Saturday, December 08, 2007

There's No Such Thing As Motivation... Is There?


You've probably noticed it also...

The market is simply erupting with motivational tools, crutches, aids to success.

I don't know why that is.


You see, forced motivation - trying to get ourselves to DO something that we really don't want to do - contains a heavy heavy flaw.

And that is...

If we really don't want to do a particular thing - whether it a skill, a new career, a business opportunity- what's the use in wanting to beat ourselves black and blue in order to trick ourselves into doing it? There's a massive incongruency between what we say we want, and what we truly, deeply desire inside.

Let's explore further.

I'll take the example of being able to write effective, direct response advertising.

Now, to the many others I talk to, whether it's in a seminar/coaching/ training format, or whether it's simply talking to prospective clients, most tell me they'd love to write similar stuff also.

I tell them, like I'm telling you, that doing pretty much anything, is a logical and step by step process. And, that anyone can do pretty much anything they wanted to... provided they
chuck emotion out of the way, and follow a proven system or formula for doing things.

(I recently helped around 50 business entrepreneurs do exactly that in a carefully, strategic, deliberate coaching exercise which had them writing effective, personality driven email copy that would've put many 'ad pros' to shame.)

There's nothing dramatic or mysterious about it.

But, for most, it IS a dramatic and mysterious process because they strap emotion to the side of their endeavours - the very emotions that drain and drag them AWAY from what they set out to do; the emotions that ultimately, floods the heart out of their dreams and ambitions.

Now, I've told many that the way I did it was to actually copy, in my own handwriting, the proven sales letters, ads, promotional material from the acknowledged greats in copywriting and direct marketing. I tell them I spent near on 6 months crafting out these winning promotions - hands bruised, fingers sporting unfashionable blisters, ink running dry on the biros sprawled all over my desk.

I tell them for a lot of nights, I've been up into the wee small hours, writing, seeing the blank page get eaten up, swarming with delicious, mouth watering, entertaining advertising and marketing copy.

I did it because I loved it. It's what I truly wanted to do.

I didn't need false motivation to crank up my mind, to 'fire' up my juices, to flip a switch in mind which then activates 'another personality' to get the work done.

But that seems to be what people are looking for. They're looking for this 'magical powder' that'll sprinkle onto their mind and they'd INSTANTLY be able to craft out excellent, compelling, irresistible sales and marketing copy.

I suggest trying to instill make-believe motivation, does nothing more than create a hyped up individual who'll fizzle out from their intentions as soon as some alternative distraction comes into their lives.

As with all things in life, there's a simple cure to things. It's easy to fix what's not working, to reach ones' wants and desires.

However, beware the false preachers promoting rah rah motivation and external rewards, without instructing you first in realigning your inner self image and your true desires.

To glowing and REAL motivation,

Raja C. Hireker

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