In a word... E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!
I dare say that this will be the most unusual posting you will have read, so please, stay with me.
Like me, you’ve probably have had tragedy strike you or your loved ones in one form or another. It struck in my life just a couple of short weeks ago.
My family and I had just returned from an evening fireworks display at our local park. When it was all done, we gathered ourselves to the car and reached home. And, just as we normally do, either my wife or I check too see if there were any answer-phone messages. There was. One. Made at 8.10pm.
On the answer machine, my aunty could barely utter a sentence and what we make out was my uncle coughing and spluttering in the background. We put the phone down and looked at the time. It was nearly 9.00pm. The message was lying there for 40 minutes! We made a call to the long distance number.
We found that my uncle had been taken to hospital and my aunt didn't know much more than that. We told the aunt not to panic and we’ll find out what we could. We contacted my father-in-law and all he could do was sob uncontrollably on the phone. My uncle, my favourite uncle... had died. The next ten days were the most emotional I have ever witnessed. And also, they were the most instructive.
Let me explain:
My uncle left a legacy that’s fairly extraordinary. You see, he left behind a group of people who loved and adored him because of who he was and how he made people feel. And, he instilled in others a set of values, principles and beliefs that nurtures having healthy, loving and caring relationships. And, in today’s social climate, that’s all the more precious – creating and maintaining caring, loving relationships.
My uncle did a lot of groundbreaking things in his life. Maybe I’ll share those with you at another time. He was respected and held in high esteem. Though in his 80's, my uncle had a lot of projects on the go. Projects that now, need finishing. The family are working towards seeing them to completion.
My uncle retired as Director in the Ministry of Defence (not a small post by any means), he had to continually sell and market his thoughts, his opinions, his way of working. It was an important and responsible post. Despite the ardour that a post inevitably brings, my uncle had a truly fabulous family life and a really blossoming social life.
Isn’t that what life’s all about? Working and striving in a job or a business; have a super family life; enjoy the best of health; and... have a generally happy disposition? GOOD TIMES... right!
Forming life long relationships is the key to a happy and prolonged life. My uncle died when he was 82. He had a wealth of people around him. Some of his friends date back decades. His family all adored him. There were a lot of fabulous things said about him. He maintained his key relationships that lasted his lifetime.
Can you see the beauty and charm of having relationships that last almost forever? Wouldn’t it be something if your family, friends, clients and customers actively stayed with you for as long as you’re on the planet? Wouldn’t it be something if all were there to help you celebrate some of your most important milestones, your anniversaries, your birthdays, your triumphs?
If I were to estimate how much value resulted because one man's influence (my uncle), I’d put it into the millions. And, the influence and effect he had on a number of people’s lives... Thousands! That's the power and worth that a single person can generate. Their lifetime value, their influence and touch on others can be simply... enormous!
Once you start thinking about yourself and your worth, and, how much value a single customer of yours is worth, a family member, a close friend, it will truly, boggle your mind!
I don’t know if you’re entirely happy with the relationships you have with your customers, with the way your marketing and advertising is being done, with the way you’re perceived in the marketplace, with the pace you’re wanting to grow...
If you’re are sincerely and entirely happy, then hats off to you, you’re a rare breed. But let me ask you something else; how’s family life? your personal life? your social life? You see, the way you market, has a definite and direct effect in how your life unfolds.
And... the way to maintain a healthy balance to it all is to form realtionships, human bonds that need all the force of humanity to break them.
How does one start to create fantastic relationships, or build heavily on existing ones?
Well, here's a few questions for you to ponder over, questions that'll tell you a lot about you and your relationships with others.
1. Am I considered a kind and trustworthy person to most of those who know me?
2. If my close relative passed away tomorrow, would I sincerely miss them, or is it business as usual?
3. If a client or customer of mine has a problem with my product or service, would I or my staff do our utmost to clear the problem up and leave the customer in a happier frame of mind, whether they decided to choose my product or service from now on or not?
4. Do I treat the people who work for and with me, as the most important people in my business?
5. Do I treat my family members as the most important people in my life?
6. What am I presently doing that ensures my family, my customers my friends, stay with me forever and ever?
These questions shouldn't be treated lightly. That is, if you're really looking to create super relationships and bonds that last even beyond your lifetime! Study your answers to them for in them you'll work out for yourself what needs to be done. And, done sooner, rather than later.
The hands of time are ticking by, every minute that we’re worrying, stressing, fussing, complaining... are moments that we should be revelling in, enjoying to the hilt.
I’m sure you didn’t choose to get into business, or have a family, or choose the friends and relationships you have... and have it all become a chore, an iron anchor round your neck, something that has you continually fretting and stumbling around in how it’s causing you no end of stress. Am I right?
You see, living a life can either be a great experience, or not. Having and running a business can be a great and profitable experience, or not. Enjoying life's friendships and relationships can be something you choose to have happen, or not.
My suggestion?
You've one life. Live it the best you can. Get as much joy and happiness out of it as you can. Create the best relationships out of it as you can, for you never know when you'll be plucked out of life's equation.
Build the kind of life that people will talk about long after you've gone.
I personally know someone who did.
Raja C. Hireker
Monday, November 20, 2006
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Prow Crass Tin Nation... Don't Take Your Time Reading It!
An October Hello:
The last few weeks have been, well... pretty unusual to say the least.
I'd like to, if I may, ask a question, a question that'll probably set the foundation for the rest of this posting.
Here it is...
Did you get done what you said you would... today, yesterday, last week, last month? Some of it... maybe?
Well, you how does it make you feel, knowing that there's a pile of unfinished business that's clogging a piece of your life, taking up a corner in your mind?
quite frankly, for tons of people, it doesn't bother them one little bit that there's an outstanding pile of 'incompletes' running their life.
Do you know why that is?
It's because they've unconsciously drenched themselves in the belief that they're ... IMMORTAL!
Yes, that's right... because they feel that there's an endless supply of this super stuff called LIFE, things can wait.
You know, when things aren't that important, when they really don't need us to be accountable - then... there's really no need for us to make life happen, NOW, TOMORROW, NEXT WEEK.
But see, here's the hidden pain: where we are today, is the sum total of what we've not done what we've said we'd do, earlier!
