Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Changing The Spirit - With Another Point of View
So isn't it refreshing to get away from all that, from all those... human toxic waste dumps?
Last couple of days have been powerful.
I'll explain:
I've recently interacted with a couple of people I haven't spoken to in a while.
After the call, or should I say near the end of the call, I get comments like these...
"Gosh, you've just spoken about things that were troubling me for a while now and you've given me answers for it...
I don't know, everytime I speak to you it's like there's a new motivation going on in my life...
I don't know what it is but when I speak to him, he just puts everything into place so quickly that his opinions on it is just remarkable...
Why do I tell you this?
Precisely for this:
Well all get stuck in a rut. All of us. It may not be with everything in our lives, but rut... YES.
Though, when one area of life is troubling, you can be sure it'll have a knock on effect on each and every other area of life.
We can ALL have our resistance to things, melt away when we get ANOTHER POINT OF VIEW.
And when we look at it, isn't that what all of life is, a POINT OF VIEW?
Nothing more. Nothing less.
Naturally, conflcit happens, within, and, outside ourselves... when TWO points of view COLLIDE.
And in most cases, there needs to be a collision of thought, of belief, of point of view, in order for life to move onwards and upwards.
For these two people I' talking about, they've had their point of view, their internal image, their beliefs... COLLIDE with my point of view.
I'm pretty focussed on challenging a person's point of view.
Not argumentatively, not confrontationally, not demonstrably...
However, I do do so with a straight forward, unwavering, unflinching 'assault' on what they hold on to as TRUE.
And I use the word ASSAULT as does Voltaire, when he says, "no problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking".
However, I take it a little further. I say and add "...and action..." to what Voltaire says.
I feel the more we can help people shred their disempowering beliefs about themselves and their lack of belief about their capabilities, then we certainly wouldn't shrug the tag of changers of spirit.
For that's what we are - changers of a person's spirit and showing people the source of their energy force within them.
And it's a powerful and responsible place to be.
Though, can people do it for themselves, change their own inner spirit and be the lifeforce they know they must?
Of course. Because when you look at it, each one of us eventually decides that 'here's what's up and here's what I'm about'. That'a the magic of change.
Another person can only facilitate, can bring it to the attention of others, can advise, mentor, coach....
But then, then, then.... through the power of one's ability to respond and choose, that's the time for a person to go to the other side - a place that's always been there, and the door's always been open.
It's just that many have not walked through it, unaided.
We all need that push. That word of help. The differing point of view.
An once we get it, we get to play like kids again.
And that's a magnificent place to be.
Now, isn't that a life worth living?
Raja C. Hireker
Friday, February 01, 2008
It's Tough Being a Successful Hermit!
Ever heard that line? Ever said that line?
I don't know what it is, but there seems to be this mad hatter craze for DIY... in all areas of our lives!
Not saying that personal accomplishment and achievement isn't character building or anything like that.
That's not the point.
But, here is the point -
If you could get somewhere a little quicker, if you could get something a little faster, if you could get to enjoy living life the way you really want to, sooner, rather than later, would you not want to find out how?
Seems a normal, logical, un-fancy question, right?
But see, there seems to be a big old resistance to getting help.
Maybe it's the pride thing.
Maybe it's the, 'that's how we were not brought up' thing.
Maybe it's the timidity in asking thing.
Maybe it's the, "I've been burnt through this all before" thing.
Maybe it's a whole lot of other things.
But see, I haven't met a happy, rich successful hermit... have you?
What does that mean?
Well, it means that if you want to live a fab life, we need to get the help of others.
Again, it seems too normal, too simple too commonsensical to think any different.
But let me tell you this, the number of people who struggle, struggle struggle, without budging, without relenting, without asking for help... is amazing.
But, what shouldn't be amazing are the results that show up in a persons life because of... GOING SOLO.
My son was recently awarded a scholarship for the next academic school term. Could he have achieved it all by himself, all by his own some... without the support, the environment, the helping and caring of others?
I'm helping a number of clients with their marketing promotions and their strategic thinking who've willingly called on me to help - could they have achieved it by themselves?
What about you... look in your own life. What are you doing for people who couldn't make things work in their lives without your help and effort?
And then...
Look at those who just seem to endlessly have a life of fragility, fatigue, bitterness... a life of no control...
Do you think these people are getting help in ways that'll move them from rut to riches, from sadness to success, from hell to happiness...
I think we all know the answers to that, right?
Self help is the best form of training a person can get to build inner strength, powerful confidence and practical living skills. That doesn't mean not going to outside help for assistance in areas we're not upto scratch with.
There's power in partnership.
Is there anyone you know who could use a helping hand, a kind word, a warm hug?
Why not perform a small simple action in their direction, maybe, today?
For all you know, they could be tearing themselves up inside and your simple action, could be the single biggest factor in bringing a delightful freshness into their lives.
They may have secretly been waiting for it.
Let's do it, let's swamp the hermits with kind loving gestures.Raja C. Hireker
Mind Motivation & Marketing