We can all be inspired. Continually so.
However, there comes a time to turn the tables and BECOME that inspiration source where others can bring forth their greatness... because of US.
Because, HOW LONG do we want to stay in the shadows. How long do we want to be inspired by others, when, with an instant choice of MIND, we can bring about that turnaround shift.
And yes, whether or not we think we can't inspire others by who we ARE, we're already doing it in some capacity.
Think about WHO has looked to you for guidance, for support, for friendship?
These people wouldn't be looking to you if they weren't inspired by you at some level.
And please note this very IMPORTANT note; one doesn't have to have a particular kind of upbringing, a particular social status, a specific kind of education, a particular family trait, a particular sum of money, drive a particular kind of car, live in a specific kind of house, have a particular network of contacts, live in the right country, speak with the right accent, know how to present like a pro...
You don't need the right kind of anything, to inspire others.
However, you do have to have one thing.
The ability to connect.
Because, without the ability to connect with others, your inspirational treasures will be unheard.
Your magnificence will go to waste.
And please, don't let that happen.
Don't go unheard.
Don't let the music still reside deep inside of you.
Bring it all out.
There are people all over the planet desperately looking to be inspired.
There are people 6 metres away from you, dying to be inspired.
Be that for them
Because, we've only a number of heartbeats left inside of us.
And when it's over, it's over.
Here's a young gun who is definitely letting his music come out.
Someone who IS more inspiring than most.