Why not?
Just as our life momentarily changes when we take a new side road or a new route, so it is when we shift our minds.
If you've never read the WAR of ART by Steven Pressfield, do it. Your life can change... if you want it to.
There's one phrase in that book (in fact, it's only TWO WORDS) that has forced its existence into my mind.
What's the two words?
That's it!
That's what has me fired and fueled and looking at every aspect of my life in a completely different way than I would normally be doing so.
What changed?
I changed.
I changed my thinking about what's possible.
And of course, whenever there's a declaration about wanting change to happen, then naturally, there's RESITANCE waiting... just around the corner... looking to drag our sorry behinds, to where it belongs - normality and mediocrity.
Steven Pressfield says it like this --
"Resistance HATES it when we turn pro!"
I like that.
I really like that because it's so true and it's so full of common-sense insight that it's so easy for it to slip under our conscious awakened thoughts.
And here's something else that happens when we Turn Pro (and that's true for ANYTHING we care deeply enough about):
What happens is that we COMMIT. We play at a different level. We play for keeps.
That's what happens when we TURN PRO.
And when it comes to writing and getting things done, there's no messing about with a Pro.
Someone once asked Somerset Maugham if he wrote on a schedule or only when struck by inspiration.
"I write only when inspiration strikes, he replied. Fortunately, it strikes every morning at nine o' clock, sharp"
A Pro.
What's important is the WORK.
Not the excuses. Not the reasons. Not the inner idiocy. None of that.
What matters most is DOING THE WORK.
It's what separates the Pros... from the rest
The book, the WAR of ART - Breakthrough the Blocks and Win Your Creative Battles - Steven Pressfield... Get it. It'll change your life... if you'll allow it in and are open to it.
That's it!
That's what has me fired and fueled and looking at every aspect of my life in a completely different way than I would normally be doing so.
What changed?
I changed.
I changed my thinking about what's possible.
And of course, whenever there's a declaration about wanting change to happen, then naturally, there's RESITANCE waiting... just around the corner... looking to drag our sorry behinds, to where it belongs - normality and mediocrity.
Steven Pressfield says it like this --
"Resistance HATES it when we turn pro!"
I like that.
I really like that because it's so true and it's so full of common-sense insight that it's so easy for it to slip under our conscious awakened thoughts.
And here's something else that happens when we Turn Pro (and that's true for ANYTHING we care deeply enough about):
What happens is that we COMMIT. We play at a different level. We play for keeps.
That's what happens when we TURN PRO.
And when it comes to writing and getting things done, there's no messing about with a Pro.
Someone once asked Somerset Maugham if he wrote on a schedule or only when struck by inspiration.
"I write only when inspiration strikes, he replied. Fortunately, it strikes every morning at nine o' clock, sharp"
A Pro.
What's important is the WORK.
Not the excuses. Not the reasons. Not the inner idiocy. None of that.
What matters most is DOING THE WORK.
It's what separates the Pros... from the rest
The book, the WAR of ART - Breakthrough the Blocks and Win Your Creative Battles - Steven Pressfield... Get it. It'll change your life... if you'll allow it in and are open to it.