Saturday, December 29, 2007

Read All About It... There's A Miracle Path to Marketing Madness... Read All About it!

Something set my mind alight whilst in Edinburgh.

Dear Reader,

If you've never been to Edinburgh and stayed in a service apartment flat by the waterfront, you should. It's simply... STUNNING.

For, not only will you get peace of mind, effortless living and a true connection to nature, you'll also get an astounding number of ideas flowing through your mind and head.

And, they'll come in such a rapidity, you'll think you're... THE MIDAS ONE.

But let me tell you, it's not only Edinburgh by the waterfront that'll set your mind spinning. You can get the same delightful experience in many other places, too.

Anyway, as I was recording all these ideas as they were melting their way into my head, the most common of ideas available to ANYONE, struck me like never before.

And, it came in the form of a special Christmas edition of the business programme Dragon's Den - a variation of the popular programme - The Apprentice. But in this programme the judging panel get to vote whether they'd like to invest their own money in the many entrepreneurs' ventures.

Now, the astonishing thing is that those entrepreneurs who were offered either the full amount or a certain percentage of the investment money for a slice of the business... TURNED IT DOWN!

Now, I can understand the idea of giving up, of relinquishing a part of ones business to an outside investor. It's troubling for many. It's a huge mental hurdle for most to get over. And it's HERE where many future fortunes are thrown down the toilet. All because of pride and ego.

Would most rational thinking business people happily give up a portion of their business for proven expertise and exposure to the market place? Well, you'd think that would be the case.

But no. At least, not with these entrepreneurs. They would rather wrestle the world alone, going through the minefields with their rose tinted glasses, crawling, bloodied and nowhere near their desired goal.

The programme highlighted a number of these entrepreneurs a few years on, still struggling, still hoping, still taking on the world with their limited resources.

I've personally come across it also. Those wanting copywriting and marketing coaching and consulting, but then, somehow, turn things around in their head and 'go it alone', wanting to learn it all themselves.

Nothing wrong in that.

There's triumph and valour in such achievement.

However, as many feel the investment in professional expertise too beyond them to make, they then try a little of this, a little of that and pretty much end up with a mini-Titanic disaster. And... the experience of which, leaves them tainted and afraid.

Pretty similar to the Dragon's Den participants.

If you're in a business venture or are planning one, and you'd like to make it super successful, DO one of the following two things:

1. Learn everything you can about what you need to be skilled at.


2. Hire it out to a person you trust.

There's really no in-between. And yet, there are many who tussle between the two, ending up nowhere, hesistating at every turn and corner. And all the while this is going on, TIME, marches onwards, regardless.

Make it your resolution to sidestep the miracle path of marketing and business madness and get expert help when you need it. There's no glory in beating the same drum year after year with no real results to back you up.

There is however, a gold medal, awaiting to be awared to those who get where they want to go, quicker, with less worry, less mistakes, and with a bunch of helpers and associates by their side.

I truly wish you stunning success in 2008.

Raja C. Hireker


P.S. It was a 7-hour drive from London to Edinburgh. That's plenty of time for even more ideas to bubble. You know what... I'm planning to go again!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

A Christmas Copywriting Gift

Dear Friends,

It's nearly Christmas, so here's a little gift.

If you write blogs, sales letters, email, articles, adverts, and other writings of interest to a group of people you're looking to infleunce...

... If you've ever wondered, marvelled, gaped in awe and amazement at how 'copywriting' can have such an effect, and, how you could pocket this profitable skill also, then, this blog post could be the post that helps you get on your way to true marketing and life success.

A BOLD statement?

Not really, because as with all things in life, there are a few fundamentals that if mastered, changes lives.

And, in copywriting -- the words you use in your marketing promotions -- there are a few simple, THOUGH ENORMOUSLY EFFECTIVE bits and pieces to put together.

With that in mind, I'm giving you the most important part of all copywriting to master. And, it's contained in a 7 part ad course delivered by email. I'm giving you the part of the course that says...


"It's Just You And Me Talking... The Rest of The World Can Go To Hell!"

Have you ever opened a sales letter or any other type of promotional material and you've said to yourself,
"what on earth are they telling me... what's the bloody connection here... surely they can't be saying that... who the heck understands all that?"

Well, let me tell you that you're not alone in your thinking.

