Whether it's in sport, literature, entertainment, painting... artistry is artistry.
And we've all been in such presence of an artist because we can feel it, see it, experience it. It's what it DOES to us.
True artistry literally, takes your breath away. It leaves you speechless. Spellbound. Tearful.
I'd like to invite you to watch something.
But before that, please read what follows. It's important to what you'll witness.
The video you're about to see, shows the winner of Ukraine's Got Talent, 24 year old Kseynia Simonova. She's seen drawing a series of pictures on an illuminated sand table, showing how ordinary people were affected by the World War II invasion on her country.
Personally, I've never seen such creative artistry in any other shape or form.
Of course, you can make up your own mind.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Fearless Artistry
Watching an artist, a real artist perform their work, is nothing but magical.