There's been countless instances recently where well intentioned, good people, have simply thrown in the towel on their dreams, hopes and aspirations, somehow believing that stalling today, tomorrow next week, will magically change their fortunes, internally, as well as tangibly.
The antidote to shake me from this happening from people all around me, came in the form of listening to of all people... A LAWYER!
Alexis is a bright lady. She graduated and followed the dream that was sold to her, namely, become a laywer and get to work for a prestigious firm. She did all that. Earned more money than she knew what to do with.
But... the money just flowed like water through her fingers, never being able to hold onto it for very long. The reason for that was she found she lost all enthusiasm, lacked any sort of passion for what she was doing.
She'd always wanted to go it alone and start her own thing, but never got round to doing it. But, realising that when she looked in her diary that she wrote some time back that she would be financially independent when she was 35, she thought to herself that she couldn't wait that long.
She was pregnant with her second child, was the main breadwinner in her family (her husband and she decided that he would be the 'house husband') and chose to use her maternity leave as the starting for building her own enterprise.
Getting savvy marketing advice, as well as hooking up with a coach to move her through this transition phase, helped her surpass her income from what her law practice was giving her, within 12-18 months... and now... it's getting larger and larger as the months roll by!
Look at it, a frustrated lady, pregnant with her second child, hated what she was doing, going it alone in a venture of her own, scared of what may happen... but dug in anyway!
Now there's a lesson for any of us that are waiting for 'brighter' days to come along before setting our sail in motion.
Now ask yourself "What am I really for in order for my life to REALLY happen?".
Take a good hard look at your answers!
Till next time, Smart Thinking, Smart Marketing.
Raja C. Hireker
The last few weeks have been, well... pretty unusual to say the least.
I'd like to, if I may, ask a question, a question that'll probably set the foundation for the rest of this posting.
Here it is...
Did you get done what you said you would... today, yesterday, last week, last month? Some of it... maybe?
Well, you how does it make you feel, knowing that there's a pile of unfinished business that's clogging a piece of your life, taking up a corner in your mind?
quite frankly, for tons of people, it doesn't bother them one little bit that there's an outstanding pile of 'incompletes' running their life.
Do you know why that is?
It's because they've unconsciously drenched themselves in the belief that they're ... IMMORTAL!
Yes, that's right... because they feel that there's an endless supply of this super stuff called LIFE, things can wait.
You know, when things aren't that important, when they really don't need us to be accountable - then... there's really no need for us to make life happen, NOW, TOMORROW, NEXT WEEK.
But see, here's the hidden pain: where we are today, is the sum total of what we've not done what we've said we'd do, earlier!
There's been countless instances recently where well intentioned, good people, have simply thrown in the towel on their dreams, hopes and aspirations, somehow believing that stalling today, tomorrow next week, will magically change their fortunes, internally, as well as tangibly.
The antidote to shake me from this happening from people all around me, came in the form of listening to of all people... A LAWYER!
Alexis is a bright lady. She graduated and followed the dream that was sold to her, namely, become a laywer and get to work for a prestigious firm. She did all that. Earned more money than she knew what to do with.
But... the money just flowed like water through her fingers, never being able to hold onto it for very long. The reason for that was she found she lost all enthusiasm, lacked any sort of passion for what she was doing.
She'd always wanted to go it alone and start her own thing, but never got round to doing it. But, realising that when she looked in her diary that she wrote some time back that she would be financially independent when she was 35, she thought to herself that she couldn't wait that long.
She was pregnant with her second child, was the main breadwinner in her family (her husband and she decided that he would be the 'house husband') and chose to use her maternity leave as the starting for building her own enterprise.
Getting savvy marketing advice, as well as hooking up with a coach to move her through this transition phase, helped her surpass her income from what her law practice was giving her, within 12-18 months... and now... it's getting larger and larger as the months roll by!
Look at it, a frustrated lady, pregnant with her second child, hated what she was doing, going it alone in a venture of her own, scared of what may happen... but dug in anyway!
Now there's a lesson for any of us that are waiting for 'brighter' days to come along before setting our sail in motion.
Now ask yourself "What am I really for in order for my life to REALLY happen?".
Take a good hard look at your answers!
Till next time, Smart Thinking, Smart Marketing.
Raja C. Hireker
Monday, August 14, 2006
The Shoe Lace Theory of Super Success
I've been privy to a few insights that'd shock most people.
The single biggest revelation I want to share with you is a secret little nugget that has to do with becoming rich, wealthy, successful.
Would you like to know what it is?
Well, the person who shared this with me said it so 'as a matter of factly' that it just breezed by. But look, it contains the raw ingredients to propel mediocrity, into super sonic aliveness and abundance.
And yes, the person who shared this with me is a multi-millionaire, and then some. The funny thing is that when I observe his behaviour, his habits, his attitude, it's just a seamless flow of magic. You can't even see the 'joins'.
It's a MAGIC that ANY OF US CAN EMULATE... if we're ready!
Okay, let me put you in the information zone right now.
What he said was - if the everyday working person knew how little we 'worked' and how less ardous we do it, they'd fall down in a heap! The average person works much harder, toils much longer for much less rewards than we do -
And, it's not the fact that millionaire's are 100 times smarter because they earn 100 times more. No. The key factor was that everything that millionaires do, is a learned process. It's a set of small skills, mastered and perfected.
Thing is, if some one can follow instructions and bake a cake, they can get really really rich. If someone can tie a shoelace, they can be mega successful. If some one can write and send an email, they can create an Internet empire.
Are you beginning to get the picture here?
If you really 'GET' it. I mean feel it deep in your wirey sinews, hook it in to your lumpy brain, tattoo it into the walls of your subconscious, you'll never be scampering around like a helpless dalmation ever again.
I fussed and kicked about learning microsoft frontpage (the software that allows one to create something that can then be published on the Internet)
See, I wanted to know the basics about getting connected to the world wide web. I didn't want to be at the mercy of any web designer or webmaster, since the one I was using turned his passion to other pursuits.
(Dunno why that name WEBMASTER has been given to them - though, the chap who put up a few pieces for me on the www was cool, hip and savvy - To me, it's like why are the drug dealers being called 'dons' and 'barons' and why are the people who smash up a country, called 'warlords'? I really don't know, I must've missed the meeting when all this was being set in stone)
Back to Frontpage...