You see, the way we read, the way we write, the way we converse, stems all the way back when we were in school. We were told the PROPER way to write and understand English. We then add to the confusion in later life by reading and listening to the jargon and academic speak of professors, article writers,'traditional' advertising people who feel the need to 'educate' us about the sophistication of the English language.

Of course, little, if none of it has any real worth in the day today of communicating with each other. I mean, come on, who on earth talks to each other using words such as... Indestructibility... effervescence... revolutions... convolute...incumbent... petulance...

Well, okay, maybe intellectuals, academics, aristocrats... maybe...but pretty much on the whole, most of us talk okay, in a kind of chatty, friendly, sit around a cup of coffee type way,
don't you agree?

If that IS the case, and if you yourself agree that that's how you most likely talk, then doesn't it make sense that we

And, do you know what? I know this core message is troubling for a number of people.

Especially those who have been educated in a particular way...who have been told that they need an ADVANCED VOCABLUARLY in order to reach the top in life. In fact, a number of English teachers all round the globe will be jumping up and down in frustration and disbelief at the mere thought of written communication being littered with colloquialisms, chatty style writing and the breaking of a number of grammar rules.

But do you know something? As hard as I try, I'm hard pressed to find a really rich 'English' teacher! Now isn't THAT telling us something?

THE PROOF OF THE PUDDING... I was literally blown away when just the other day, I saw a letter that had exactly 361 words on it, contained none of the pompous, intellectual, high brow language... but... was mailed in the millions, created a business that spawned 8 countries and made millions for the owners!

And the funny thing about that letter was I showed it to a number of advertising and marketing professionals and they universally scoffed at it, saying it was nothing more than a waste of space and that it was too simple and too basic.

There lies my point.

Communication in print or in any other form, needs to be sincere, warm, clear and absolutely devoid of the boredom factor. Of course, seeing their jaws drop open in pure astonishment when I showed them the documentary evidence, was a piece of pure magic that will stay with me till the day I drop.

Yes, for simple marketing solutions really do bring the most astounding of rewards.

In fact, if you want to put that last sentence to the test in your own business, here's what you should do: Find out who's the most successful sales person in your business (if you're the sole 'sales person' for your business, practice,consultancy, then you'll have to get someone else to help you with this exercise)... and eavesdrop on their client/customerconversation.

In fact, do more than that... record their conversation... and do it a number of times in order to capture the best selling conversation you can, whilst they're in full flow. Just capture it! Either get it on tape, video, mobile phone, whatever. Just record it. Then, what you do next is to simply transcribe that 'SELLING CONVERSATION' and create it in print.

You can remove all the unwanted ums and ers, references to the weather and the general chit chat, and then, what you'll be left with is the bare boned essence of a truly wonderful selling sales script, one that can be converted into a number of media formats... sales letters, websites, postcards, adverts, email promotions... you name the media, you'll have a basis to adopt adapt and apply the winning salesscript you have now created.

Would you like to know how publishers Boardroom Reports, A 100MILLION A YEAR BUSINESS, started out?

It started out EXACTLY the way I just handed out to you in this valuable section of your 7-part advertising course. It happened by simply taping a conversation between the owner MartyEdelston and a copywriter by the name of Gene Schwartz, and then transcribing it in print.

I hope you study it well, for it contains the seeds to propel yourbusiness like you won't believe. And... if you've hired people to create direct mail, Internet promotions, print ad promotions for you... then what you should do is hand them this section for them to develop ideas from!

In fact, you should hand over all of the sections in this advertising course to whoever creates your next promotion for you. Have them follow it. And... if they're not willing to follow it... FIRE THEM.


You see, if all they do is poo poo any of this information, information that has been used to startling effect by the marketing masters of the past, and by savvy users of the present, then they should give you justifiable, practical reasons for dismissing it.

Though, as you will probably find out, the more one steers awayfrom the material contained in this Killer-Mini-Advertising-Course, the more the turmoil, the more the waste, the more the dissatisfaction one will experience.

I hope you're not willing to let that continue. Because if you are, your possible profits that are litterally, sitting on your table, will tumble off into the welcoming arms of... YOUR COMPETITIORS. Those very competitors who have stumbled onto these little known though highly effective strategies and techniques!

Would you like to know how to stitch together your own winning sales letter?

If so, you're in for a profitable treat. In the final part of this Killer-Mini-Advertising-Course, you'll get a working sales letter template that if adopted, applied and used for your unique business scenario, it'll cause a sudden surge of profit to happen for you the moment you decide to use it.


