Tuesday, June 10, 2008

There's a Deliciousness in Completion

Have you ever felt so tired because there seems to be TOO MUCH TO DO?

Have you ever returned home, pooped beyond belief, because you've had a fatiguing day at the office or, in your own place of business?

Let me suggest to you that this doesn't happen to most people as a 'ONE OFF' occurrence - it's become
a way of life!

I used to believe in the 'GOT TO GET SO MANY THINGS DONE BEFORE THE DAY'S OVER' mantra.

I became a long time follower of the 'multi-tasking' madness idea that's promoted everywhere you can think of.

I could sense a burnout within, happening every single day, in all my moments.

I could sense that I was juggling too many things at once, without REALLY getting committed to the individual tasks or projects.

It was only when I chose to SLOW things down in my mind, did I see REAL RESULTS happen.

When in a conversation, that became the ONLY thing I did at the time. No tv watching at the same time, no email checking when on the phone - just pure attention to what's going on at the time.

When writing the various projects I'm doing, I just DO that. Nothing else. No other task. No checking anything else.

And, in this SLOWING down, I find that there's MORE WORK getting done, at a FASTER pace! And, the quality of the end result is so much better.

Strange, isn't it... getting more done by slowing down and BEING there, TOTALLY, and ONLY for that task, that project, that conversation, that programme, that person.

There's a delicious appetite to life when THINGS get DONE. Lovingly, caringly, with total attention, dedication and focus.

What about for you?

If you sense you're frazzled... feeling like you're carrying the whole world on your shoulders... find yourself staring down at too many unfinished projects... having short, meaningless conversations with the people who mean the most to you in your life, then it's really time to SLOW YOUR LIFE DOWN.

And when you do slow things down and really embrace what you've read here, you'll see you'll end up getting MORE done, have deep satisfaction in what you're doing... and... you'll enjoy a quality of life you thought was way 'out there' and would never happen for you.

Remember, there's a deliciousness in completion.

Raja C. Hireker

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