It's an interesting question and I've a friend who's been instrumental in helping me live that way - to make my day a masterpiece - just like the Taj Mahal.
And, unlike the Taj Mahal - which took years to create - living a masterpiece of a day can happen, the MOMENT we decide to think and then ACT in that very way.
So, what do I really MEAN, to create a masterpiece of a day - how EXACTLY do I go about doing that?
Well, when you really get that each day is a series of moments and within each moment we have the power to create whatever we want, once we realise that, we then have a platform to base things on.
So, my language to the family in the morning can be one of true, joyous excitement. I mean, we were all on holiday every night so doesn't it add a spark to life when you realise that, "wow, we're meeting again!"
What do you think all that does for the family environment?
When I'm into my work, I can create each written communication, each conversation, each project with detailed care and attention; as if it was a loving, priceless masterpiece.
I can reach a different level because of my intention to serve others at a higher level than they've previously experienced.
Creating a masterpiece in ANYTHING, can bring the most extraordinary rewards.
A gentleman by the name of Steve Hardison charges 150k per client per year, because of his ability to be FULLY ATTENTIVE, to LISTEN DEEPLY, to be FEARLESS and DIRECT in his communication.
He is a masterpiece in motion.
We are ALL, a masterpiece in motion.
We've just have to PRACTICE it more. So it too, reaches the level of mastery.
And, anyone you care to name whom you consider successful, has mastered the art of PRACTISING their particular masterpiece.
They're into the stuff that turns them on... that lights their fire... that has their spirit dancing around like it never wants to sleep. There's just too much music in them and they just want to get it out and share it with the world!
Now THAT'S living a masterpiece of a day.
So tell me - and more importantly - tell YOU when you're going to begin creating your daily masterpiece!
Raja C. Hireker