I tinkered here and there with it all, and quite frankly, was a little hesitant about it all. But then, fell under the spell that all it was, was a few little 'shoelace tying steps' all joined together.
Somehow, that little analogy helped me overcome a lot of 'blockages' I had going on in my head. It all made sense. Although I've not got the whole web thing 'mastered' yet, the whole fear of it seems to have melted away like a hot knife cutting through a cold slab of butter.
How about you? Are there any 'obstacles' that are hampering you from creating your own PERSONAL BREAKTHROUGHS?
If so, take to heart the SHOELACE system of productivity and success!
Til next time,
Propsperous thinking and prosperous living.
Raja C Hireker
P.S Coming soon: A FREE, Valuable and Meaty, 7-Part Copywriting and Sales Thinking email course.
The single biggest revelation I want to share with you is a secret little nugget that has to do with becoming rich, wealthy, successful.
Would you like to know what it is?
Well, the person who shared this with me said it so 'as a matter of factly' that it just breezed by. But look, it contains the raw ingredients to propel mediocrity, into super sonic aliveness and abundance.
And yes, the person who shared this with me is a multi-millionaire, and then some. The funny thing is that when I observe his behaviour, his habits, his attitude, it's just a seamless flow of magic. You can't even see the 'joins'.
It's a MAGIC that ANY OF US CAN EMULATE... if we're ready!
Okay, let me put you in the information zone right now.
What he said was - if the everyday working person knew how little we 'worked' and how less ardous we do it, they'd fall down in a heap! The average person works much harder, toils much longer for much less rewards than we do -
And, it's not the fact that millionaire's are 100 times smarter because they earn 100 times more. No. The key factor was that everything that millionaires do, is a learned process. It's a set of small skills, mastered and perfected.
Thing is, if some one can follow instructions and bake a cake, they can get really really rich. If someone can tie a shoelace, they can be mega successful. If some one can write and send an email, they can create an Internet empire.
Are you beginning to get the picture here?
If you really 'GET' it. I mean feel it deep in your wirey sinews, hook it in to your lumpy brain, tattoo it into the walls of your subconscious, you'll never be scampering around like a helpless dalmation ever again.
I fussed and kicked about learning microsoft frontpage (the software that allows one to create something that can then be published on the Internet)
See, I wanted to know the basics about getting connected to the world wide web. I didn't want to be at the mercy of any web designer or webmaster, since the one I was using turned his passion to other pursuits.
(Dunno why that name WEBMASTER has been given to them - though, the chap who put up a few pieces for me on the www was cool, hip and savvy - To me, it's like why are the drug dealers being called 'dons' and 'barons' and why are the people who smash up a country, called 'warlords'? I really don't know, I must've missed the meeting when all this was being set in stone)
Back to Frontpage...
I tinkered here and there with it all, and quite frankly, was a little hesitant about it all. But then, fell under the spell that all it was, was a few little 'shoelace tying steps' all joined together.
Somehow, that little analogy helped me overcome a lot of 'blockages' I had going on in my head. It all made sense. Although I've not got the whole web thing 'mastered' yet, the whole fear of it seems to have melted away like a hot knife cutting through a cold slab of butter.
How about you? Are there any 'obstacles' that are hampering you from creating your own PERSONAL BREAKTHROUGHS?
If so, take to heart the SHOELACE system of productivity and success!
Til next time,
Propsperous thinking and prosperous living.
Raja C Hireker
P.S Coming soon: A FREE, Valuable and Meaty, 7-Part Copywriting and Sales Thinking email course.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Becoming World Class at... NOTHING IN PARTICULAR!
But, what happens if the game we're playing... ends us up in the WRONG playing field?
It's funny. We all probably know people who are consistent and continual players, frolicking in the wrong playing field, savaging their time, sucking up their own life.
Why should it be?
It's possibly because of one word... HOARDERS.
Hoarders of what?... you may quite rightly ask.
Well, of information. And specifically, information to do with business opportunity, marketing, entrepeneurial activity, wealth, cash, Internet riches, mail order megabucks...
Ring true?
And look, if it were that 'opportunity' really was KING, how is it that the continual CHASE for the next new 'money spinner' is on most 'entrepenurial seekers' radars?
It's this continual CHASE that turns normal, hard working, decent people... into GOLDEN EGGS for promoters of business opportunities and the like.
And, for many aspiring people, the GOLDEN EGG LAYING has become a disease. An unhealthy addiction. A CHASE to max out their credit card... and then... on to the next piece of plastic!
Want to see what an individual's OPPORTUNITY GRAVEYARD looks like? Come over to my house and I'll show you.
And, I don't think I'm alone.
Ask around, get on to forums, scour the web. I'm sure you'll find many people talking of their homes looking like "mini-retail outlets specialising in opportunity junk"
Opportunity is not KING.
What is KING is selecting the RIGHT opportunity that's perfectly matched to you. And that means overcoming the heaviest obstacle in the whole game... you and your thinking!
See, what works for another person, may not work for you.
Sure there's the confirming and reassuring... "if he can make 50k a month doing this, you can too!"... talk.
But... somehow, it just doesn't work out for you.
Is it because your "simply too weak willed... not 'system oriented'... haven't grasped the basics... can't fit the pieces together... give up too easily...
Personally, I don't think it's any of those 'reasons'.
I feel it's simply a question of people approaching and starting their business... THE WRONG WAY.
It's as if the many aspiring business people, hope-to-be-entrepeneurs, are clinging on to the corridor whispers that says "you can reach 'LIFESTYLE RICHES QUICK' without work, without effort, without turning the page, without turning your laptop on...
And... all of this'll happen, even with a severe lack of business building knowledge!
But... oh so real!
Can you now see where the scattered remains of the next 'business opportunity in a box' lies? And... how quickly the next business opportunity carcass will be laid?
Pretty soon, all we'll see are honest people who are looking to better their lives - stumbling around, high and happy, though severely deluded souls, staggering towards their next 'business opportunity 'fix', without an ounce of expertise in anything...
...apart from...