If you pay careful attention to the message above, you too can make Christmas happen for you, every single days of your lives!

Have a glorious time ahead.

Raja C. Hireker


P.S. If you would like to get all seven parts of the above email copywriting course, then all you have to do is send a blank email to Or, go over and sign up for it at: Thanks again.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Setting Off The Paparazzi Flash Bulbs in Your Own Head!

Hi All,

Ever wondered what it's like to have flash bulbs lighting up the night, photographers going wild to get a glimpse of you, autograph hunters scrambling over themselves just to 'touch' you?

Well, you don't have to go to no make believe school of drama to get that all working for you.
Yes, I mean it.

Stay with me and I'll show you exactly what I'm talking about.

Dave is the premises mananger for a big budget building. I went to see him the other day.

As we were talking, I asked him what this image was on his screen. I said it looked like the Silver Surfer Character in the FANTASTIC FOUR comic hero movie. (It was the head and torso of a bald headed, silver computer graphic looking character)

"Nope, that's the image of the best DJ and music mixing software you can get!"... Dave said.

I was intrigued.

He went on to tell me that he could download mp3's, transfer it onto vinyl, mix and 'scratch' it with cd's on the hard drive... and all that. (GOSH... what the heck's he talking about!)

"What do you do with them once you've created these music mixes?", I went on.

"Oh, nothing much, just keep them on the hard drive. Or, I just wipe them off

I stood there, amazed and aghast. This was a guy who hated what he did, complained a lot, troubled beyond most people's comprehension.

Yet, here, right in front of him, was his way out of all the mess. A way for him to create a business doing what he's passionate about.

I slowly said to him, "why don't you sell the music discs to others?"

He became quiet.

I looked at his face for some sort of movement.

After a few seconds, he looked up and gave the biggest smile from the heart I'd seen.
The Paparazzi flash bulbs were causing havoc in his head!

That type of scenario raises it presence pretty often when I talk to people who have this deep anguish on their faces about life, about money, about... 'getting away from it all'.

For a lot of us, we're literally, sitting on our own pile of diamonds.

However, the BIGGEST problem I find in many is their THINKING and ACTING about their own possibilities. Showing people the kingdom to their own wealth is one thing. The other is getting the keys to open it.

And, many can't open it. Even though they've been HANDED the keys!

Taking an idea, and then systematically converting it into something workable and actionable, is a KEY skill that'll open the floodgates to all the fame, glamour, riches and paparazzi attention you could ever wish for!

Take a deep look at what you've previously dismissed as... 'oh, that's just something I'm doing as a hobby... it's something I really love... it's something I have a total passion about... it's nothing I can turn into a profitable venture, that's for others..."

Think again about it all.

If you're really really happy about how life is going for you RIGHT NOW, this present day, then that's super. However, if you're not entirely happy about life, get busy changing it, for it's the only life you've got.

No use making waves as they hammer the last nail in the box!

You really can set your life alight in the next few moments -- with THE RIGHT THINKING... and... THE RIGHT ACTIONS.

Raja C. Hireker

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Saturday, December 08, 2007

There's No Such Thing As Motivation... Is There?


You've probably noticed it also...

The market is simply erupting with motivational tools, crutches, aids to success.

I don't know why that is.


You see, forced motivation - trying to get ourselves to DO something that we really don't want to do - contains a heavy heavy flaw.

And that is...

If we really don't want to do a particular thing - whether it a skill, a new career, a business opportunity- what's the use in wanting to beat ourselves black and blue in order to trick ourselves into doing it? There's a massive incongruency between what we say we want, and what we truly, deeply desire inside.

Let's explore further.

I'll take the example of being able to write effective, direct response advertising.

Now, to the many others I talk to, whether it's in a seminar/coaching/ training format, or whether it's simply talking to prospective clients, most tell me they'd love to write similar stuff also.

I tell them, like I'm telling you, that doing pretty much anything, is a logical and step by step process. And, that anyone can do pretty much anything they wanted to... provided they
chuck emotion out of the way, and follow a proven system or formula for doing things.

(I recently helped around 50 business entrepreneurs do exactly that in a carefully, strategic, deliberate coaching exercise which had them writing effective, personality driven email copy that would've put many 'ad pros' to shame.)

