Ever said that line?
I have. And do I ever see the long term ramifications of THAT kind of language and the effect that it has on my life!
See, I used to believe that if I just say I'm lazy and have all of that slumpy heavy heaving of the breath and body that goes along with it, then that'll be the end of it - and that's whether it's getting an application completed, hopping down to the shops to pick up some shopping, visiting or phoning friends and family, getting into some social gathering or whatever - then, I'll use that TOO LAZY line, pretty regularly.
But you know, being too lazy is just a cop out. It's a cowardly way to STOP me from getting into ACTION.
That's right.
Because, when I say I'm too lazy, it's somewhat easier on the ego. It's somewhat socially acceptable. More socially acceptable than saying I'm too cowardly to get into some kind of action because what's really at the core here is that I'm too FEARFUL of moving forwards. I'm too happy with laying low instead of RISING UP. I'm too focussed on holding back instead of getting into action.
If only I knew better, earlier.
So, when I get out of bed, and I see the unemployed exercise apparatus in the corner there, hoping someone will pick it up and use it, I can lay low and say I'm too tired and too lazy to get into action and use the stuff, or, I can look forward to a period of intense adventure and love the energy of it all!
I could get into the socially acceptable club and say I didn't sleep too well so that's why I'm feeling tired and don't feel like doing the stuff that's good for my body, or, I can say... 'screw this cowardly stuff, I'm getting my mind and body energised!"
There's a TOTALLY different way of living for both sets of paticipators. And taking that a little further -- the results in almost every area of life can be guessed at with relative certainty to the results based on that simple example.
Is there much you've put off because of saying you're too lazy... that you're okay with laying low... that you're fine with hanging back...?!
Well, there's a DIFFERENT way to BE, if you embrace what's just gone on here in this post.
Have an Un-cowardly week!