Clocking up as much 'business opportunity hoarding' as they can possibly cram into their already depleted lives!
See, there's no award, no gold medal, no presentation committee coming to your house to shower you with rewards unlimited for being world class at nothing in particular.
Find out what your most dominating skills and strengths are and select a suitable opportunity that perfectly matches your skills, strengths and desire. And then, get to know the fundamentals of growing a business from the ground up.
And... go get that from someone who has DONE what it is you want.
But you need to look out!
There are too many 'invisible teachers', marketing and business spectres who speak from their memories, never done a thing of merit, but traverse the globe telling others how to DO what it is they have NEVER DONE!
Look out for them or they'll snag you in and get you to become world class at... NOTHING IN PARTICULAR!
Till next time,
Cheerful and profitable living.
Raja C. Hireker
P.S. If you're looking for some real commonsense and business building dynamite, scurry over to I don't think you'll get a more myth busting, profit generating education than you will with Rich Schefren at the above website.
But, what happens if the game we're playing... ends us up in the WRONG playing field?
It's funny. We all probably know people who are consistent and continual players, frolicking in the wrong playing field, savaging their time, sucking up their own life.
Why should it be?
It's possibly because of one word... HOARDERS.
Hoarders of what?... you may quite rightly ask.
Well, of information. And specifically, information to do with business opportunity, marketing, entrepeneurial activity, wealth, cash, Internet riches, mail order megabucks...
Ring true?
And look, if it were that 'opportunity' really was KING, how is it that the continual CHASE for the next new 'money spinner' is on most 'entrepenurial seekers' radars?
It's this continual CHASE that turns normal, hard working, decent people... into GOLDEN EGGS for promoters of business opportunities and the like.
And, for many aspiring people, the GOLDEN EGG LAYING has become a disease. An unhealthy addiction. A CHASE to max out their credit card... and then... on to the next piece of plastic!
Want to see what an individual's OPPORTUNITY GRAVEYARD looks like? Come over to my house and I'll show you.
And, I don't think I'm alone.
Ask around, get on to forums, scour the web. I'm sure you'll find many people talking of their homes looking like "mini-retail outlets specialising in opportunity junk"
Opportunity is not KING.
What is KING is selecting the RIGHT opportunity that's perfectly matched to you. And that means overcoming the heaviest obstacle in the whole game... you and your thinking!
See, what works for another person, may not work for you.
Sure there's the confirming and reassuring... "if he can make 50k a month doing this, you can too!"... talk.
But... somehow, it just doesn't work out for you.
Is it because your "simply too weak willed... not 'system oriented'... haven't grasped the basics... can't fit the pieces together... give up too easily...
Personally, I don't think it's any of those 'reasons'.
I feel it's simply a question of people approaching and starting their business... THE WRONG WAY.
It's as if the many aspiring business people, hope-to-be-entrepeneurs, are clinging on to the corridor whispers that says "you can reach 'LIFESTYLE RICHES QUICK' without work, without effort, without turning the page, without turning your laptop on...
And... all of this'll happen, even with a severe lack of business building knowledge!
But... oh so real!
Can you now see where the scattered remains of the next 'business opportunity in a box' lies? And... how quickly the next business opportunity carcass will be laid?
Pretty soon, all we'll see are honest people who are looking to better their lives - stumbling around, high and happy, though severely deluded souls, staggering towards their next 'business opportunity 'fix', without an ounce of expertise in anything...
...apart from...
Clocking up as much 'business opportunity hoarding' as they can possibly cram into their already depleted lives!
See, there's no award, no gold medal, no presentation committee coming to your house to shower you with rewards unlimited for being world class at nothing in particular.
Find out what your most dominating skills and strengths are and select a suitable opportunity that perfectly matches your skills, strengths and desire. And then, get to know the fundamentals of growing a business from the ground up.
And... go get that from someone who has DONE what it is you want.
But you need to look out!
There are too many 'invisible teachers', marketing and business spectres who speak from their memories, never done a thing of merit, but traverse the globe telling others how to DO what it is they have NEVER DONE!
Look out for them or they'll snag you in and get you to become world class at... NOTHING IN PARTICULAR!
Till next time,
Cheerful and profitable living.
Raja C. Hireker
P.S. If you're looking for some real commonsense and business building dynamite, scurry over to I don't think you'll get a more myth busting, profit generating education than you will with Rich Schefren at the above website.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Only Two Things Needed for Super Success...
You Only Need Two Super Bullets for Creating Stunning Success...
Dear Friend:
If you're pretty good at doing the 'technical thing' of what you know, you're 50% on the way to riches. Though, the other 50% IS the golden key that'll propel you further than you've ever flown!
What am I talking about?
Well, it's what the universities, course providers, training institutes pay little or no attention to, whilst they're signing up people by the droves for the learning and teaching of the technical'.
Yes, I'm talking about that 9-letter word called MARKETING.
We humans as a collective, are a funny bunch. We strive to educate ourselves, but do little to turn that 'education' into money in the bank.
See, when you think about it, you probably know a lot of technically skilled people, good people, but, who are tottering on the edge of... BROKEDOM, right?
Is it possible that there are bewildered, broke and confused... LAWYERS, ACCOUNTANTS, DOCTORS, PLUMBERS, SPEAKERS, ENTREPENEURS...!!!.
Of course it's possible. And it's alive and kicking in every corner of the world you care to name.
All you need to do to prove that to yourself is to write a small ad in the local paper of the country of your choice, pick a category of business and for example, say something like...
"Attention Doctors: How to Get All The Patients You Want Who Will Gladly Pay You What You Ask. Call or Fax........."
I promise you you'll get a flood of interest from doctors who'd be crawling out from the most unexpected of places!
Look, people don't need another technical skill. We just need to know how to effectively market the skill we're sitting on.
But naturally, the grass is ALWAYS greener, isn't it?
It's true. Though saying that, here's the absolute BIGGEST lesson you should grab with both hands from this posting. It's this:
...If there's someone who's not doing merely ok, but who's stinking super successful in the category of business or entrepenurial endeavour that you're gunning for, then it's SOMETHING THAT YOU'RE NOT DOING that's putting you in the poorhouse!
Did you get that? I mean did you bite the full force of what's been handed to you?