There's nothing dramatic or mysterious about it.

But, for most, it IS a dramatic and mysterious process because they strap emotion to the side of their endeavours - the very emotions that drain and drag them AWAY from what they set out to do; the emotions that ultimately, floods the heart out of their dreams and ambitions.

Now, I've told many that the way I did it was to actually copy, in my own handwriting, the proven sales letters, ads, promotional material from the acknowledged greats in copywriting and direct marketing. I tell them I spent near on 6 months crafting out these winning promotions - hands bruised, fingers sporting unfashionable blisters, ink running dry on the biros sprawled all over my desk.

I tell them for a lot of nights, I've been up into the wee small hours, writing, seeing the blank page get eaten up, swarming with delicious, mouth watering, entertaining advertising and marketing copy.

I did it because I loved it. It's what I truly wanted to do.

I didn't need false motivation to crank up my mind, to 'fire' up my juices, to flip a switch in mind which then activates 'another personality' to get the work done.

But that seems to be what people are looking for. They're looking for this 'magical powder' that'll sprinkle onto their mind and they'd INSTANTLY be able to craft out excellent, compelling, irresistible sales and marketing copy.

I suggest trying to instill make-believe motivation, does nothing more than create a hyped up individual who'll fizzle out from their intentions as soon as some alternative distraction comes into their lives.

As with all things in life, there's a simple cure to things. It's easy to fix what's not working, to reach ones' wants and desires.

However, beware the false preachers promoting rah rah motivation and external rewards, without instructing you first in realigning your inner self image and your true desires.

To glowing and REAL motivation,

Raja C. Hireker

FREE Marketing & Life Strategies
Newsletter. Send blank email to

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Do We Really 'Become What We Think About Most?'

Did Earl Nightingale get it all wrong?

Contained in the classic recording - 'The Strangest Secret' Earl Nightingale proceeds to tell us that we unanimously... 'become what we think about most'.

And, supporting him in that belief, Earl quoted a number of other learned wisdom makers - Marcus Arelius, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Napoleon Hill...

But do you know what...?

I think they got it all wrong!And, I'll prove it to you.

Let's dissect the line that seems to have built an entire army of followers to that particular creed of thought."We become what we think about most" Now, say I want to become a doctor, information entrepreneur, million dollar writer, movie actor, or whatever... what's my first move?

Well, if we take the instruction to think about becoming whatever it is want, then that should be the starting point, right?

Okay, say now that a few hours have passed, what then should be my second move?
I'm not sure about any other instruction apart from the one that says... "we become what we think about the most".


Let's get thinking again as we did for the first couple of hours.

Now, it's dark, all sane people have tucked themselves into bed and... we're still there... thinking about what it is we would like to become.

A few more days of this and... we'll surely materialise into our lives what it is we want... right?

A few days indeed, pass.

The headache starts to worsen.

In fact, we're much worse off then before beginning the whole process of becoming what we think about most!

You see, here's the BIG problem: Merely thinking about something gets us no closer to the goal. In fact, it's a surefire recepie for delusion and disaster.

If we were to honestly follow to the letter what Earl Nightingale said "We become what we think about most" all that will be produced is a universe of thinkers, all propogating and promoting that fact that mere thinking creates practical answers.

ACTION helps.

Shelfbook wisdom is a disease that somehow, gives us comfort from ever DOING anything.

If I merely thought my way into becoming a business and advertising writer, I'd be rubbing the soothing balm into the side of my head for weeks on end... and... moving even further away from the goal in the first place.

Be sure to question what it is you're picking up, even if it's from the celebrated and the toast of the party.

Raja C. Hireker

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Mentoring ... Simply The Most Important Relationship That'll Help You Get From Where YOU Are...To Where You Want to Be!

I've been troubled about something over the last month or so.

And, that trouble has shone its brightness in all its spectacular glory just recently.

This blog posting is all about mentoring.

Now, for some who are reading this, they'll go into an immediate tussle about the differences between 'coaching' and mentoring.'

I'll not get into that debate just now, though what I will say is that moving through life WITHOUT a mentor or coach, can set you back several years. Or... even longer!

When wanting to learn how to write effective marketing and advertising, I stumbled and pottered around for several months. In fact, if you were to add it all up, we're talking a solid handful of years.

