"I'd love to do that but I just don't have the time."
Now not only is this a common line for most... it's a BIG FAT LIE.
And the reason that it's a big whopper is because if we really loved something, really loved something... we'd MAKE the time to DO IT... wouldn't we?
I mean, it just makes plain simple sense.
And that's where most of us go wrong - thinking that simple, isn't something valuable enough so we go look for the complex and it's no wonder because check out the huge chaos in our brains!
So, say I want to play the piano and I want to be good at it but oh look, there's no time in the day for it so looks like I'll have to put that on the shelf of my life and carry on with the normal and the mundane and the boring stuff of my everyday life and... oh my gosh, let me check the calendar... GASP.... I've only a few more years left before checkout time!!
Can you see the diabolical chaos going on in our heads because we believe the pathetic lie that there's not enough time so I'm going to scrap something that I say is really important to me in my life... can you see the chaos going on here?
And so when we get to the bottom of it all, the thing all along was that... I really DIDN'T WANT to play the piano because if I did, if I really loved and wanted to play it and it was something that I thought about and I listened to the music I wanted to play and I could imagine myself playing the piano and I go and find out about piano classes and I look to see about purchasing maybe a used piano...
Well, then there's evidence that I'm really into this and I'm really loving this and this is what I want to get really good at and whatever time I've got in the day or the week, then I'll go at it with all I've got because I really want this. And if I REALLY want it more than I believe, I'll be up early and I'll be DOING IT.
So you see, it's NEVER a matter of not having enough time. It's always a matter of Do I Love it Enough TO MAKE THE TIME and get really good at what I want to do.
And that's pretty much it.
Of course, there's all the inner flapping of the head and mind we get into when there's a reason to defend and justify things and all that but none of that matters because all the conversation stops when we're DOING what we say we want.
And the conversational flapping stops because we're really doing it because we love it.
I'd love to make this more difficult and more complex and more deeper but you know, life's not meant to be wasted.
And the conversational flapping stops because we're really doing it because we love it.
I'd love to make this more difficult and more complex and more deeper but you know, life's not meant to be wasted.