See, the reason why many of us are in a daze, if truth be told - in a daze about our whole life - is simply because we're trying to pioneer something fantastic, blaze a new trail.. when all we need to do is follow someone who's already getting the results we want.
Sounds incredibly simple, I know. But, when you grab the full intensity of it all, you'll see it makes ABSOLUTE SOUND SENSE. But, do know what's holding us back? The thing that's dragging us ragged?
I know. It was true for me.
I know that I wanted to do this particular something (kept under wrapsfrom you, for now) that I had no idea how to do, but, I wanted to chart my own glory, get my nose bloodied, fall down all the gaping holes.
Found out the hard way. Galloped along what was... a sure path to misery.
I don't know if you've had this happen to you, but I sat and stewed on things, letting it fester around in my mind, control my life, sap my energy... when all I had to do was to see who's already doing what I wanted to do, and FOLLOW!
But see, that's where this ego thing kicks in.
It's like the ego comes to the front of the class, pumps up its chest and wants to do it all the leading. Though, all the while, secretly knowing that it's failing miserably but now CAN'T ALLOW the turnaround to take place.
Can you see what I'm getting at?
Because see, right there is what keeps a person... STUCK!
Thing is, once we're able to get out of our own way, leave the ego on the shelf, it leaves the pathway open for incredible opportunity.
So, whatever technical skill or ability you're sitting on - and some feel they've no technical skill whatsoever though I can prove to them otherwise - the ability to promote that technical skill is where the beauty of living and success lies.
Marketing IS the crowbar that can create dramatic leverage for anyone, anytime, in any business or industry.
Keep your eyes posted to this blog in the coming weeks and months as you'll be getting a feast of marketing ammunition and the thinking behind it all.
It's possible you'll feel quite feint at the impact that these bullets can have... as it'll show you what you've been missing out on in your life... AND... it'll help you create a future of prosperity that you'll be stunned at.
Till next time, warm living.
Raja C. Hireker
Dear Friend:
If you're pretty good at doing the 'technical thing' of what you know, you're 50% on the way to riches. Though, the other 50% IS the golden key that'll propel you further than you've ever flown!
What am I talking about?
Well, it's what the universities, course providers, training institutes pay little or no attention to, whilst they're signing up people by the droves for the learning and teaching of the technical'.
Yes, I'm talking about that 9-letter word called MARKETING.
We humans as a collective, are a funny bunch. We strive to educate ourselves, but do little to turn that 'education' into money in the bank.
See, when you think about it, you probably know a lot of technically skilled people, good people, but, who are tottering on the edge of... BROKEDOM, right?
Is it possible that there are bewildered, broke and confused... LAWYERS, ACCOUNTANTS, DOCTORS, PLUMBERS, SPEAKERS, ENTREPENEURS...!!!.
Of course it's possible. And it's alive and kicking in every corner of the world you care to name.
All you need to do to prove that to yourself is to write a small ad in the local paper of the country of your choice, pick a category of business and for example, say something like...
"Attention Doctors: How to Get All The Patients You Want Who Will Gladly Pay You What You Ask. Call or Fax........."
I promise you you'll get a flood of interest from doctors who'd be crawling out from the most unexpected of places!
Look, people don't need another technical skill. We just need to know how to effectively market the skill we're sitting on.
But naturally, the grass is ALWAYS greener, isn't it?
It's true. Though saying that, here's the absolute BIGGEST lesson you should grab with both hands from this posting. It's this:
...If there's someone who's not doing merely ok, but who's stinking super successful in the category of business or entrepenurial endeavour that you're gunning for, then it's SOMETHING THAT YOU'RE NOT DOING that's putting you in the poorhouse!
Did you get that? I mean did you bite the full force of what's been handed to you?
See, the reason why many of us are in a daze, if truth be told - in a daze about our whole life - is simply because we're trying to pioneer something fantastic, blaze a new trail.. when all we need to do is follow someone who's already getting the results we want.
Sounds incredibly simple, I know. But, when you grab the full intensity of it all, you'll see it makes ABSOLUTE SOUND SENSE. But, do know what's holding us back? The thing that's dragging us ragged?
I know. It was true for me.
I know that I wanted to do this particular something (kept under wrapsfrom you, for now) that I had no idea how to do, but, I wanted to chart my own glory, get my nose bloodied, fall down all the gaping holes.
Found out the hard way. Galloped along what was... a sure path to misery.
I don't know if you've had this happen to you, but I sat and stewed on things, letting it fester around in my mind, control my life, sap my energy... when all I had to do was to see who's already doing what I wanted to do, and FOLLOW!
But see, that's where this ego thing kicks in.
It's like the ego comes to the front of the class, pumps up its chest and wants to do it all the leading. Though, all the while, secretly knowing that it's failing miserably but now CAN'T ALLOW the turnaround to take place.
Can you see what I'm getting at?
Because see, right there is what keeps a person... STUCK!
Thing is, once we're able to get out of our own way, leave the ego on the shelf, it leaves the pathway open for incredible opportunity.
So, whatever technical skill or ability you're sitting on - and some feel they've no technical skill whatsoever though I can prove to them otherwise - the ability to promote that technical skill is where the beauty of living and success lies.
Marketing IS the crowbar that can create dramatic leverage for anyone, anytime, in any business or industry.
Keep your eyes posted to this blog in the coming weeks and months as you'll be getting a feast of marketing ammunition and the thinking behind it all.
It's possible you'll feel quite feint at the impact that these bullets can have... as it'll show you what you've been missing out on in your life... AND... it'll help you create a future of prosperity that you'll be stunned at.
Till next time, warm living.
Raja C. Hireker
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich"- A MASSIVE FLAW, Maybe?
Have you ever been told that Napoleon Hill's classic Think and Grow Rich is MUST reading? I sure have. But, do you know what, I think that there's a massive flaw in the title of that book!
Of course, who am I to say that there's somthing awry with one of the greatest personal development/money making books of all time?
Well, in answer to that, I 'm going to focus on the words of the Buddha, when he said words to the effect of -don't follow things blindly. Be your own judge. The truth for you is only when you experience it for yourself, not on others say so. Let experience be your guide -
Anyway, what I want to point out is if all a person had to do is THINK in order to automatically GROW rich, then there'd be some pretty wealthy people doing nothing but thinking themselves rich... without having to life a finger! True?
