seeking solutions. They're requesting the asker, to find answers which in turn, create momentum and movement. Answers that benefit the end user (- the client, customer or prospect)

What questions are YOU are asking of your business,career or practice? you find that the questions you do ask, do they help or do they hinder? Do they add joy, or misery? Are they optimistic based, or loaded with pessimism?

Well, when you make a practice of asking the RIGHT questions, you'll soon notice that there's no room on the table for any other kind!

Keep asking those bright creative questions andwatch your business, career or venture... SOAR!

Raja Hireker