Here's the best example of focus, I've possibly seen.
So, I've dropped my children to school and I'm now in my car, waiting for the traffic lights to turn from red, to green. I'm adjusting the volume on the CD player and somehow, from the corner of my eye, I could sense this frantic movement and activity on the pavement, some twenty to thirty yards ahead of me.
And, I couldn't quite figure what I was concentrating on because there was a mass of people on the pavement, all going about their day during the hustle and bustle of the morning.
And then, somehow, I lost all that movement. It all seemed to have blended into that multi-coloured, swaying sea of humanity.
But, just like a rabbit throwing the fox off the trail, the chase starts again. And this time, I could see exactly what was going on.
A woman was on the run. All the while, she had a little baby, tucked under her right arm like a rugby ball or an American football.
And, with her left arm, she was steering and pushing... an empty pram!
Boy could this woman run!
This was now becoming must viewing.
I tracked her through the crowd, seeing her zip and engineer her way through the denseness like an Olympic runner. Quite frankly, I'd never seen anything like it.
I was thinking to myself that what on earth was going on here. Had she robbed a bank and the pram was her getaway vehicle. And if it was, why was it empty and what was the baby doing at the bank?
Or, had she snatched the child and then found out she'd been rumbled. So, before thinking about giving it all up, she decided to leg it, scarper for her life!
Oh, the drama we can all create!
Well, after those fleeting thoughts evaporated, I let my eyes travel a little further to the direction where the woman was heading.
And then it struck me; this lady, with small baby under her arm, running like a demon, fanatically gripping one of the pram handles... what she was doing was running to catch the bus!
Yes; this lady who was just unbelievable in her commitment and focus, was running to get on a then, stationary bus.
WOW!!... I thought; now that's what I call focus!
There was nothing else on her mind than to get that bus.
There's no gossip going on. There's no debating about things. She's not travelling in two directions at the same time.
One goal. One mission. One game plan.
And, did she get the bus?
Well, I can only speculate and say that if her intensity and her commitment of purpose and if her focus was anything to go by, then yes, I'd say she would've got that bus.
As timing would have it, my 'lights' turned green.
I was on the move.
I tried arching my neck behind whilst driving so I didn't quite see the end result.
However, the important thing was the total focus and the absolute dedication to... go for it.
How many women (or men) would've tucked their little child under their arm like that, run like that, steer a pram like that?
Not many.
It's amazing what we can accomplish when we focus!