No. What I believe is the massive flaw in the title of that book, as well as the message that the title conveys, is that there's no mention of ACTION. Of doing. Of movement. Of getting the momentum flowing.
See, it makes real sense if the book was called "Think, Act and Grow Rich". Now that strikes me as commonsense. Something that has meaning, that has logic.
But do you know what?
Think and Grow Rich has massive appeal, in that there's the implication that you don't have to WORK for things. And in this modern day, there's huge appeal for having things... DONE FOR YOU... instantly!
How does that sit with you? Is it troubling you a little, or does it ring of a little sense and sensibility?
And look, I'll go a little further - there's many a person who's read, re-read and read again that book, and... has come out more confused and messed up than ever!
And I think it's all to do with... THAT title!
See, somewhere, running amok in the tiny head of ours, is that little inner gremlin of ours (look out for a notice about a simple website called coming soon) who has latched onto the title of the book, and... now (and quite reasonably so) expects the book to deliver, full on, the EXACT PROMISE it suggests!
And guess what... when it doesn't deliver... lookout! There'll be a herd of people stampeding, pulling their hair out, gnashing their teeth, scratching their brains wondering how the heck life's the same as its ever been!
Oh, before I get a nutty mail from a berated reader, let me just add that the THINKING of things is the necessity before the ACTION phase kicks in. To me, 'thinking and action' go hand in hand. They're useless without eachother.
And something else...
"As you think, so you are"... "It's all in the mind"... "If you can conceive and believe, you can achieve"...
These are very well known sayings. There's an instruction there, to the mind. But, tell you what, if all those sayings did was to lay in the basement of your mind, you'd be no better than if you didn't know them at all!
Imagine, a 45 year old who's been listening to this stuff since he was 20, who's never lifted a finger to DO anything about turning those ideas and concepts... into practical, meaningful, worthwhile accomplishment and endeavour?
It's all a waste. A person is better left unknowing, than knowing and not doing a thing about it. It reminds me about something to the effect of - a person who knows how to read, but doesn't, is no better off than the person who CAN'T read!
Listen, when we boil all of this stuff down to its bare bones, we find life and success is all about truly accurate thinking balanced with masterful DOING.
Remember those twins, as you move through life.
Til next time....
Sparkle in your endeavours!
Raja C. Hireker
Of course, who am I to say that there's somthing awry with one of the greatest personal development/money making books of all time?
Well, in answer to that, I 'm going to focus on the words of the Buddha, when he said words to the effect of -don't follow things blindly. Be your own judge. The truth for you is only when you experience it for yourself, not on others say so. Let experience be your guide -
Anyway, what I want to point out is if all a person had to do is THINK in order to automatically GROW rich, then there'd be some pretty wealthy people doing nothing but thinking themselves rich... without having to life a finger! True?
No. What I believe is the massive flaw in the title of that book, as well as the message that the title conveys, is that there's no mention of ACTION. Of doing. Of movement. Of getting the momentum flowing.
See, it makes real sense if the book was called "Think, Act and Grow Rich". Now that strikes me as commonsense. Something that has meaning, that has logic.
But do you know what?
Think and Grow Rich has massive appeal, in that there's the implication that you don't have to WORK for things. And in this modern day, there's huge appeal for having things... DONE FOR YOU... instantly!
How does that sit with you? Is it troubling you a little, or does it ring of a little sense and sensibility?
And look, I'll go a little further - there's many a person who's read, re-read and read again that book, and... has come out more confused and messed up than ever!
And I think it's all to do with... THAT title!
See, somewhere, running amok in the tiny head of ours, is that little inner gremlin of ours (look out for a notice about a simple website called coming soon) who has latched onto the title of the book, and... now (and quite reasonably so) expects the book to deliver, full on, the EXACT PROMISE it suggests!
And guess what... when it doesn't deliver... lookout! There'll be a herd of people stampeding, pulling their hair out, gnashing their teeth, scratching their brains wondering how the heck life's the same as its ever been!
Oh, before I get a nutty mail from a berated reader, let me just add that the THINKING of things is the necessity before the ACTION phase kicks in. To me, 'thinking and action' go hand in hand. They're useless without eachother.
And something else...
"As you think, so you are"... "It's all in the mind"... "If you can conceive and believe, you can achieve"...
These are very well known sayings. There's an instruction there, to the mind. But, tell you what, if all those sayings did was to lay in the basement of your mind, you'd be no better than if you didn't know them at all!
Imagine, a 45 year old who's been listening to this stuff since he was 20, who's never lifted a finger to DO anything about turning those ideas and concepts... into practical, meaningful, worthwhile accomplishment and endeavour?
It's all a waste. A person is better left unknowing, than knowing and not doing a thing about it. It reminds me about something to the effect of - a person who knows how to read, but doesn't, is no better off than the person who CAN'T read!
Listen, when we boil all of this stuff down to its bare bones, we find life and success is all about truly accurate thinking balanced with masterful DOING.
Remember those twins, as you move through life.
Til next time....
Sparkle in your endeavours!
Raja C. Hireker
Friday, March 10, 2006
Turning Our Own EDUCATION into a Lifeforce of Power
What? You've gotta be kidding me!
Tell me, have you ever seen a well educated person, starve?
And... on the other hand, have you seen a somewhat disheveled, unkept, illiterate looking person, prosper?
I have.
What on earth could be the reason for this unexplained phenomenon?
I mean, it seems as if the second person has every strike going against them, right? And... it seems as if the first person above should have everything going FOR him, true?
Well, if we take a closer look, we'll find that there are a few simple 'things' happening in the head of both sets of people.
What do I mean?
Well, for one, Mr Educated has a certain level of academia lodged in the centre of his heart, mind and sinews... that is mightily difficult for him to shrug off.
Why would he want to shrug it off?
See, we've all got belief's about things. About the way the world works, about the way we fit into the world, about our view of ourselves, about how educated we are...
The belief about OUR EDUCATION is what stops us from really discovering things, anew.
