Monday, August 14, 2006

The Shoe Lace Theory of Super Success

I've been privy to a few insights that'd shock most people.

The single biggest revelation I want to share with you is a secret little nugget that has to do with becoming rich, wealthy, successful.

Would you like to know what it is?

Well, the person who shared this with me said it so 'as a matter of factly' that it just breezed by. But look, it contains the raw ingredients to propel mediocrity, into super sonic aliveness and abundance.

And yes, the person who shared this with me is a multi-millionaire, and then some. The funny thing is that when I observe his behaviour, his habits, his attitude, it's just a seamless flow of magic. You can't even see the 'joins'.

It's a MAGIC that ANY OF US CAN EMULATE... if we're ready!

Okay, let me put you in the information zone right now.

What he said was - if the everyday working person knew how little we 'worked' and how less ardous we do it, they'd fall down in a heap! The average person works much harder, toils much longer for much less rewards than we do -

And, it's not the fact that millionaire's are 100 times smarter because they earn 100 times more. No. The key factor was that everything that millionaires do, is a learned process. It's a set of small skills, mastered and perfected.

Thing is, if some one can follow instructions and bake a cake, they can get really really rich. If someone can tie a shoelace, they can be mega successful. If some one can write and send an email, they can create an Internet empire.

Are you beginning to get the picture here?

If you really 'GET' it. I mean feel it deep in your wirey sinews, hook it in to your lumpy brain, tattoo it into the walls of your subconscious, you'll never be scampering around like a helpless dalmation ever again.

I fussed and kicked about learning microsoft frontpage (the software that allows one to create something that can then be published on the Internet)

See, I wanted to know the basics about getting connected to the world wide web. I didn't want to be at the mercy of any web designer or webmaster, since the one I was using turned his passion to other pursuits.

(Dunno why that name WEBMASTER has been given to them - though, the chap who put up a few pieces for me on the www was cool, hip and savvy - To me, it's like why are the drug dealers being called 'dons' and 'barons' and why are the people who smash up a country, called 'warlords'? I really don't know, I must've missed the meeting when all this was being set in stone)

Back to Frontpage...

I tinkered here and there with it all, and quite frankly, was a little hesitant about it all. But then, fell under the spell that all it was, was a few little 'shoelace tying steps' all joined together.

Somehow, that little analogy helped me overcome a lot of 'blockages' I had going on in my head. It all made sense. Although I've not got the whole web thing 'mastered' yet, the whole fear of it seems to have melted away like a hot knife cutting through a cold slab of butter.

How about you? Are there any 'obstacles' that are hampering you from creating your own PERSONAL BREAKTHROUGHS?

If so, take to heart the SHOELACE system of productivity and success!

Til next time,

Propsperous thinking and prosperous living.

Raja C Hireker

P.S Coming soon: A FREE, Valuable and Meaty, 7-Part Copywriting and Sales Thinking email course.