You Only Need Two Super Bullets for Creating Stunning Success...
Dear Friend:
If you're pretty good at doing the 'technical thing' of what you know, you're 50% on the way to riches. Though, the other 50% IS the golden key that'll propel you further than you've ever flown!
What am I talking about?
Well, it's what the universities, course providers, training institutes pay little or no attention to, whilst they're signing up people by the droves for the learning and teaching of the technical'.
Yes, I'm talking about that 9-letter word called MARKETING.
We humans as a collective, are a funny bunch. We strive to educate ourselves, but do little to turn that 'education' into money in the bank.
See, when you think about it, you probably know a lot of technically skilled people, good people, but, who are tottering on the edge of... BROKEDOM, right?
Is it possible that there are bewildered, broke and confused... LAWYERS, ACCOUNTANTS, DOCTORS, PLUMBERS, SPEAKERS, ENTREPENEURS...!!!.
Of course it's possible. And it's alive and kicking in every corner of the world you care to name.
All you need to do to prove that to yourself is to write a small ad in the local paper of the country of your choice, pick a category of business and for example, say something like...
"Attention Doctors: How to Get All The Patients You Want Who Will Gladly Pay You What You Ask. Call or Fax........."
I promise you you'll get a flood of interest from doctors who'd be crawling out from the most unexpected of places!
Look, people don't need another technical skill. We just need to know how to effectively market the skill we're sitting on.
But naturally, the grass is ALWAYS greener, isn't it?
It's true. Though saying that, here's the absolute BIGGEST lesson you should grab with both hands from this posting. It's this:
...If there's someone who's not doing merely ok, but who's stinking super successful in the category of business or entrepenurial endeavour that you're gunning for, then it's SOMETHING THAT YOU'RE NOT DOING that's putting you in the poorhouse!
Did you get that? I mean did you bite the full force of what's been handed to you?
See, the reason why many of us are in a daze, if truth be told - in a daze about our whole life - is simply because we're trying to pioneer something fantastic, blaze a new trail.. when all we need to do is follow someone who's already getting the results we want.
Sounds incredibly simple, I know. But, when you grab the full intensity of it all, you'll see it makes ABSOLUTE SOUND SENSE. But, do know what's holding us back? The thing that's dragging us ragged?
I know. It was true for me.
I know that I wanted to do this particular something (kept under wrapsfrom you, for now) that I had no idea how to do, but, I wanted to chart my own glory, get my nose bloodied, fall down all the gaping holes.
Found out the hard way. Galloped along what was... a sure path to misery.
I don't know if you've had this happen to you, but I sat and stewed on things, letting it fester around in my mind, control my life, sap my energy... when all I had to do was to see who's already doing what I wanted to do, and FOLLOW!
But see, that's where this ego thing kicks in.
It's like the ego comes to the front of the class, pumps up its chest and wants to do it all the leading. Though, all the while, secretly knowing that it's failing miserably but now CAN'T ALLOW the turnaround to take place.
Can you see what I'm getting at?
Because see, right there is what keeps a person... STUCK!
Thing is, once we're able to get out of our own way, leave the ego on the shelf, it leaves the pathway open for incredible opportunity.
So, whatever technical skill or ability you're sitting on - and some feel they've no technical skill whatsoever though I can prove to them otherwise - the ability to promote that technical skill is where the beauty of living and success lies.
Marketing IS the crowbar that can create dramatic leverage for anyone, anytime, in any business or industry.
Keep your eyes posted to this blog in the coming weeks and months as you'll be getting a feast of marketing ammunition and the thinking behind it all.
It's possible you'll feel quite feint at the impact that these bullets can have... as it'll show you what you've been missing out on in your life... AND... it'll help you create a future of prosperity that you'll be stunned at.
Till next time, warm living.
Raja C. Hireker