Let me put it this way: say you have a strong, firmly held belief that the only true way to make really good money is by working in a Bricks 'n Mortar business, 16 hours a day, 364 days a year with no time off (except Christmas Day or other festive hol) , no time to smile, to time to meet friends, no time to to do anything but the B & M.
Now, unless someone comes along and shows you ANOTHER POINT OF VIEW about making more money - quicker, easier, with less hassle, less headaches, less overheads than what's happening at present, you're going to cheerfully chug along believing your own point of view.
But, get this, there are people, EVEN WHEN SHOWN another simpler, working, profitable model, will hunker down even deeper and stick to their guns like it was glued to them forever.
That's what I call the hardening of the educational arteries.
So, going back to Mr Educated, we find that his ability to aspire in the academic world, is shockingly mis-matched with his ability to turn that EDUCATION into a profitable money making enterprise.
There seems to be a conditioning with really educated and academic based people that money should flow to them automatically. And that thinking is fostered because of the PATH OF EFFORT they've taken to get where they are.
I know 'PROFESSIONALS' who are literally, on the bread line, barely scraping enough dignity to muster on, and that's in any profession you care to mention. See, the problem about rusticating in one's own stale thinking is it helps the mind to spread this 'bad thinking virus' throughout the mental and physical body.
Do you know what? I'd say that it's probably better to be rough edged and rich, than educated and broke! But then again, that all depends on your EDUCATION in how you understand and apply that truth.
And oh, about that disheveled, unkept, illiterate looking person - what makes someone like that excel, is their ability to train their mind that there is no lack, and that ACTION is the ultimate key to ANY success.
Stay tuned... there's more controversy coming your way soon.
Raja C. Hireker
P.S. Don't forget if you're looking to train your mindset to get BIG MARKETING RETURNS, for tiny low investment, like... FREE, then hop on over to
Tell me, have you ever seen a well educated person, starve?
And... on the other hand, have you seen a somewhat disheveled, unkept, illiterate looking person, prosper?
I have.
What on earth could be the reason for this unexplained phenomenon?
I mean, it seems as if the second person has every strike going against them, right? And... it seems as if the first person above should have everything going FOR him, true?
Well, if we take a closer look, we'll find that there are a few simple 'things' happening in the head of both sets of people.
What do I mean?
Well, for one, Mr Educated has a certain level of academia lodged in the centre of his heart, mind and sinews... that is mightily difficult for him to shrug off.
Why would he want to shrug it off?
See, we've all got belief's about things. About the way the world works, about the way we fit into the world, about our view of ourselves, about how educated we are...
The belief about OUR EDUCATION is what stops us from really discovering things, anew.
Let me put it this way: say you have a strong, firmly held belief that the only true way to make really good money is by working in a Bricks 'n Mortar business, 16 hours a day, 364 days a year with no time off (except Christmas Day or other festive hol) , no time to smile, to time to meet friends, no time to to do anything but the B & M.
Now, unless someone comes along and shows you ANOTHER POINT OF VIEW about making more money - quicker, easier, with less hassle, less headaches, less overheads than what's happening at present, you're going to cheerfully chug along believing your own point of view.
But, get this, there are people, EVEN WHEN SHOWN another simpler, working, profitable model, will hunker down even deeper and stick to their guns like it was glued to them forever.
That's what I call the hardening of the educational arteries.
So, going back to Mr Educated, we find that his ability to aspire in the academic world, is shockingly mis-matched with his ability to turn that EDUCATION into a profitable money making enterprise.
There seems to be a conditioning with really educated and academic based people that money should flow to them automatically. And that thinking is fostered because of the PATH OF EFFORT they've taken to get where they are.
I know 'PROFESSIONALS' who are literally, on the bread line, barely scraping enough dignity to muster on, and that's in any profession you care to mention. See, the problem about rusticating in one's own stale thinking is it helps the mind to spread this 'bad thinking virus' throughout the mental and physical body.
Do you know what? I'd say that it's probably better to be rough edged and rich, than educated and broke! But then again, that all depends on your EDUCATION in how you understand and apply that truth.
And oh, about that disheveled, unkept, illiterate looking person - what makes someone like that excel, is their ability to train their mind that there is no lack, and that ACTION is the ultimate key to ANY success.
Stay tuned... there's more controversy coming your way soon.
Raja C. Hireker
P.S. Don't forget if you're looking to train your mindset to get BIG MARKETING RETURNS, for tiny low investment, like... FREE, then hop on over to
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Welcome to The Ride Ahead... And... Look Out For a Special Free Gift!
WOW! It's... Live!
In the space of 20 minutes, I was able to go from KNOW NOTHING ABOUT BLOGS... to... getting the FREE information I needed to allow me to post a 'blog' to the world.
There are plenty of things that one would call "miraculous", but this, this is simply... AMAZING!
In an instant... I'm an online PUBLISHER!
And I don't necessarily mean me. I mean that anyone... A-N-Y-O-N-E... can literally get themselves hooked up to a technology that'll allow them to reach hundreds, thousands, millions, billions, trillions of people... in any corner of the world... all at the mere click of a button.
Somehow, for now, it takes some sinking in.
So, what's this blog all about?
Is it just some crazed loon who's taken his only days holiday from the 'ASYLUM', and gotten hold of the controls of this giddy little techo vehicle?
Well, yes, could be!
But, how's about it's from some guy who has a deep connection with nature, has his own philosophy, but... who also has a little something to say about the quicksand the world's in...
And... how to haul oneself out of it, with grace, dignity, commonsense power and not giving two hoots what the rest of the world thinks about it!
And... let's not forget the looting that's going on by those bods, sitting in their high perky offices!
Yes, I'm ranting about those 'camouflaged marketing professionals' whose one idea of creativity is to have a full page ad where three quarters of it is... WHITE SPACE!
Yes, that's right. The words NOT in that white space, CANNOT sell anything to anybody! If you're a client and you're at the finanical end of such lunacy, I think you need to start sharpening the guillotine... TODAY!
Maybe it's me, I don't know. I probably missed the meeting when all the 'creativity' gongs were released. But that's okay. See, you're in a place where REAL MAGIC can actually happen.
I'm talking about the magic of transformation, from within. I'm talking about ridding the rubbish philosophy from the walls of our mind, and instead, decorating it with the beautiful lustre that'll make our lives... SPARKLE!
