Given the chance to answer the question- most will mumble stuff along the lines of ample money, better relationships, good career... stuff like that, though said with out any conviction, meaning or excitement.
It's a rare bird that'll give you answers like happiness, fun, excitement, adventure, deep loving relationships.
Look at the public image icons touted as 'successful' - singers, sports people, officials, CEO's, leaders - most are successful in one or at most, maybe two areas of life.
But look deeper at what they're lives are REALLY like.
Most have relationship wreckages - maybe a public mask, and a true inner private mask revealing nothing but disaster.
Take those 'successful business or owners or company BIG CHEESES' --
They'll be the saviour of their enterprises, but the wreckage president of their marriages, relationships and communications with all those that were once dear to them.
"Success"... though at what expense? And at WHOSE expense?
See what you can get from this -
A man was headhunted by two powerful firms. One gave him half the salary the other was giving. They were both intense jobs, requiring huge amounts of time and jet hopping. As this man was divorced, it seemed to him that the more money option was the obvious one to make in light of his personal circumstances.
However, the recruiter from the company offering half the salary was really persistent and wanted to meet the wanted man. After a week there was a meeting scheduled. The day before the meeting, the recruiter phoned the wanted man and said--
"I'm sorry, I totally forgot, I'll be leaving to go on a business trip for a lengthy period of time and this is the last night with my family and I promised them I'd be having dinner with them... let's reschedule."
The wanted man put the phone down after that little conversation and took a deep breathe as he sank even farther into his soft leather chair.
The wanted man was divorced because he couldn't arrange his life around his most precious assets - his family.
And here was a powerful recruiting executive from this huge firm being open and direct about his most precious assets - and, he treated them exactly in that way.
The wanted man was so taken by what he experienced that after a few weeks he met with half paying company and... went to work for them.
Why, what happened?
The wanted man liked the culture and, he saw a demonstration of exactly how to maintain relationships - no matter how high up the ladder you are. So, with that in mind, he negotiated that he be flown once every fortnight to where his family lived and for those two days every fortnight, he would not be answering his mobile - no matter what.
He signed the deal, with his most precious assets, his family and relationships - being at the very core of his negotiations.
We can ALL revere our most precious assets - and demonstrate that through actions and behaviour rather than sentiments and wishing things were different.
Because... look at the ultimate price we eventually end up paying!
We can 'make it', without screwing up life. And it all starts with our own thinking as to what's really important to us... REALLY important!