Yanking one's hair out because the kids are screaming... flying off the handle because of absorbing harsh words... experiencing heart pounding panic because of a lack of cash coming in... frustration and despair setting in because of an un-finished project or a job left undone... biting ones bankruptcy nails because of the chaos in the business...
It seems to be 'the way' many of us handle all the 'unwanted things' in life. And as a world collective, we're not 'trained' in any other way to deal with it all than what we currently, do.
Would you like a NEW way to look at the same situation? You would! Great. Because if you really catch this distinction and you make it an everyday way of looking of looking at things in your life, things'll change for you... rapidly.
So, frustration... hurt... fear... sadness... misery... sorrow... pain... worry... dejection... rejection... depression... are nothing more than a protest against reality. Against truth. Against what's real and what's occurring.
Now, quite simply, the more we kick and fuss and moan about reality and truth, the more out of synch and the more out of control we are.
I lose out on a big lucrative contract for the work I do. The 'normal' way of reacting would be to take it all seriously and get all analytical and all that. It may help to do that. For a while.
However, if I make it a continual practice of being committed to the process of misery, sadness and dejection... I'm playing into the game of what society, the media, those around say is... the right thing to feel.
You know, "there there, it'll be fine... just take your time... it's okay to feel bad about it all... doesn't matter that you're depressed, moody and can't cope, there are specialists who can deal with all of that... you've a right to feel like that, it's normal and natural..."
Now to me, that's kind of ... the WRONG way to do it! Now, that's my personal opinion and I can give you that opinion because I've been in that horrible, unwanted situation... so I'm speaking from the baseline of truth and reality.
And when I kicked against what occurred (truth and reality), I experienced an even deeper tantrum about what the heck was going on. It wasn't the situation that was screwed up, I was messed up. I messed up in the way I looked and dealt with the situation.
I tried to throttle the reality of the situation without understanding that I'm kicking against nature... the wind... gravity... old age. It's a hopeless conversation I entertain in the confines of my own head... again and again and again... just like a rerun of a thoroughly BAD movie. And my, doesn't it feel oh so comfortable!
I think I must have played the tantrum game against reality for a couple of decades... in one way or another.
However, when I realised that I'd been cheating myself, my family and the world out of the contribution I could make, turnaround happened.
And, a similar turnaround can happen for anyone... at anytime... anyplace... no matter what the kicking tantrum is all about.
So, the antidote to a protest, a tantrum against reality... is to get into creative action in order to serve others with the unique contribution we can deliver.
Now tell me... isn't that a more beautiful way to live... isn't that a more pleasant way to deal with the brewing storm that may be just over the horizon?