For that's all it'll take. A DECISION. And once made, to go through hell and high water to ensure that the decision stays, irreversible.
For that's what I'm about. Taking the keys of effective living, and applying it to marketing and growing a business, a career, a profession... A LIFE!
Will you let me share something with you, right here, right now?
Look, it's time for a little turning off of the internal dialogue meter and for you to focus TOTALLY on what I'm about to reveal below. And, whether you like hearing or not, I'm going to say it anyway...
And.... do you know what?
Everything in life that you or I do, is based and judged from that standpoint. Meaning... Can we sell ourself on what it is we want to do and accomplish?
Yes. Everything, E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G... stems from that seed! And that means... our choice of where we live, what we earn, what we want to do as a profession, the amount of cash we've stashed for a rainy day, how we communicate, how we love... everything.
Now let me tell you, if you live, love and cherishingly absorb and then practice what's just been written in those last few lines, then this would have been an enormously profitable blog of a free gift to you, right?
On that note - whatelse will you be able take away from this blog over the coming weeks?
Well, how about solving the messy subject of GOALS? Because... EVERY SINGLE GOAL you attempt, will be an instant, deadly fatal flop if you haven't got this little secret tucked nicely into your cranium...
What about the simple art of stringing together a number of words that can bring you anything you want, whenever you want it...
Or... how about the wild 'n whacky way in which you can turn sleep time.. into rivers of flowing ideas...
Not to mention the STEEL CAGE we all need to build around our fragile self-esteem, and... how to develop bullet proof immunisation to the shoddy criticism of self appointed hacks...
And about philosophy: Forget everyone elses philosophy on things... what's YOUR philosophy? What do YOU have to say about things? Isn't that worth finding out about?
Oh, musn't forget-there's a lot of good BREAD FOR THE HEAD out there. And... there's even more stale stuff hanging around, eager to rope you in. Trick is knowing what the best nourishment for the noggin is.
Stick around. Soon, you'll hear people accusing you of taking a course in commonsense for effective living!
...And that's just the tip of the iceberg! There's plenty more, coming your way.
Till next time.
And remember... ACTION is where the GOLD in living truly lies.
Raja C. Hireker
Coming, really really soon...
In the space of 20 minutes, I was able to go from KNOW NOTHING ABOUT BLOGS... to... getting the FREE information I needed to allow me to post a 'blog' to the world.
There are plenty of things that one would call "miraculous", but this, this is simply... AMAZING!
In an instant... I'm an online PUBLISHER!
And I don't necessarily mean me. I mean that anyone... A-N-Y-O-N-E... can literally get themselves hooked up to a technology that'll allow them to reach hundreds, thousands, millions, billions, trillions of people... in any corner of the world... all at the mere click of a button.
Somehow, for now, it takes some sinking in.
So, what's this blog all about?
Is it just some crazed loon who's taken his only days holiday from the 'ASYLUM', and gotten hold of the controls of this giddy little techo vehicle?
Well, yes, could be!
But, how's about it's from some guy who has a deep connection with nature, has his own philosophy, but... who also has a little something to say about the quicksand the world's in...
And... how to haul oneself out of it, with grace, dignity, commonsense power and not giving two hoots what the rest of the world thinks about it!
And... let's not forget the looting that's going on by those bods, sitting in their high perky offices!
Yes, I'm ranting about those 'camouflaged marketing professionals' whose one idea of creativity is to have a full page ad where three quarters of it is... WHITE SPACE!
Yes, that's right. The words NOT in that white space, CANNOT sell anything to anybody! If you're a client and you're at the finanical end of such lunacy, I think you need to start sharpening the guillotine... TODAY!
Maybe it's me, I don't know. I probably missed the meeting when all the 'creativity' gongs were released. But that's okay. See, you're in a place where REAL MAGIC can actually happen.
I'm talking about the magic of transformation, from within. I'm talking about ridding the rubbish philosophy from the walls of our mind, and instead, decorating it with the beautiful lustre that'll make our lives... SPARKLE!
For that's all it'll take. A DECISION. And once made, to go through hell and high water to ensure that the decision stays, irreversible.
For that's what I'm about. Taking the keys of effective living, and applying it to marketing and growing a business, a career, a profession... A LIFE!
Will you let me share something with you, right here, right now?
Look, it's time for a little turning off of the internal dialogue meter and for you to focus TOTALLY on what I'm about to reveal below. And, whether you like hearing or not, I'm going to say it anyway...
And.... do you know what?
Everything in life that you or I do, is based and judged from that standpoint. Meaning... Can we sell ourself on what it is we want to do and accomplish?
Yes. Everything, E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G... stems from that seed! And that means... our choice of where we live, what we earn, what we want to do as a profession, the amount of cash we've stashed for a rainy day, how we communicate, how we love... everything.
Now let me tell you, if you live, love and cherishingly absorb and then practice what's just been written in those last few lines, then this would have been an enormously profitable blog of a free gift to you, right?
On that note - whatelse will you be able take away from this blog over the coming weeks?
Well, how about solving the messy subject of GOALS? Because... EVERY SINGLE GOAL you attempt, will be an instant, deadly fatal flop if you haven't got this little secret tucked nicely into your cranium...
What about the simple art of stringing together a number of words that can bring you anything you want, whenever you want it...
Or... how about the wild 'n whacky way in which you can turn sleep time.. into rivers of flowing ideas...
Not to mention the STEEL CAGE we all need to build around our fragile self-esteem, and... how to develop bullet proof immunisation to the shoddy criticism of self appointed hacks...
And about philosophy: Forget everyone elses philosophy on things... what's YOUR philosophy? What do YOU have to say about things? Isn't that worth finding out about?
Oh, musn't forget-there's a lot of good BREAD FOR THE HEAD out there. And... there's even more stale stuff hanging around, eager to rope you in. Trick is knowing what the best nourishment for the noggin is.
Stick around. Soon, you'll hear people accusing you of taking a course in commonsense for effective living!
...And that's just the tip of the iceberg! There's plenty more, coming your way.
Till next time.
And remember... ACTION is where the GOLD in living truly lies.
Raja C. Hireker
Coming, really really soon...
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