It was only when I said to myself "Who's the best in the world at teaching this?" did I come out of my stuck thinking. You see, I stubbornly believed that I could move forward and make a significant contribution to this world by simply focussing only on my own thoughts and ideas .

How utterly wrong I was. An expensive error of judgement.

So, what did I do?

I systematically went about wanting to meet and learn from the most respected, most knowledgeable and most accomplished direct marketers in the world.

I wanted to know how they did what they did!

I eventually paid through the nose to learn from the best of the best. I flew to where they lived. I did what they told me to do.

What I will say is that I got more real world, practical and profitable information from these giants, that it shaved years of me stumbling around in teh future... and... it helped me get my 'technical ability' ramped up to a way above average level, fast.

Now, some people will scream and shirk at the prospect of doing what I did. I'm okay with that.

Really I am.

You see, what I truly learned was the idea of VALUE and cost.

A blinkered thinking person would scream " WHAT! 20 Thousand for that marketing campaign we're running next week!"

The savvy thinking, marketing oriented individual would say "Great, let's see how much more ROI I'm going to get from this campaign. We should make our investment back with in a week. The rest is pure, beautiful profit!"

Cloud Cuckoo land thinking?

I don't think so. Especially when you steep yourself in the truth that advertising isn't a game where it's likened to a roulette wheel in the casino.

Advertising is pretty dependable and predictable.

You just got to know the inner workings to make it work for you. If you know what you're doing, you'll be able to, legitimately, 'rig' the game in your favour!

Now here's the profound lesson: I WOULD NEVER have picked up all that valuable insight if I ploughed through all the material I've got loaded in the hard drive or sat up on the shelf... all by myself.

I wouldn't have.

I went to seek out those who know more than I. I knew I knew I had to be open and receptive to let all the practical wisdom seep and sink in.

Could I have stumbled across the information by reading yet another book... going to another seminar where 'pretend experts' show 'N tell all that they've NEVER DONE... pick up yet another valuable 'course' that'll help propel me to my desired outcome faster than a speeding bullet...?

Of course I could.

But, how long would I be prepared to wait for the results I was looking for?

I was now impatient and in a hurry. I needed to get the information I wanted, straight from the hosres mouths as it were. And, in doing the trek to the 'promised land', it was if I was also looking for a kind of endorsement from others about my capabilities, from those rare people who've been there and done what it was I wanted to do.

I'm still invloved in a mentor type relationship. One that keeps me tuned in, plugged into the latest happenings in 'my world' and... it's a relationship that keeps me fresh and accountable.

Mentoring: I'd recommend it without reservation if you're looking to get a handle on something in double quick time; something that just seems to 'get away from you'.

Of course, if your aim is to take things as they come; to recline back into life's easy chair; not really having to concern yourself about living a great rest of your life or... about leaving any sort of legacy for the people who are living in your immediate world, then...

... If you're going to do it right, then get yourself a mentor who'll really show you how to enjoy life to the maximum...without you ever having to do a lick of work in your life from now on!

If you ever come across such a mentor, do let me know!

Now, what what it last week that had me tossing and stewing?

Well, I attended a business networking session last week and I was immediately struck by one thing: There were business people from all across the board who, after talking to almost all of them, had openly decalred that they had no real goals for growth or progression.


Not really.

Especially when we bring to the fore, the 5%/95% study. The study was first carried out in the 1950's in Yale University. What was found that the 5% who made goals, was worth more in monetary terms that the other 95% put together.

The 95% had NO GOALS to aim at.

Those who do have meaningful and aspirational goals, take on the services of others to help keep them on track with those goals. And, and to be accountable to their word and... to their actions.

If you think I'm prodding you to get outside help to keep you focussed and on track with your life's and bsuiness goals... YOU'RE RIGHT!

Warm regards and spectacular living.

Raja C. Hireker
Copywriter, Coach and Marketing Consulting

P.S. If you really want to know if getting a 'mentor' is worthwhile, just ask yourself the following question (every week, without fail) and note down your answers in a book or diary.

"Have I done what I said I would get done and am I closer to reaching the goal I set out to achieve? And, if not what stopped me from hiring a coaching mentor to help me move forward in the direction I'm heading?"

The question and its answers could be revolutionary milestone in your endeavour to elevate your life. It bears serious thinking. Especially if the answers you give to yourself are a definite... "NO, I'M NO NEARER TO THE GOALS I HAVEN'T SET!"